ANUNNAKI - - LUCIFER (Enki) Begat Second “Adam & Eve”

EnkiGenetic EngineeringZecharia Sitchin

LUCIFER (Enki) Begat Second “Adam & Eve”, ADAPA & TITI with 2 Girls Descended from the First “Adam & Eve”, ADAMU & TI-AMAT; Enki begat CAIN with Titi

by Enki January 4, 2018 0 comment

Excerpted from ANUNNAKI: LEGACY OF THE GODS–Techno-Savvy ET s From the Planet Nibiru Who Came For Gold, Created Us From Their Genome to Work the Mines, Posed As Gods, Decided to Let Us Drown, But Then Decided to Breed Us to Work For Them by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. & Janet Kira Lessin.




Until about 300,000 BCE, Enki, Chief Scientist of the Nibiran (ie Anunnaki) Goldmining Expedition to Earth, went North, to the Great Rift Valley (southeast Africa) to study an intelligent, fire-using primate, Homo erectus.  Erectus reasoned, freed animals from traps and communicated telepathically rather than with language.  Enki thought Erectus either evolved on Earth from Nibiran genes delivered when Nibiru invaded the solar system or Erectus devolved from Homo Sapien colonists on Earth long before 450,000 years ago, when the Nibirans arrived.  Erectus’ and Nibirans’ genomes differed only a few hundred (out of 30,000) genes.   Erectus would evolve in a few million years into Homo Sapiens.  He built a lab in Zimbabwe to speed Erectus’ development. [Cremo,: Forbidden Archeology; Devolution:-2 9 – 41;Genesis: 121; Giants: 16, 153]


Our Makers Wanted Us To Surpass Them

Sasha Lessin

Mar 24, 2015

The Anunnaki geneticists from the planet Nibiru, who, 300,000 years ago adapted their genome to Earth (they added a bit of copper, clay and a few Homo Erectus genes), wanted us to create a higher civilization than the one they came from. They came from a planet ruled by a king as a military dictatorship that emerged after a near extinction-level nuclear war. On Nibiru, only men ruled. The brilliant genetics team, father Enki, his son Ningishzidda and his sister Ninmah employed mainly Ningishzidda’s sperm and the mitochrondrial DNA of Ninmah and Enki’s wife, Damkina. In East Africa, Enki studied Homo Erectus, a hominoid terraformers had introduced to Earth a million years before the Anunnaki came here. He hypothesized Erectus’ genome as compatible with the Nibiran genome. He decided to instigate a mutiny among the Nibirans who worked the mines in Africa so he could test his hypothesis. He said, “Add Homo Erectus genes to the Nibiran genome and make mine-slaves.” Homo Erectus exhibited intelligence and compassion; Erectus kept releasing animals from the traps Enki made to capture and study Earth’s creatures. Our friendly Anunnaki geneticists succeeded. We do better than the Anunnaki already, several ways. “We have developed a self-sufficient and homegrown science; we have separated the powers of religion and that of the state; we have elaborated basic ethical values and codes of women’s rights, ethnic rights, minority rights, children’s rights that greatly surpass the faulty and failing ethics of our lords-made-gods. We have elaborated democratic and federal modes of governance, grounded in an independent law-code and setting constitutional rights for the citizens of a great many of the nations on Earth. “We are perfectly able, as individuals and as a global information and communication society, to fully understand what happened in the past and to move on to steer our own planetary destiny, along lines that will avoid the near fatal-errors, blinkers and shortcomings of those Anunnaki who, despite raining hardships upon us ended up, willful or not, giving us their best.”





At the mines in South Africa, miner-volunteers, who had signed up to dig gold on Earth to send to and save Nibiru’s air but instead spent decades groveling in the dirt of the mines, griped that boss Ennugi worked them too hard.

Ennugi radioed Enki in Zimbabwe, but Enki sided with the miners and slyly told them to shrink gold shipments, lure Enlil to the mines and trap him.  He planned to get Enlil to accept a plan for Erectus.  When the miners cut gold to Badtibira, Enlil sent Ninurta to investigate. Miners “were backbiting and lamenting, in the excavations they were grumbling.  ‘Unbearable is the toil.‘”

Call Enlil to the mines,” Enki told Ninurta, “Let the Commander see how the miners suffer.”

When Enlil and his Vizier, Nusku, arrived, “‘Let us unnerve Enlil,’ mine-working heros shouted.  ‘Of the heavy work let him relieve us.  Let us proclaim war, with hostilities let us gain relief.’  To their tools they set fire, fire to their axes they put.”  They held Ennugi hostage and, with tools as torches, surrounded the house Enlil occupied.

Enlil beamed Anu to shuttle to Earth and shoot the miners’ leaders and their instigator (implying Enki).

The miners wouldn’t say who led or incited them, but Anu felt for them.  Ninurta wanted new miners from Nibiru.  Enki said, instead, “Let us create a Lulu, a primitive worker, the hardship to take over, let the Being the toil of the Anunnaki carry on his back.  The Being that we need, it already exists.  All that we have to do is put on it the mark of our essence [genes], thereby a Lulu, a Primitive Worker, shall be created![Enki: 124 -127; Encounters: 347- 380]

Enki showed Erectus to Enlil and Ninurta, “Ningishzidda, my son, their fashioning essence [DNA structure] has tested; akin to ours it is, like two serpents it is entwined.  When with our life essence shall be combined, our mark upon them shall be, a Primitive Worker shall be created.  Our commands will he understand.  Our tools he will handle, the toil in the excavations he shall perform, to the Anunnaki in the Abuzu relief shall come. [Enki: 130]

Ningishzidda (Thoth, Kukuklan, Quetzlcoatl)








Enlil objected.  “Don’t create slaves.  Slavery has from Nibiru long been ended.  Tools are slaves, not other beings.”  Ninurta told Enki, “Make machines, not slaves. [Wars: 130]  Earthlings we create,” said Enki, “shall helpers, not slaves, be.”

Enlil shouted, “To create hybrid beings is in The Rules Of Planet Journeys forbidden.”

The early experiments with genetic engineering created many failures and some viable creatures–griffin, cyclops, merpeople, minotaur.

Enki and Ningishzidda serviced Erectus women but failed to impregnate them.  So Enki and Ningishzidda gathered their own seed, and, in test tubes, fertilized Erectus ova to create zygotes.  Then they planted the zygotes in Erectus women.  The first babies born of the Erectus women lacked vision, hand dexterity or internal functioning.  To beat these defects, Ninmah created the next zygote in a vessel of copper8 and African clay instead of a test tube.

But this zygote grew into a child who couldn’t talk. [The 12th Planet, 352]]

Then Enki planted a copper/clay vessel-grown zygote in Ninmah’s womb, rather than an Erectus’ or in an incubation box, to see if the baby Ninmah bore could speak.  “In the clay vessel the admixture they made, the oval of an Earth female with Anunnaki male essence they put together.  The fertilized egg into the womb of Ninmah by Enki was inserted.  There was conception.

“To a male child Ninmah birth was giving. Enki the boy child held in his hands, the image of perfection was he.  He slapped the newborn on his hindparts; the newborn uttered proper sounds.  He handed the newborn to Ninmah. ‘My hands have made it!’ victoriously she shouted.” [Wars 138 – 139] 

Adamu [“one like South African Earth’s clay”–a red shade], he had smooth, reddish brown skin and black hair (Nibirans, in contrast, were white-skinned and blue-eyed).  Adamu’s “malehood; odd was its shape, by a skin was its forepart surrounded, unlike that of Anunnaki malehood it was. ‘Let the Earthling from us Anunnaki by this foreskin be distinguished.’  So was Enki saying.” [Divine Encounters 47; Enki 139; Slave Species: 251]

Once she had Adamu, the prototype for the primitive worker, Ninmah radioed the Med Center at Shurubak; she needed seven doctors who’d volunteer their wombs to grow offspring of Adamu.  “‘His essence alone as a mold shall be!’ so was Enki saying.”  Ninmah and the women swore they’d love and support the babes they’d bare. [ZS, Enki 141]

“In seven vessels of the clay of Abzu [Africa] made, Ninmah ovals [zygotes which Ningishzidda’s and Enki’s sperm fertilized] of the two-legged females placed.  The life essences of Adamu she extracted bit by bit in the vessels she it inserted.  Then in the malepart of Adamu an incision she made, a drop of blood to let out.

‘Let this a Sign of Life be; that Flesh and Soul have combined let it forever proclaim.’  She squeezed the malepart for blood, one drop in each vessel to the admixture she added.  ‘In this clay’s admixture, Earthling with Anunnaki shall be bound.  To a unity shall the two essences, one of Heaven, one of Earth, together be brought.’  In the wombs of the birth-giving heroines, the fertilized ovals were inserted.”  Ninmah cut Adamu’s seven healthy boys from their wombs.  [Enki 141; 12th Planet: 352] 


To create a female, Ningishzidda planted another zygote, prepared with Adamu’s blood, in Damkina, and, when it grew to a viable female fetus, excised her.  Ninmah named the hybrid Ti-Amat (Mother of Life), a sandy-blonde. [Slave Species: 452]

Ningishizidda put ova from Ti-Amat into seven test-tubes.

He planted them in the same doctors who’d borne the hybrid males.  All the surrogate mothers carried female hybrids, which he removed surgically.   When he told the doctors he needed their wombs again, Ninmah objected, “For my heroines too burdensome is baring more Earthlings. Too few are the heroines to bare numbers enough to work mines.”

Enki brought Adamu and Ti-Amat to Edin but left the seven female and the eight male hybrids made from Adamu’s and Ti-Amat’s gametes together in an enclosure at his African lab. They copulated often, but the females didn’t conceive.

Nibiran Astronauts who again worked the mines threatened mutiny if Enki and Ningishzidda didn’t bring workers to relieve them.  Under pressure, at the Med Center in Shurubak, Ningishzidda compared Nibiran genes and genes from Adamu and Ti-Amat.  He found the genes for reproduction.  Nibiran females had a recessive XY chromosomal allele in their genotype whereas Ti-Amat had only XX.

To make the hybrids breedable, Ningishzidda anesthetized Enki, Ninmah, and Ti-Amat.  “From the rib of Enki the life essence he extracted; into the rib of Adamu the life essence he inserted.  From the rib of Ninmah the life essence he extracted; into the rib of Ti-Amat the life essence He inserted.

He proudly declared, ‘To their Tree of Life two branches have been added, with  procreating powers their life essences are now entined .’ [Enki: 148]

Enki, Ninmah and Ningishzidda hid how they’d altered Ti-Amat.  She and Adamu stayed in Enki’s Persian Gulf orchard, while her fetus gestated.  Ti-Amat made leaf-aprons for herself and Adamu.


Then, at Enki’s place in Iraq—Eridu-Basara—Ningishzidda secretly made Adamu and Ti-Amat breedable. “Enki, Ninmah, and Ningishzidda were not satisfied until they came up with a human couple who could be a match for their own minds and culture—who showed the same mental, emotional, and artistic potentials and abilities to learn and master scientific data and technologies that they themselves had. They wanted the new humanity to know everything about their origin and how and by whom they had been perfected and how they had mixed the Anunnaki genes with the hominid genes; and how much we resembled them in all matters except immortality.” [Hardy, DNA: 92, 94]

Ningishzidda anesthetized Enki, Ninmah, and Ti-Amat. “From the [stem-cell producing rib bone marrow] Enki the life essence he extracted; into the rib of Adamu the life essence he inserted. From the rib of Ninmah the life essence [stem cells from rib-bone marrow] he extracted; into the rib of Ti-Amat the life essence he inserted.”  Ninmah’s stem-cells sparked Ti-amat biologically to become conscious of herself before Adamu became self-aware. [Hardy, DNA: 108]

Ningishzidda “proudly declared, ‘To their Tree of Life two branches have been added, with procreating powers their life essences are now entwined.’” [Enki: 148]

Enki, Ninmah and Ningishzidda hid Ti-Amat’s newly-installed breedability. Ti-Amat and Adamu stayed in Enki’s Persian Gulf orchard while her fetus gestated. “Ti-Amat and Adamu, there at Enki’s settlement, developed “self-reflexive capacities.” Now conscious of soul connection in their sexuality, “Ti-Amat and Adamu awakened to higher consciousness. They discovered bliss in their sexuality.” Tiamat built little tables of branches and adorned her loins to celebrate her sexual awareness in a leaf-apron she made of leaves.[Hardy, DNA: 93, 108, 132]

When Enlil, visited Enki’s nearby place, he noticed Ti-Amat wore a loincloth of leaves while Adamu remained naked. Ti-Amat, proud of herself, spoke up and showed the Commander the apron she’d just made. Enlil made Enki explain. Enki confessed; Ti-Amat’s fetus would, in turn, breed. “The last bit of our life essence to these creatures you have given, to be like us in procreation knowing, perchance our [millions of years] life cycles on them to bestow,” Enlil roared. Enki’s team had exceeded Enlil’s okay to clone mine slaves in test tubes or with surrogate Nibiran mothers. Enlil arrested and tethered Enki.

      Enlil tethered Enki for giving Adamu and Ti-Amat consciousness and reproduction. Eve, who is conscious before Adam, has adorned her sexuality and shows she’s conscious of her source of pleasure. She’s staring at how neighbor Enlil came over and tied up Enki, her Dad.     

Enlil demanded an Anunaki Assembly trial and the “Nine Who Judge” sentence Enki for insubordination. [Hardy, DNA: 113,123]. Ningishzidda, however, mollified Enlil and the Commander released Enki.

‘My lord Enlil,’ Ningishzidda said, ‘knowing for procreation they were given, the branch of Long Living, to their essence tree, was not’ “ longevity gene or genes known to Enki [and Ningishzidda] was deliberately excluded from the human genome when the ‘mixing’ of genes took place.”

“‘Then let them be where they are needed,’ Enlil with anger said. ‘To the Abzu away from the Edin, let them be expelled.’ ” Enlil exiled Adamu and Ti-Amat from Iraq, despite “the fact that they were in the land of Enki, near his city of Eridu [Basara].”

After Enlil evicted Adamu and Ti-Amat from Edin, Enki knew the Commander would limit them. Enlil called him a snake, sliding his genetic program without permission. Enki reacted slyly. He started the secret BROTHERHOOD OF THE SNAKE for a few select Earthings whom he taught facts, technology, and advanced thinking. [Slave Species: 145]

Enki put Adamu and Ti-Amat in an enclosure in Zimbabwe. They bred with each other and with Nibirans.

In Iraq, around 290,000 BCE, Commander Enlil’s sons and the Nibirans who served them–the Enlilites–tended their own gardens and did their own home repairs, house cleaning and gardening. Then they learned that Chief Scientist Enki and his staff in Africa–the Enkiites–used hybrids they bred in Enki’s Zimbabwe compound not only for mining, gold processing and transporting but also for housecleaning and gardening. The Elilites nagged the Commander to get slaves from Enki for their homes and gardens too.

Enki resisted Enlil’s orders for slave; he wouldn’t send his hybrids to Iraq. Before the Enlilites’ demands for his slaves for Iraq, Enki had let the hybrids roam free in the wilderness; sometimes Ningishzidda went with them. But now, with Enlil’s sons agitating for slaves too, he built a wall around his workers’ homes to impede potential Enlilite raids.

Enlil appeased his sons’ lust for slaves, though he wanted none himself. He and Ninurta built “a powerful new weapon.” He cut communication with Nibiru so King Anu wouldn’t stop him from a raid then he sent Ninurta with the weapon and 50 Anunnaki raiders to Enki’s place in Zimbabwe. With the weapon, the Enlilites blew down the protective fence around Enki’s workers.

The Enlilites brought the slaves back to Iraq to work naked in mansions, gardens, orchards, and cities. Enlil even let Ninurta breed the slaves for now. All Anunnaki would soon return to Nibiru and leave Earth and its slaves.






In a few thousand years, “the Earthlings were proliferating. To be with the Anunnaki they were eager, for food rations they toiled well. Of heat and dust, they did not complain, of backbreaking they did not grumble. Of hardships of work the Anunnaki were relieved.”

In Iraq, the naked Earthlings worked, cavorted, copulated and bred. They slaved and foraged. Their numbers grew till they ran out of food. Enlil, angry Enki created fertile Earthlings, told him to teach them to feed themselves. Enki gave the Earthlings seeds, plants, and tame beasts. [Encounters: 47; Genesis: 201]

The Earthlings worked the African mines and submersible cargo boats that, in just ten days, brought the gold from the mines to Bad-Tibira in Sumer to smelt, refine and form into portable ingots for transshipment to Mars. “The vital gold to Nibiru was coming; steadily. Nibiru’s atmosphere was slowly healing.”[Lost Realms: 232; Enki: 151; Giants: 99]

Nibirans shuttled to and from Earth. They left Nibiru 13 to 18 Earth years before Nibiru got closest to Earth. When the rocket neared Earth, “it went into orbit around the planet without landing and released a shuttlecraft to land at Sippar’s spaceport.” Shuttles took gold Earthlings mined to and from the base on Mars. To return to Nibiru from Earth, Nibirans and gold flew the shuttle to rejoin the mother rocket. The rocket had 1.5 Earth years to catch Nibiru. [12th Planet: 282 – 271].

Nibirans gave Earthlings “food and shelter while they performed grueling tasks, the reason for which they did not understand. The stuff [gold] they were digging up had no value to them. They could not eat it, or use it in any way.” The Nibiran Royals, their staffs and the Astronaut Corps needed “a steady stream of fresh laborers for projects.”



One of Nibiru’s approaches upset Earth’s climate and ruined the new crops. Earthlings adapted and foraged afar but made less food. From 27,000 B.C., Earthlings’ standard of living worsened and they took again to the bush and cave-dwelling. “Following generations showed less advanced standards of civilized life. From 27,000 to 11, 000 the regressing and dwindling population reached almost complete absence of habitation.” Enlil prodded Enki to make them smart enough to farm and herd better. Enki decided to uplevel Earthling intelligence and, at the same time, enjoy himself. [ZS, 12th Planet: 5-6]

In his African reserve, “Enki in the marshlands looked about. With him was Ismud, his visier, who secrets kept. “On the river’s bank, frolicking Earthlings he noticed; two females among them were wild with beauty, firm were their breasts. Their sight the phallus of Enki caused to water, a burning desire he had. A young one to him Enki called, a tree fruit she offered him. Enki bent down, the young one he embraced, on her lips he kissed her. Sweet were her lips, firm with ripeness were her breasts. Into her womb she took the holy semen, by the semen of the Enki she was impregnated.” Enki then coupled with the second young Earthling. [ZS, Enki: 167 -168]

One of the girls bore a boy, ADAPA; the other, a girl–TITI. Enki kept his fatherhood secret. His wife, Damkina, “to Titi took a liking; all manner of crafts was she teaching. “To Adapa, Enki teachings gave, how to keep records he was him instructing.” Enki boasted, “A Civilized man I have brought forth. A new kind of Earthling from my seed has been created, in my image and after my likeness. From seed they from food will grow, from ewes sheep they will shepherd. Anunnaki and Earthlings henceforth shall be satiated.” [ZS, Encounters: 47 Enki, 168-170]


Adapa and Titi, Enki’s son and daughter, mated. Titi bore twins, KA-IN and ABAEL, the first ADAPite humans, humans with far more–due to Enki’s genetic infusion–Nibiran genes relative to Erectus genes than their mothers, the ADAMite girls Enki impregnated.

Enki schooled his (albeit clandestine) son Adapa. He ordered Adapa to teach his descendants–the enhanced Earthlings–to run farms, herds, estates, and less enhanced Earthlings. Enki brought more Earthlings from Africa to Sumer for Adapa to train for the Mission bosses’ homes and facilities.

Adapa worked, studied, pondered. He learned Nibirans ate the Bread of Life and drank the Water of Life to live hundreds of thousands of years. Without those substances, he’d die in mere thousands of years. He begged Enki for the Bread and Water, for immortality.

Adapa, “a busybody in charge of the services for which the primitive workers were brought over to the Edin, supervised bakers, assured water supplies, oversaw fishing for Eridu and tended offerings.” Enki, either with a device that changed reversed the wind that blew down the Persian Gulf to blow Adapa north in a sailboat or he sent Adapa in a rocket. A Spy told Enlil he saw Adapa speed North. [ZS, Encounters: 51 -55]


Enlil beamed King Anu on Nibiru: Enki changed Gulf weather to blow Adapa south. Anu sent his Visier Ilabrat to Earth for Adapa. Enki gave Ilabrat Adapa and sent his two unmarried Earth-born sons, Ningishzidda and Dumuzi, with Adapa to meet grandfather, Anu, and perhaps find Nibiran brides. Click the YouTubes of Tablet 8 of Enki’s book, then read on.

On Nibiru, King Anu asked Adapa why Enki changed the wind south and sent him down the Gulf. Ningishzidda slipped Anu a sealed tablet from Enki. Enki’s tablet said he wanted Adapa to breed more enhanced Earthlings. Enki confessed fathering Adapa and Titi with Earthlings descended from Adamu and Ti-Amat. Ningishzidda already knew, from Adapa’s DNA, that Enki begat Adapa and Titi. Enki asked Anu to send Adapa back to begat more hybrids, to father more ADAPITES–Civilized Humans.

The tablet asked Anu to deny Adapa food or elixir–the Bread of Life and the Water of Life–that would lengthen the lives of Adapa and his descendants.

The Earthlings descended from both Adam (Adamite hybrids) and Adapa (Adapites), Anu knew, descended from him as well. Enki and Ningishzidda–Anu’s son and son’s son–via their seed, passed Anu’s genes to the Earthlings, mixed with their DNA with Homo Erectus’ and created an illegal civilized species. Enki wanted Anu to deny Earthlings the seemingly eternal, lifespan Nibirans had, so the illegal species would stay long-quarantined on Earth.


Anu gave Ningishzidda grain seeds and told him to take them and Adapa back to Earth. “Adapa teach; with Enki, teachers of Civilized Man be,” said the King.


The Anunnaki are Homo sapiens like us but who live hundreds of thousands of years. They said they rocketed to Iraq 450,000 years ago from a planet called Nibiru to harvest gold to send back (via Mars) to Nibiru to powder into an atmospheric shield. They mined abundant gold in Africa until, 300,000 years ago, their miners mutinied. 

To replace the mutineers, Anunnaki geneticists created short-lived slaves, called Adamites, adapted from their own genome but modified with a bit of clay, copper and genes from an intelligent hominoid, Homo erectus (Bigfoot’s ancestor) already living in Africa. Two hundred thousand years ago, Enki, their Chief Scientist, begat a line of Earthlings called Adapites with two Adamite girls.

 Fifty thousand years ago Enki and an Adamite beauty begat Noah, who carried Enki’s longevity genes and ruled the Iraqi city of Sharuppak. Enki saved Noah and many of his subjects from the Deluge of 13,000 years ago. The Anunnaki had Noah’s people and other flood survivors proliferate and build cities in the Middle East and Egypt with up to 50,000 inhabitants.  

The Anunnaki ruled the new civilizations as gods with descendants of Noah’s sons as intermediaries. The Anunnaki gave us the best and the worst of planet-wide civilization–kings, historians, taxes, temples, priests, bicameral congresses, record-keeping, law codes, library catalogs, furnaces, kilns, wheeled vehicles, paved roads, medicines, cosmogony, cosmology, festivals, beer, food recipes, art, music, music instruments, music notes, dance, textiles, and multicolored apparel.

Sumerian schools taught mathematics, architecture, theology, writing, grammar, botany, zoology, geography. They displayed but did not pass on a world-wide energy grid, air, submarine and interplanetary transport vehicles and advanced computers. 

They also gave us hierarchy, misogyny, violence, greed, slavery, debt and war that featured genocide and weapons of mass destruction. 

In 2024 BCE Anunnaki ruined their eastern Mediterranean cities with nuclear blasts and fallout storms. 

Most of the Anunnaki returned to Nibiru by 311 BCE. But some stayed. They and their descendants (the power elite) rule us to this day. They and their spawn created and perpetuate exclusive, hostile nations and religions to keep us divided. They addicted us to credit institutions to keep us slaving.

 Their tales of their stay on Earth before they made our ancestors, as well as what our forefathers directly saw, imprinted us with the values of their hierarchic, male-run, master-slave-enemy mentality. We assumed values of extraction, pollution, monetary monopoly and obsession with gold. 

The genetics team that created us also gave us the capacity and preserved the histories Sitchin and others translated so we can overcome the liabilities they left us. 

Recently, Anunnaki Royals returned to Earth, joining Enki and those who remained. The returning Anunnaki pledge to end the era of Marduk’s control on Earth (Kali Yuga), make sure he makes amends for the suffering he fostered here to secure his control, and usher in the Age of Enki (Aquarian, Satya Yuga). 


Here's What Nobody Told You About Adam And Eve


Apr 27, 2019 #Genesis #Bible #AdamAndEve

It’s one of the most famous stories of all time, but the biblical account of Adam and Eve has left people, both religious and irreligious, with a lot of questions. While plenty of Christians and Jews don’t take the story literally, those who do have had debates about everything from belly buttons to natural childbirth over the years. In addition, one group of people decided that Adam and Eve weren’t actually the first people, but just the ones God chose to rule over the others, which ended about as predictably as you’d expect. Let’s take a look at some things nobody ever told you about Adam and Eve. #AdamAndEve #Genesis #Bible The two creation stories | 0:00 Was Eve made from Adam's… what? | 1:18 The belly button question | 2:13 The mysterious forbidden fruit | 3:18 No pain meds for sinners | 4:20 The pre-Adamite movement | 5:31 The Garden of Eden has been everywhere | 6:26 Literal belief in the story | 7:34 Who were genetic Adam and Eve? | 8:39 Read Full Article:







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