ANUNNAKI - - Atu-waa - The Anunnaki Time Re-Starting Device


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by Amitakh Stanford

(republished from the Nara site)

from Xee-ATwelve Website

Spanish version







by Amitakh Stanford

(republished from the Nara site)

from Xee-ATwelve Website

Spanish version







The Secret Anunnaki Atu-waa

12 June 2005

Things on this level are not always as they appear to be.


For example:

The battle over Jerusalem is an alien diversion.


It is now time to reveal this information. For a long, long time, The Earth has been regarded as insignificant in the scheme of things. Many see it as a place of schooling for the "soul", which is another alien deception. 

The Vulturites and the Reptilians were once like family, but the "family" began bickering, and they broke off to form their own empires a long, long time ago. These are the two most formidable Anunnaki races in the Cosmos, and both are vying for supremacy over the other. All other alien groups are basically pawns, caught in the middle of the Reptilian/Vulturite struggle for power.

Before the schism occurred, the Reptilian Anunnaki Elite would re-start time whenever things got too far out of control. The place where this took place was on their home planet, Nibiru, which orbited a star called ZAOS. The Anunnaki Elite realized that their planet and star were in a precarious situation long before they were destroyed. Therefore, they re-located the time re-starting device (called atu-waa) to a very remote planet that had virtually no technology. That remote planet was Earth.

But for the re-location of the atu-waa to the Earth, this planet would still be an insignificant, primitive world. Before the Anunnaki Elite selected Earth for the atu-waa, the planet was an unimportant, disposable celestial body that was used as a dumping ground for alien convicts, space garbage, and other trash. 

The Jews claim to be the chosen race of Jehovah, but what have they been chosen for?


In reality, the first Jews were a special race, specifically "created" to perform a particular role for the Anunnaki. It would be very difficult to trace any of the original Jews today as many of them now are in bodies of other nationalities. A large proportion of them are amongst the ruling elite of the Earth. These can be Israelis, Scandinavians, Germans, Asians, Britons, Americans, Africans, Palestinians and other Arabs etc. The original Jews were of the Jewish essence - it had nothing whatsoever to do with bloodlines. They are more properly identified as Zionists. 

Many Jews today claim to have rights to Palestine because they believe that their God, Jehovah, has given them the land. This right to this land is contested by many Palestinians, who believe that Allah has prepared the land for them. Many Jews and Palestinians passionately regard the land and many of its sites as holy. Many Christians also regard much of the land as holy. These irreconcilable claims have created very sensitive issues and have resulted in centuries of bloodshed over the land.

Sadly, the whole Jewish/Christian/Muslim conflict over Palestine was contrived by the Reptilian Anunnaki Elite a long time ago as a diversion to keep people from suspecting where the real important sites are in the Middle East. Jerusalem and Mecca are Anunnaki-chosen diversion spots to keep people's attention away from critical places east of the Jewish/Christian/Muslim Holy Land.

The ruling elite on Earth have been very harsh on any philosophies, thoughts, ideals, religions and other practices that originate from places now known as Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan. This includes the persecution and distortion of Mithraism, Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism etc. This by no means indicates that all philosophical and religious thoughts that originate from these areas are of the True Light. The main reason that things from these areas are harshly resisted by the ruling elite is because of something else that they do not want anyone to focus upon. 

Even today, on the physical level, all the problems surrounding these areas can be credibly explained away by socio-political-economic reasons. Petroleum is one of the main credible factors used to explain why the ruling elite are after these areas.


The latest guise being used is the fight against terrorists and the search for Osama bin Laden. Whatever guises the ruling elite use to obfuscate the struggles in and for these areas, there is a real reason for them. Most of the people and countries involved in these struggles are caught up in the physical "reasons" (the diversion) and are not aware of the real reason.

The Garden of Eden is not an unfounded myth. It was created by the Anunnaki Elite as a posh prison to house certain high-ranking Anunnaki prisoners. Being a high-security area, it was the perfect place to re-locate the atu-waa. The location of the atu-waa is different from the location of the aperture, which is different from the energy source that I wrote about in Anunnaki and the Coming of the "Sacred" Cross.

When they invaded Iraq in 2003, the Vulturites were after the lost word of the Freemasons, the atu-waa, and the "power point" from where the atu-waa could be activated. They were not looking for weapons of mass destruction at all.


They believed it was so urgent to conduct the search that they did not even bother to plant WMD in the country before invading it. In fact, if the Vulturites had planted WMD, then they would have had to cease their searches when they were found. That is why such extensive searches of vans, trucks, tankers and anything that could transport the items were carried out. They also looked in museums and many secret underground facilities. That is why the palaces were specially targeted for searches. 

To digress here, when Hitler was running amok in Europe, the ruling elite were relatively unconcerned until he turned his attention to the Middle East, at which point, Generals Patton and Montgomery were unleashed with such a fury that the allies suddenly gained full control of the situation. Prior to that release, Hitler's Germany appeared to be invincible. When Hitler went for the Persian Gulf, his empire crumbled - it was like a paper tiger doing a job for the ruling elite. 

Throughout history, three major religions appear to be in conflict and competition for Palestine. These are Judaism, Christianity and Islam. These appear to be at odds at various times in history, and yet, at other times, they appear to complement one another. The Christian Bible brings in the Torah and incorporates it into modern-day Christian thought.


The Koran incorporates Mary, Jesus, Abraham, Moses, Solomon and other Jewish/Christian personalities. The Koran even implies that Christians and Jews are able to enter heaven like the believers (Muslims). Both Jews and Muslims view pigs as unclean. Yet, the Crusades appeared to be Christians versus Muslims. This, like many other events surrounding these three religions, was another diversion. 

All the major religious movements are distractions that are sponsored by the ruling elite to serve their purposes.

In reality, people are programmed to act as they do. Although Judaism/Christianity/Islam appear to be in conflict, they are not. They, like all the other major religions, are serving a very specific purpose for the ruling elite.


The perceived, unending conflicts are designed to confuse and segregate people so that there will always be strife, conflict, distrust and war. The ruling elite know that it is imperative that people perceive these religious conflicts to be real so that the diversions are not seen through. 

For instance, today,

The key lies in and around the Persian Gulf. 

When discussing this key, it is unavoidable to bring in the alien wars. What I am about to discuss is for people who have open minds. It is not for the skeptics and those programmed by the ruling elite, as they will probably never be able to see through the programming.

I will repeat here that the Reptilians are a cunning, hedonistic, chauvinistic, powerful race of Anunnaki. They have had the upper hand for so long that they are getting very cocky. In their arrogance, they think they have everything under control, just as they have in the past. They have controlled the re-start of time on many occasions, and always set it up so they were on top. They have controlled the atu-waa for a long, long time.

The Vulturites appear to be hot-headed, vicious and brutal.


This has been their trademark, so to speak. The Reptilians have long held an edge over the Vulturites because the latter were so predictably brutal. However, the Vulturites have learned some cunning tricks of their own, and the Reptilians have carelessly underestimated their main opponents. The Reptilians miscalculated the Vulturite resolve to obtain and hold Iraq at almost any cost. 

When the Reptilians turned over the U.S.A. to the Vulturites, they expected the Vulturites to brutally attack other countries without purpose or focus. But, the Vulturites were prepared and they went for Afghanistan and Iraq, and now have their sights on Iran. Although they are involved in many other conflicts around the world, and sabre rattling at places such as North Korea and Cuba - these are diversions. 

The Vulturites are after the atu-waa. They do not mind being perceived as brutal, deceptive and ambitious. They do not mind being hated, as they are. They have a single purpose, which is to get the atu-waa.

The Reptilians have moved the atu-waa around the world. It has been to many places in recent years, all of which were under Reptilian control at the time. The places include: Tennessee, U.S.A., Australia, Congo, Gibraltar, Vietnam, Israel and Iraq. It was last moved to Afghanistan, near Kabul. 

The Vulturites are unaware that the atu-waa is non-functional at this time. The Reptilians have kept this information from the Vulturites and everyone else. There is a missing "part" that contains the "codes" to activate the atu-waa. This is not a physical thing. This is the part that I confiscated from the Reptilians a long time ago, after the last re-start of time. This is what Ata-i-lek is so furious about and is trying to dislodge from me by any means, including flattery, cajoling, threats, force and deception. It is a catch-22 situation for the Reptilians. That is why I am still here.

Incidentally, two new apertures have recently appeared near my home. One of them appeared in my favorite garden. I have seen Ata-i-lek using one of them. Alex was guarding both of the apertures full time. Pearl has temporarily taken over Alex's duties.


One morning, one of our dogs accidentally wandered into one of the apertures and disappeared instantly. She had been curious about this spot for some time. We had to call her back until she stumbled back through the aperture from the "other side", reappearing very suddenly and very dazed from the ordeal. We have seen this happen to other animals, including our horse.


They walk into the aperture and suddenly disappear before our eyes, only to reappear again suddenly. All have come out of the experience looking dazed. Needless to say, Ata-i-lek is up to somethingwhen he comes here.

Many are following the Mayan calendar and mistakenly believe that the end of time is 2012. Those in the know have gone along with this date for a very important reason. It is now time to reveal that time must be re-started in 2008. The year 2012 was another misdirection by the Reptilians to keep their opposition and ordinary people less focused and more complacent. It was also designed to misguide the opposition in their plans. It was important that the date of 2012 was believably close to the actual date of 2008.

If time is not re-started in 2008, it will not be the end of time. Things will just take their own course, and the Cosmos will eventually wind down in a natural "death".

After the last re-start of time, the Amoebas ejected the Anunnaki Elite from the Earth and cordoned off the planet. The Anunnaki Elite carefully guarded the activating code for the atu-waa, and they took it with them as they left the planet. The Anunnaki Elite have attempted to break the blockade on many occasions, but have failed each time.


When the Anunnaki Elite realized they could not break the Amoebas' blockade, they tried to send the activating word through the subtle. Their last attempt was when Solomon was king of Israel, and the code was transmitted in three parts to King Solomon, King Hiram and Hiram Abiff.


Solomon wanted the power for himself, and his ambition resulted in the failure of the Anunnaki Elite's last attempt to re-activate the atu-waa. See: The Real Secret Word of the Freemasons

At the time I presented The Real Secret Word of the Freemasons, I used the term of "mor-bon-zi" as the substitute word used by modern-day Freemasons for a definite purpose. The actual substituted word is "ma-ha-bon". There is a very important reason why I did that. All Freemasons should have recognized my alteration of the substitute word, and those in the know would have suspected that there must have been a good reason for doing it.


Further, it was critical that I altered the first two syllables of the ACTUAL lost word of the Freemasons in the article. I did this for a purpose. It is the information about the word that was important to release, not the actual word. It was necessary to obscure the actual word. Ata-i-lek is currently searching the Vatican library for this word, hoping that it has been recorded somewhere. 

This word is the code that is like an important device that holds the control of the atu-waa. In the wrong hands, it is disastrous. It has been in the wrong hands for a long, long time.

Since the Reptilians underestimated the cunning and resolve of the Vulturites, they have their hands full protecting the atu-waa from the advancing Vulturites, who know that the device must be activated in Iraq to re-start time. 

The Reptilians are not fully ready to launch a "conventional" war against the Vulturites yet, but they are in panicked preparation for one. They are secretly mobilizing with great rapidity and intend to strike.

The Reptilians "flexed their muscles" by causing the Indian-Ocean tsunami on Boxing Day 2004. They mistakenly thought this would frighten the Vulturites into submission. It had the reverse effect. The Reptilians murdered tens of thousands of people to try to shock the Vulturites out of their quest, but the cunning Vulturites are so resolved that they have treated their lost positions and people in the wake of the Indian-Ocean tsunami as "pawns" of warfare. 

Since the Reptilians are unable to successfully wage "conventional" war upon the Vulturites as yet, the Reptilians plan on striking the heart of the Vulturite stronghold by launching another tsunami and other "natural" disasters that will devastate much of the U.S.A.

The First Major Cataclysmic Event has eventuated. The Second Major Cataclysmic Event is drawing closer.

Some aliens are trying desperately to flee the Earth at this time. Their efforts have caused a lot of ice to melt in Antarctica and other places, along with a host of other problems. What they do not realize is that if time is not re-started from Earth in 2008, the whole Cosmos in the Virtual Reality will be affected too. 

Please note that my postings could end abruptly. I have released enough information and energy to assist you in the upcoming turmoil.

Always remember, NEVER give your WILL over to Darkness.


Darkness can harm your body, but It cannot touch your WILL unless you give it over to Darkness.

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The Atu-waa Was Moved

as the Reptilian Ruling Elite and the Vulturite Ruling Elite Clashed

21 September 2005

My last posting entitled Alien Eyes Guided Hurricane Katrina has caused a stir with the ruling elite.


Immediately after the article appeared on the internet, our phones were disconnected from a remote site - the outage lasted for several days. Further, the website has been knocked down repeatedly, often several times a day. While other articles I have written have caused annoyance to the ruling elite, the last posting is in a class by itself. One might wonder why my article describing how aliens were behind Hurricane Katrina's assault on New Orleans affected them so much!

Yet, the ruling elite has allowed relatively free distribution in the alternative media of the theory that Hurricane Katrina was an attack on America by Russian weather-control technology. The Russian weather-control story is indeed beneficial to the ruling elite's agenda. This raises many questions! 

To sort out why the "human-manufactured" hurricane is acceptable whilst the "alien-engineered" hurricane is taboo, one needs to remember that the ruling elite has covered up signs of alien activities for many decades. It uses several techniques and its own media to scorn, scoff at and ridicule various observations of alien activities, whilst simultaneously flooding the media with propaganda that confuses the public and sways beliefs and thoughts towards skepticism of alien existence, or which gears beliefs in certain directions about aliens.

Aliens now influence or control all nation states on the Earth. Most of the governments are either predominantly influenced by Reptilians or by Vulturites. These are the two main groups vying for supremacy. They appear in all major political parties around the world. 

Whilst the Republican Party in America is currently a Vulturite-influenced party, it is heavily infiltrated by Reptilians, who can often take important leadership roles, and even become Republican presidential candidates. Likewise, the Democratic Party is currently a Reptilian-influenced party that is heavily infiltrated by Vulturites. Today, in America, there is a lot of conflict because of these entanglements and the relative strengths of the two major alien groups. 

When one alien group takes full control of a nation, both the opposition and the government will be of the same ilk - that is, either Reptilian or Vulturite. When this happens there is only show fighting because both parties are working for the same alien master.

Whilst most people assume there is a single group of ruling elite on the planet, this is not so. IN FACT, THERE ARE TWO MAIN GROUPS OF RULING ELITE IN THE WORLD. These groups consist of people who are influenced by Reptilians and those who are influenced by Vulturites. In other words, the two main groups of ruling elite in the world are vying for dominance of the Earth. That is why there is so much contradiction and conflict on the planet about various matters.

The ruling elite from both camps dominate all important fields (medicine, education, law, science, politics, technology, ecology, commerce, finance, military and other areas). Therefore, there are constant clashes within and without the fields of operation. 

The two groups of ruling elite represent evil fighting evil.

On Earth, Reptilian-sponsored people are constantly being bombarded by Vulturite attacks on the physical and subtle levels. These attacks can result in headaches, other bodily pain, accidents, annoyances, obstructions, traps, set-ups, slanders etc.


Of course, not all events are due to alien attacks, but many are. One characteristic of alien attacks is that the attacks can be readily explained away with physical-mind reasoning that appears to offer rational or scientific explanations. Hence, people are being deceived. 

Both main groups of aliens have agents in human bodies who carry "poison" and distribute it wherever they go. The particular "poison" can cause physical illness in those affected. It can also cause accidents, epidemics, strange phenomena, depression, anxiety, doubts, despair, fear, friction, loss of energy and other negative occurrences. There are also alien agents who are energy vampires - these may or may not inject "poison" whilst they steal energy. 

Hence, Vulturite-sponsored people are constantly being assaulted by Reptilian attacks whilst Reptilian-sponsored people suffer from Vulturite attacks. For those of the Rescue Mission and other Light Workers, there can be attacks from both major alien groups and all of their subordinate groups such as the Greys, Masa-karas, Wagools etc. This is not supposition. It is how the world works. Anunnaki propaganda from the astral world wants searchers to believe that the Earth is a classroom for learning lessons. This is false; the truth is that the Earth is a battlefield.

Currently, the U.S.A. is a Vulturite-influenced nation and Russia is a Reptilian-influenced country. Therefore, it suits the American ruling elite to allow circulation of the theory that Russia attacked America with weather-control weapons.


With their respective alien influences in mind, it becomes clearer as to why the Russian government and the American government are at odds with one another at this time. However, the Vulturite-influenced American ruling elite, along with all the world's ruling elite, regardless of whether they are Reptilian- or Vulturite-influenced, have a primary strategy of keeping alien involvement on Earth a secret from humans.


This secret is kept for many reasons.

Whilst many of Earth's scientists and other theorists are still locked into the possibility that the universe began as a dense unintelligent mass of matter that exploded out and randomly spread out into galaxies and solar systems and thereafter developed intelligence as it evolved, more and more of them are beginning to accept that there is an Intelligence behind the formation of the physical universe. 

Some skeptics are realizing the absurdity of something huge evolving from something that is minute. Many evolutionists place humankind at the top of the evolutionary ladder, and claim that humans will mutate and evolve into greater and greater intelligences. Not only is this claim exceedingly arrogant, it is basically absurd. How can any thinking person believe that the Earth is run by a lesser intelligence than a single human being, or that the entire solar system is less intelligent than one human being? 

Any reasonable reflection tells a thinking mind that the solar system runs in a very predictable order and is anything but random. All of the planets maintain regular rotations and orbits. It is very obvious that there is something directing the motions of the planets. That something has to be an Intelligence far beyond the comprehension of every human mind on Earth.

This Intelligence has planned and created all there is around the universe(s) and superimposed this upon the True-Light Creation. The plan of this Intelligence is very complex and detailed.


The characteristics of every atom have been programmed by the Intelligence to bond together to make larger bodies. Likewise, the properties of every planet have been carefully programmed into them to affect things on those planets and the others of the solar system. Astrologers have been able to observe and predict the many complex influences the various planets have upon Earth and its inhabitants. However, astrologers have generally avoided the "why" question about the properties of celestial bodies and interaction of their respective energies. The answer to the question is that the Intelligence programmed the properties into the planets to serve Its own nefarious purposes.

There is a tremendous amount of empty space between the planets of a solar system. On the micro level, there is also a tremendous amount of empty space between atomic parts of physical matter. This is all part of the Intelligence's illusion of vastness. 

All of the orbits of every planet are in a particular state of decay - every one of them would fall off their course if something did not keep them aligned and moving continuously. Likewise, all atomic particles are in a state of decay. On the macro and micro levels, the Intelligence has created what appear to be complex, inter-related, perpetual-motion machines. 

However, they only appear to be in perpetual motion. Everything in the material world decays and can only continue until it winds down. The universe is winding down. It has wound down many times in the past and each time it has been re-started. Just like humans, the universe, too, has its own lifespan. 

As a universe reaches the end of its life, things begin to go awry. Planets start to wobble, stars burn out, celestial bodies become less predictable in their movements and other signs of deterioration become apparent. It is at that point that the universe needs a re-start. 

As I have mentioned in other writings, the Intelligence has appointed the Anunnaki as Its agents to bring about the re-starts when they are due. The Anunnaki have kept this information within a very small circle of Anunnaki Elite. This small group is phonetically known as the Waah-haalu. The Waah-haalu were the only ones who knew how to operate the atu-waa. Needless to say, this small group held an enormous power over every being in the Virtual Reality.

For a long time the atu-waa was kept on the Anunnaki home planet of Nibiru until that planet was in its final days. When the Waah-haalu re-located the atu-waa to Earth, suddenly, a remote, insignificant and primitive planet became a very important place to those who were aware of the atu-waa

When the Rescuers of the True-Light discovered the atu-waa on Earth, they disabled the device. After many severe confrontations, the Rescuers were able to separate the atu-waa from the Waah-haalu. Eventually, the Waah-haalu fled the Earth. Ever since, the Waah-haalu have been unable to return to the Earth because of the tight, complex security the Rescuers have placed around the planet's entry points.

Most of the Anunnaki Remnants on Earth are awaiting the return of the Waah-haalu, whom they believe will be able to activate the atu-waa and re-start time before the Virtual Reality breaks down completely.


Since the Waah-haalu know they cannot return, they attempted to send a code to King Hiram, King Solomon and Hiram Abiff, but their attempt failed. Some of the aware Freemasons are still seeking the lost code that they refer to as the "lost word".

The Reptilians, who are members of the Anunnaki Remnants, currently possess the non-functional atu-waa. The Waah-haalu have not been able to pass on the operational code to the Anunnaki Remnants on Earth - in fact, the Waah-haalu have since lost the code. Therefore, even if the Waah-haalu were able to return to Earth, they could not operate the atu-waa. There is now only one being who possesses the "code" to the atu-waa.

The atu-waa has been moved many times in the past by the Anunnaki Remnants. It is a complex manoeuvre to re-locate it.


The unsuspecting Vulturites are still searching in the Middle East for the atu-waa - their Middle East search is in vain.


Times are very tense because the two major groups of aliens are vying for the atu-waa and hope to be the next generation of controllers of the Virtual Reality. It is for this reason that otherwise rational-appearing people who control weapons of mass destruction are very dangerous.


Beware! The talk of peace is only lip service - the two major alien groups are on a war footing!

The Reptilian/Vulturite battle for supremacy has so consumed the aliens that they are involved in an insane war of evil versus evil - and all those in their vicinity are forced to suffer the consequences.

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The Atu-waa - The Critical Tool for Maintaining Darkness' Virtual Reality

25 September 2005

Weather conditions around the world are destabilizing. Some of the "freak" storms are natural, while others are staged.


The natural ones have grown in intensity because the Earth is fracturing and also approaching the end of its grand cycle. What we are witnessing now is only the beginning of what is to come.

The prevailing weather anomalies fall into three main categories:

The staged weather events often ride atop natural ones, and build on them so that everything appears normal.


The staged ones are then directed to particular areas to do whatever damage they can. The first few staged ones are more to observe how the people in the affected area react, and how those of the world react. They are also meant to prepare people to follow evacuation orders and demands. The storms also discourage people from residing or relocating to the devastated areas. Many of these areas that are being evacuated have been "reserved" by the ruling elite for other purposes.


The ruling elite are also assessing how well their police, military and civilian personnel handle the situations.

The American ruling elite were not prepared to observe the plight of their subjects when Hurricane Katrina struck - they were caught by surprise. However, staged weather events are different. There is a build up to the event, and orders are given for the people to blindly follow - supposedly for their own good.

The recent evacuation of Houston is a hybrid. While the ruling elite did not really inflict it upon their own people - although they have done such things many times in the past - they took the opportunity of Hurricane Rita to frighten, control and order about their subjects. One could almost feel the atmosphere of a police state emerging as the hurricane was approaching the Texas/Louisiana coasts.

Anyone who has observed footage of that evacuation could see that the people stuck in highway queues were at great risk. Tempers flared, petrol tanks ran dry, people were jittery and on tenterhooks. It was a recipe for disaster. And, once all these people had stranded themselves inland on orders from the government, just what were they supposed to do?


Those who dared to override the government's orders and remained in their homes were being subjected to threats, scorn and ridicule from the government authorities. Perhaps they stayed put because they did not want to brave the crawling queues on the motorways, or they did not want to leave everything for marauders to plunder, or they felt safer at home or they could not travel.

In general, coastal areas have been selected by the ruling elite for various purposes. The ruling elite want to control the coasts so they can prevent ingress and egress of the areas. Of importance to them is the set up of buffer areas through which the coastal residents must travel in any evacuation ordered by the authorities. These buffer zones can readily be identified for those who have been carefully watching the ruling elite's methods. 

The coasts will be hit by many natural and staged disasters, so their populations will be considerably lessened in the process of the alien wars that are being waged. As the fleeing people pass through the buffer zones, they will be funnelled to the areas where they can be best controlled by the ruling elite, or, in severe cases, they will be eliminated by the ruling elite as they flee the afflicted areas. 

On the other end of the spectrum, the weather is being manipulated in several areas to make them more arid. The Reptilians have implemented a drought in much of Australia and dried it out. This has been to prepare the site for the re-location of the atu-waa

The atu-waa was relocated to the Earth from the Anunnaki home planet of Nibiru for many reasons. The electromagnetic field created by the Earth's hollow core, rotation, orbit, surrounding planets, sun and other factors make the Earth a very effective dynamo for the operation of the atu-waa.


At present, the magnetic field of the Earth is failing and falling below the ideal level for commencing the atu-waa.

The Earth contains a vast magnetic field on and about it. DE-MAGNETISM is THE KEY to unlocking the "prison" doors that have kept so many imprisoned in Darkness and Ignorance for so long that they have forgotten their Divine heritage because of the magnetic-filtering mechanism placed on and about the Earth. See my article on Demagnetism.

As the Earth's magnetic field weakens, it becomes far more difficult for the atu-waa to re-start time. Time is running out for the Anunnaki plan. 

There are not very many planets that have the Earth's ideal electro-magnetic characteristics. Simplistically put, the Earth has a great deal of water around it, which is a good conductor of electricity, something that is critical to the operation of the atu-waa. Further, the Earth has several arid locales, which, ironically, are conditions most suitable for the starting up of the atu-waa. Therefore, the Reptilians will usually prepare any area that they hope will be used to start the atu-waa by sending it into a drought.

Originally, the Reptilians had enlisted the Masa-karas to prepare the way for the atu-waa.


Many of the Masa-karas migrated from central Europe to Australia over the years, with a large contingent settling in the Atherton Tablelands area and certain parts of Victoria. The Reptilians commenced a drought in the Tablelands and parts of Victoria in preparation for their plans concerning the atu-waa and other critical issues. This was no small undertaking because much of the Tablelands averages over two meters (80 inches) of rain per annum.


The drought occurred on the Tablelands, and, after a while, it was the main topic of discussion. People who thought they had an endless supply of water and had never conserved it began to worry incessantly.


But, the drought is ending because the Masa-karas' plans for the Tablelands were thwarted and their plans had to be changed - the atu-waa would not be coming to the Tablelands.

In recent months, many of the Masa-karas have departed the Tablelands.


Those who have been following my previous postings can guess where most of these have relocated! Some of these Masa-karas' consciousnesses have migrated in the human bodies they occupied on the Tablelands, but others have fled the hosts that they took over when they invaded the Tablelands. The humans who were previously victimized and taken over by Masa-karas consciousnesses are now left in a terrible state because the Masa-karas consciousnesses have left the hosts. 

When the Masa-karas took over the bodies they either expelled the original consciousnesses in the bodies or suppressed them. In the process they severely damaged the original bodies and brains of the hosts. As the Masa-karas abandon the bodies, the human hosts are left to robotically cope without a consciousness or to exist with a damaged one. Many of the victims are like vacant "shells" with their brains frizzled. This is primarily due to what the Masa-karas have done to them.


Most of the victims are taken during their sleep and immersed in a form of liquid before being worked on. Their brains have been so affected that they can no longer function the way they used to. They have been damaged badly during the Masa-karas' invasion of their bodies. It is a big step backward for these unfortunate victims - a sad sight.

These victims are now easy prey for lurking consciousnesses who are eager to possess human bodies. One can imagine the repercussions the exodus of the Masa-karas will have on the area. Many affected businesspeople have wondered why their businesses have gone down so much even though the number of tourists to the area has remained constant. 

Some conspiracy theorists claim that the ruling elite creates the situations then uses the opportunities to further control the people. While this is true to some extent, it is a simplistic view of things. Many things happen that the Earth's ruling elite have no control over or expectation of, however, they are so opportunistic that they use these events to further control the people.


Some disasters occur because of the alien wars and are caused by physical aliens. Other disasters are launched on the subtle level, sometimes even beyond the ken of the physical aliens. There are many levels to this Virtual Reality of illusions and it is difficult to glimpse even one level removed from where one is located, let alone comprehend the more distant levels.

There is urgency about events now. People should prepare themselves for the unexpected. It is better to be prepared than to worry about being laughed at by the ruling elites' skeptical agents who do not want people to be prepared. Preparation is NOT being ready to evacuate at the behest of the ruling elite. Most of those who work for the ruling elite will be discarded by their alien masters when they are no longer of any use to them. They should wake up before it is too late!

There are many on Earth who want the physical dimension to continue even though they have now received enough information to realize that it is only a temporary existence. It is these people who are knowingly choosing evil for their temporary comforts. Others are being sucked into the charade of thinking that the physical/astral is all there is. The aliens will discard those who assist them soon enough. Of course, the aliens, too, will no longer exist after the atu-waa fails to operate.

Since the programming of Darkness is so deeply entrenched in this world, it is not surprising that many will actively choose to support the evil that Darkness has created and foolishly shun Liberation from Darkness. If the atu-waa were allowed to operate, the Virtual Reality of Darkness would survive for yet another cycle of suffering and misery. Those who have not given over their will to Darkness will rejoice to know that the atu-waa will never run again.

When the Reptilians fail to re-start time with the atu-waa, the whole dimension will just drag and drag until it winds down completely. This could take years

One might wonder why the Reptilians would have placed the all-important atu-waa right into Vulturite-controlled territory!

Real preparation for what is to come involves being prepared within - and without wherever possible. Embrace the Light within.

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The Secret Anunnaki Atu-waa

12 June 2005

Things on this level are not always as they appear to be.


For example:

The battle over Jerusalem is an alien diversion.


It is now time to reveal this information. For a long, long time, The Earth has been regarded as insignificant in the scheme of things. Many see it as a place of schooling for the "soul", which is another alien deception. 

The Vulturites and the Reptilians were once like family, but the "family" began bickering, and they broke off to form their own empires a long, long time ago. These are the two most formidable Anunnaki races in the Cosmos, and both are vying for supremacy over the other. All other alien groups are basically pawns, caught in the middle of the Reptilian/Vulturite struggle for power.

Before the schism occurred, the Reptilian Anunnaki Elite would re-start time whenever things got too far out of control. The place where this took place was on their home planet, Nibiru, which orbited a star called ZAOS. The Anunnaki Elite realized that their planet and star were in a precarious situation long before they were destroyed. Therefore, they re-located the time re-starting device (called atu-waa) to a very remote planet that had virtually no technology. That remote planet was Earth.

But for the re-location of the atu-waa to the Earth, this planet would still be an insignificant, primitive world. Before the Anunnaki Elite selected Earth for the atu-waa, the planet was an unimportant, disposable celestial body that was used as a dumping ground for alien convicts, space garbage, and other trash. 

The Jews claim to be the chosen race of Jehovah, but what have they been chosen for?


In reality, the first Jews were a special race, specifically "created" to perform a particular role for the Anunnaki. It would be very difficult to trace any of the original Jews today as many of them now are in bodies of other nationalities. A large proportion of them are amongst the ruling elite of the Earth. These can be Israelis, Scandinavians, Germans, Asians, Britons, Americans, Africans, Palestinians and other Arabs etc. The original Jews were of the Jewish essence - it had nothing whatsoever to do with bloodlines. They are more properly identified as Zionists. 

Many Jews today claim to have rights to Palestine because they believe that their God, Jehovah, has given them the land. This right to this land is contested by many Palestinians, who believe that Allah has prepared the land for them. Many Jews and Palestinians passionately regard the land and many of its sites as holy. Many Christians also regard much of the land as holy. These irreconcilable claims have created very sensitive issues and have resulted in centuries of bloodshed over the land.

Sadly, the whole Jewish/Christian/Muslim conflict over Palestine was contrived by the Reptilian Anunnaki Elite a long time ago as a diversion to keep people from suspecting where the real important sites are in the Middle East. Jerusalem and Mecca are Anunnaki-chosen diversion spots to keep people's attention away from critical places east of the Jewish/Christian/Muslim Holy Land.

The ruling elite on Earth have been very harsh on any philosophies, thoughts, ideals, religions and other practices that originate from places now known as Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan. This includes the persecution and distortion of Mithraism, Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism etc. This by no means indicates that all philosophical and religious thoughts that originate from these areas are of the True Light. The main reason that things from these areas are harshly resisted by the ruling elite is because of something else that they do not want anyone to focus upon. 

Even today, on the physical level, all the problems surrounding these areas can be credibly explained away by socio-political-economic reasons. Petroleum is one of the main credible factors used to explain why the ruling elite are after these areas.


The latest guise being used is the fight against terrorists and the search for Osama bin Laden. Whatever guises the ruling elite use to obfuscate the struggles in and for these areas, there is a real reason for them. Most of the people and countries involved in these struggles are caught up in the physical "reasons" (the diversion) and are not aware of the real reason.

The Garden of Eden is not an unfounded myth. It was created by the Anunnaki Elite as a posh prison to house certain high-ranking Anunnaki prisoners. Being a high-security area, it was the perfect place to re-locate the atu-waa. The location of the atu-waa is different from the location of the aperture, which is different from the energy source that I wrote about in Anunnaki and the Coming of the "Sacred" Cross.

When they invaded Iraq in 2003, the Vulturites were after the lost word of the Freemasons, the atu-waa, and the "power point" from where the atu-waa could be activated. They were not looking for weapons of mass destruction at all.


They believed it was so urgent to conduct the search that they did not even bother to plant WMD in the country before invading it. In fact, if the Vulturites had planted WMD, then they would have had to cease their searches when they were found. That is why such extensive searches of vans, trucks, tankers and anything that could transport the items were carried out. They also looked in museums and many secret underground facilities. That is why the palaces were specially targeted for searches. 

To digress here, when Hitler was running amok in Europe, the ruling elite were relatively unconcerned until he turned his attention to the Middle East, at which point, Generals Patton and Montgomery were unleashed with such a fury that the allies suddenly gained full control of the situation. Prior to that release, Hitler's Germany appeared to be invincible. When Hitler went for the Persian Gulf, his empire crumbled - it was like a paper tiger doing a job for the ruling elite. 

Throughout history, three major religions appear to be in conflict and competition for Palestine. These are Judaism, Christianity and Islam. These appear to be at odds at various times in history, and yet, at other times, they appear to complement one another. The Christian Bible brings in the Torah and incorporates it into modern-day Christian thought.


The Koran incorporates Mary, Jesus, Abraham, Moses, Solomon and other Jewish/Christian personalities. The Koran even implies that Christians and Jews are able to enter heaven like the believers (Muslims). Both Jews and Muslims view pigs as unclean. Yet, the Crusades appeared to be Christians versus Muslims. This, like many other events surrounding these three religions, was another diversion. 

All the major religious movements are distractions that are sponsored by the ruling elite to serve their purposes.

In reality, people are programmed to act as they do. Although Judaism/Christianity/Islam appear to be in conflict, they are not. They, like all the other major religions, are serving a very specific purpose for the ruling elite.


The perceived, unending conflicts are designed to confuse and segregate people so that there will always be strife, conflict, distrust and war. The ruling elite know that it is imperative that people perceive these religious conflicts to be real so that the diversions are not seen through. 

For instance, today,

The key lies in and around the Persian Gulf. 

When discussing this key, it is unavoidable to bring in the alien wars. What I am about to discuss is for people who have open minds. It is not for the skeptics and those programmed by the ruling elite, as they will probably never be able to see through the programming.

I will repeat here that the Reptilians are a cunning, hedonistic, chauvinistic, powerful race of Anunnaki. They have had the upper hand for so long that they are getting very cocky. In their arrogance, they think they have everything under control, just as they have in the past. They have controlled the re-start of time on many occasions, and always set it up so they were on top. They have controlled the atu-waa for a long, long time.

The Vulturites appear to be hot-headed, vicious and brutal.


This has been their trademark, so to speak. The Reptilians have long held an edge over the Vulturites because the latter were so predictably brutal. However, the Vulturites have learned some cunning tricks of their own, and the Reptilians have carelessly underestimated their main opponents. The Reptilians miscalculated the Vulturite resolve to obtain and hold Iraq at almost any cost. 

When the Reptilians turned over the U.S.A. to the Vulturites, they expected the Vulturites to brutally attack other countries without purpose or focus. But, the Vulturites were prepared and they went for Afghanistan and Iraq, and now have their sights on Iran. Although they are involved in many other conflicts around the world, and sabre rattling at places such as North Korea and Cuba - these are diversions. 

The Vulturites are after the atu-waa. They do not mind being perceived as brutal, deceptive and ambitious. They do not mind being hated, as they are. They have a single purpose, which is to get the atu-waa.

The Reptilians have moved the atu-waa around the world. It has been to many places in recent years, all of which were under Reptilian control at the time. The places include: Tennessee, U.S.A., Australia, Congo, Gibraltar, Vietnam, Israel and Iraq. It was last moved to Afghanistan, near Kabul. 

The Vulturites are unaware that the atu-waa is non-functional at this time. The Reptilians have kept this information from the Vulturites and everyone else. There is a missing "part" that contains the "codes" to activate the atu-waa. This is not a physical thing. This is the part that I confiscated from the Reptilians a long time ago, after the last re-start of time. This is what Ata-i-lek is so furious about and is trying to dislodge from me by any means, including flattery, cajoling, threats, force and deception. It is a catch-22 situation for the Reptilians. That is why I am still here.

Incidentally, two new apertures have recently appeared near my home. One of them appeared in my favorite garden. I have seen Ata-i-lek using one of them. Alex was guarding both of the apertures full time. Pearl has temporarily taken over Alex's duties.


One morning, one of our dogs accidentally wandered into one of the apertures and disappeared instantly. She had been curious about this spot for some time. We had to call her back until she stumbled back through the aperture from the "other side", reappearing very suddenly and very dazed from the ordeal. We have seen this happen to other animals, including our horse.


They walk into the aperture and suddenly disappear before our eyes, only to reappear again suddenly. All have come out of the experience looking dazed. Needless to say, Ata-i-lek is up to somethingwhen he comes here.

Many are following the Mayan calendar and mistakenly believe that the end of time is 2012. Those in the know have gone along with this date for a very important reason. It is now time to reveal that time must be re-started in 2008. The year 2012 was another misdirection by the Reptilians to keep their opposition and ordinary people less focused and more complacent. It was also designed to misguide the opposition in their plans. It was important that the date of 2012 was believably close to the actual date of 2008.

If time is not re-started in 2008, it will not be the end of time. Things will just take their own course, and the Cosmos will eventually wind down in a natural "death".

After the last re-start of time, the Amoebas ejected the Anunnaki Elite from the Earth and cordoned off the planet. The Anunnaki Elite carefully guarded the activating code for the atu-waa, and they took it with them as they left the planet. The Anunnaki Elite have attempted to break the blockade on many occasions, but have failed each time.


When the Anunnaki Elite realized they could not break the Amoebas' blockade, they tried to send the activating word through the subtle. Their last attempt was when Solomon was king of Israel, and the code was transmitted in three parts to King Solomon, King Hiram and Hiram Abiff.


Solomon wanted the power for himself, and his ambition resulted in the failure of the Anunnaki Elite's last attempt to re-activate the atu-waa. See: The Real Secret Word of the Freemasons

At the time I presented The Real Secret Word of the Freemasons, I used the term of "mor-bon-zi" as the substitute word used by modern-day Freemasons for a definite purpose. The actual substituted word is "ma-ha-bon". There is a very important reason why I did that. All Freemasons should have recognized my alteration of the substitute word, and those in the know would have suspected that there must have been a good reason for doing it.


Further, it was critical that I altered the first two syllables of the ACTUAL lost word of the Freemasons in the article. I did this for a purpose. It is the information about the word that was important to release, not the actual word. It was necessary to obscure the actual word. Ata-i-lek is currently searching the Vatican library for this word, hoping that it has been recorded somewhere. 

This word is the code that is like an important device that holds the control of the atu-waa. In the wrong hands, it is disastrous. It has been in the wrong hands for a long, long time.

Since the Reptilians underestimated the cunning and resolve of the Vulturites, they have their hands full protecting the atu-waa from the advancing Vulturites, who know that the device must be activated in Iraq to re-start time. 

The Reptilians are not fully ready to launch a "conventional" war against the Vulturites yet, but they are in panicked preparation for one. They are secretly mobilizing with great rapidity and intend to strike.

The Reptilians "flexed their muscles" by causing the Indian-Ocean tsunami on Boxing Day 2004. They mistakenly thought this would frighten the Vulturites into submission. It had the reverse effect. The Reptilians murdered tens of thousands of people to try to shock the Vulturites out of their quest, but the cunning Vulturites are so resolved that they have treated their lost positions and people in the wake of the Indian-Ocean tsunami as "pawns" of warfare. 

Since the Reptilians are unable to successfully wage "conventional" war upon the Vulturites as yet, the Reptilians plan on striking the heart of the Vulturite stronghold by launching another tsunami and other "natural" disasters that will devastate much of the U.S.A.

The First Major Cataclysmic Event has eventuated. The Second Major Cataclysmic Event is drawing closer.

Some aliens are trying desperately to flee the Earth at this time. Their efforts have caused a lot of ice to melt in Antarctica and other places, along with a host of other problems. What they do not realize is that if time is not re-started from Earth in 2008, the whole Cosmos in the Virtual Reality will be affected too. 

Please note that my postings could end abruptly. I have released enough information and energy to assist you in the upcoming turmoil.

Always remember, NEVER give your WILL over to Darkness.


Darkness can harm your body, but It cannot touch your WILL unless you give it over to Darkness.

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The Atu-waa Was Moved

as the Reptilian Ruling Elite and the Vulturite Ruling Elite Clashed

21 September 2005

My last posting entitled Alien Eyes Guided Hurricane Katrina has caused a stir with the ruling elite.


Immediately after the article appeared on the internet, our phones were disconnected from a remote site - the outage lasted for several days. Further, the website has been knocked down repeatedly, often several times a day. While other articles I have written have caused annoyance to the ruling elite, the last posting is in a class by itself. One might wonder why my article describing how aliens were behind Hurricane Katrina's assault on New Orleans affected them so much!

Yet, the ruling elite has allowed relatively free distribution in the alternative media of the theory that Hurricane Katrina was an attack on America by Russian weather-control technology. The Russian weather-control story is indeed beneficial to the ruling elite's agenda. This raises many questions! 

To sort out why the "human-manufactured" hurricane is acceptable whilst the "alien-engineered" hurricane is taboo, one needs to remember that the ruling elite has covered up signs of alien activities for many decades. It uses several techniques and its own media to scorn, scoff at and ridicule various observations of alien activities, whilst simultaneously flooding the media with propaganda that confuses the public and sways beliefs and thoughts towards skepticism of alien existence, or which gears beliefs in certain directions about aliens.

Aliens now influence or control all nation states on the Earth. Most of the governments are either predominantly influenced by Reptilians or by Vulturites. These are the two main groups vying for supremacy. They appear in all major political parties around the world. 

Whilst the Republican Party in America is currently a Vulturite-influenced party, it is heavily infiltrated by Reptilians, who can often take important leadership roles, and even become Republican presidential candidates. Likewise, the Democratic Party is currently a Reptilian-influenced party that is heavily infiltrated by Vulturites. Today, in America, there is a lot of conflict because of these entanglements and the relative strengths of the two major alien groups. 

When one alien group takes full control of a nation, both the opposition and the government will be of the same ilk - that is, either Reptilian or Vulturite. When this happens there is only show fighting because both parties are working for the same alien master.

Whilst most people assume there is a single group of ruling elite on the planet, this is not so. IN FACT, THERE ARE TWO MAIN GROUPS OF RULING ELITE IN THE WORLD. These groups consist of people who are influenced by Reptilians and those who are influenced by Vulturites. In other words, the two main groups of ruling elite in the world are vying for dominance of the Earth. That is why there is so much contradiction and conflict on the planet about various matters.

The ruling elite from both camps dominate all important fields (medicine, education, law, science, politics, technology, ecology, commerce, finance, military and other areas). Therefore, there are constant clashes within and without the fields of operation. 

The two groups of ruling elite represent evil fighting evil.

On Earth, Reptilian-sponsored people are constantly being bombarded by Vulturite attacks on the physical and subtle levels. These attacks can result in headaches, other bodily pain, accidents, annoyances, obstructions, traps, set-ups, slanders etc.


Of course, not all events are due to alien attacks, but many are. One characteristic of alien attacks is that the attacks can be readily explained away with physical-mind reasoning that appears to offer rational or scientific explanations. Hence, people are being deceived. 

Both main groups of aliens have agents in human bodies who carry "poison" and distribute it wherever they go. The particular "poison" can cause physical illness in those affected. It can also cause accidents, epidemics, strange phenomena, depression, anxiety, doubts, despair, fear, friction, loss of energy and other negative occurrences. There are also alien agents who are energy vampires - these may or may not inject "poison" whilst they steal energy. 

Hence, Vulturite-sponsored people are constantly being assaulted by Reptilian attacks whilst Reptilian-sponsored people suffer from Vulturite attacks. For those of the Rescue Mission and other Light Workers, there can be attacks from both major alien groups and all of their subordinate groups such as the Greys, Masa-karas, Wagools etc. This is not supposition. It is how the world works. Anunnaki propaganda from the astral world wants searchers to believe that the Earth is a classroom for learning lessons. This is false; the truth is that the Earth is a battlefield.

Currently, the U.S.A. is a Vulturite-influenced nation and Russia is a Reptilian-influenced country. Therefore, it suits the American ruling elite to allow circulation of the theory that Russia attacked America with weather-control weapons.


With their respective alien influences in mind, it becomes clearer as to why the Russian government and the American government are at odds with one another at this time. However, the Vulturite-influenced American ruling elite, along with all the world's ruling elite, regardless of whether they are Reptilian- or Vulturite-influenced, have a primary strategy of keeping alien involvement on Earth a secret from humans.


This secret is kept for many reasons.

Whilst many of Earth's scientists and other theorists are still locked into the possibility that the universe began as a dense unintelligent mass of matter that exploded out and randomly spread out into galaxies and solar systems and thereafter developed intelligence as it evolved, more and more of them are beginning to accept that there is an Intelligence behind the formation of the physical universe. 

Some skeptics are realizing the absurdity of something huge evolving from something that is minute. Many evolutionists place humankind at the top of the evolutionary ladder, and claim that humans will mutate and evolve into greater and greater intelligences. Not only is this claim exceedingly arrogant, it is basically absurd. How can any thinking person believe that the Earth is run by a lesser intelligence than a single human being, or that the entire solar system is less intelligent than one human being? 

Any reasonable reflection tells a thinking mind that the solar system runs in a very predictable order and is anything but random. All of the planets maintain regular rotations and orbits. It is very obvious that there is something directing the motions of the planets. That something has to be an Intelligence far beyond the comprehension of every human mind on Earth.

This Intelligence has planned and created all there is around the universe(s) and superimposed this upon the True-Light Creation. The plan of this Intelligence is very complex and detailed.


The characteristics of every atom have been programmed by the Intelligence to bond together to make larger bodies. Likewise, the properties of every planet have been carefully programmed into them to affect things on those planets and the others of the solar system. Astrologers have been able to observe and predict the many complex influences the various planets have upon Earth and its inhabitants. However, astrologers have generally avoided the "why" question about the properties of celestial bodies and interaction of their respective energies. The answer to the question is that the Intelligence programmed the properties into the planets to serve Its own nefarious purposes.

There is a tremendous amount of empty space between the planets of a solar system. On the micro level, there is also a tremendous amount of empty space between atomic parts of physical matter. This is all part of the Intelligence's illusion of vastness. 

All of the orbits of every planet are in a particular state of decay - every one of them would fall off their course if something did not keep them aligned and moving continuously. Likewise, all atomic particles are in a state of decay. On the macro and micro levels, the Intelligence has created what appear to be complex, inter-related, perpetual-motion machines. 

However, they only appear to be in perpetual motion. Everything in the material world decays and can only continue until it winds down. The universe is winding down. It has wound down many times in the past and each time it has been re-started. Just like humans, the universe, too, has its own lifespan. 

As a universe reaches the end of its life, things begin to go awry. Planets start to wobble, stars burn out, celestial bodies become less predictable in their movements and other signs of deterioration become apparent. It is at that point that the universe needs a re-start. 

As I have mentioned in other writings, the Intelligence has appointed the Anunnaki as Its agents to bring about the re-starts when they are due. The Anunnaki have kept this information within a very small circle of Anunnaki Elite. This small group is phonetically known as the Waah-haalu. The Waah-haalu were the only ones who knew how to operate the atu-waa. Needless to say, this small group held an enormous power over every being in the Virtual Reality.

For a long time the atu-waa was kept on the Anunnaki home planet of Nibiru until that planet was in its final days. When the Waah-haalu re-located the atu-waa to Earth, suddenly, a remote, insignificant and primitive planet became a very important place to those who were aware of the atu-waa

When the Rescuers of the True-Light discovered the atu-waa on Earth, they disabled the device. After many severe confrontations, the Rescuers were able to separate the atu-waa from the Waah-haalu. Eventually, the Waah-haalu fled the Earth. Ever since, the Waah-haalu have been unable to return to the Earth because of the tight, complex security the Rescuers have placed around the planet's entry points.

Most of the Anunnaki Remnants on Earth are awaiting the return of the Waah-haalu, whom they believe will be able to activate the atu-waa and re-start time before the Virtual Reality breaks down completely.


Since the Waah-haalu know they cannot return, they attempted to send a code to King Hiram, King Solomon and Hiram Abiff, but their attempt failed. Some of the aware Freemasons are still seeking the lost code that they refer to as the "lost word".

The Reptilians, who are members of the Anunnaki Remnants, currently possess the non-functional atu-waa. The Waah-haalu have not been able to pass on the operational code to the Anunnaki Remnants on Earth - in fact, the Waah-haalu have since lost the code. Therefore, even if the Waah-haalu were able to return to Earth, they could not operate the atu-waa. There is now only one being who possesses the "code" to the atu-waa.

The atu-waa has been moved many times in the past by the Anunnaki Remnants. It is a complex manoeuvre to re-locate it.


The unsuspecting Vulturites are still searching in the Middle East for the atu-waa - their Middle East search is in vain.


Times are very tense because the two major groups of aliens are vying for the atu-waa and hope to be the next generation of controllers of the Virtual Reality. It is for this reason that otherwise rational-appearing people who control weapons of mass destruction are very dangerous.


Beware! The talk of peace is only lip service - the two major alien groups are on a war footing!

The Reptilian/Vulturite battle for supremacy has so consumed the aliens that they are involved in an insane war of evil versus evil - and all those in their vicinity are forced to suffer the consequences.

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The Atu-waa - The Critical Tool for Maintaining Darkness' Virtual Reality

25 September 2005

Weather conditions around the world are destabilizing. Some of the "freak" storms are natural, while others are staged.


The natural ones have grown in intensity because the Earth is fracturing and also approaching the end of its grand cycle. What we are witnessing now is only the beginning of what is to come.

The prevailing weather anomalies fall into three main categories:

The staged weather events often ride atop natural ones, and build on them so that everything appears normal.


The staged ones are then directed to particular areas to do whatever damage they can. The first few staged ones are more to observe how the people in the affected area react, and how those of the world react. They are also meant to prepare people to follow evacuation orders and demands. The storms also discourage people from residing or relocating to the devastated areas. Many of these areas that are being evacuated have been "reserved" by the ruling elite for other purposes.


The ruling elite are also assessing how well their police, military and civilian personnel handle the situations.

The American ruling elite were not prepared to observe the plight of their subjects when Hurricane Katrina struck - they were caught by surprise. However, staged weather events are different. There is a build up to the event, and orders are given for the people to blindly follow - supposedly for their own good.

The recent evacuation of Houston is a hybrid. While the ruling elite did not really inflict it upon their own people - although they have done such things many times in the past - they took the opportunity of Hurricane Rita to frighten, control and order about their subjects. One could almost feel the atmosphere of a police state emerging as the hurricane was approaching the Texas/Louisiana coasts.

Anyone who has observed footage of that evacuation could see that the people stuck in highway queues were at great risk. Tempers flared, petrol tanks ran dry, people were jittery and on tenterhooks. It was a recipe for disaster. And, once all these people had stranded themselves inland on orders from the government, just what were they supposed to do?


Those who dared to override the government's orders and remained in their homes were being subjected to threats, scorn and ridicule from the government authorities. Perhaps they stayed put because they did not want to brave the crawling queues on the motorways, or they did not want to leave everything for marauders to plunder, or they felt safer at home or they could not travel.

In general, coastal areas have been selected by the ruling elite for various purposes. The ruling elite want to control the coasts so they can prevent ingress and egress of the areas. Of importance to them is the set up of buffer areas through which the coastal residents must travel in any evacuation ordered by the authorities. These buffer zones can readily be identified for those who have been carefully watching the ruling elite's methods. 

The coasts will be hit by many natural and staged disasters, so their populations will be considerably lessened in the process of the alien wars that are being waged. As the fleeing people pass through the buffer zones, they will be funnelled to the areas where they can be best controlled by the ruling elite, or, in severe cases, they will be eliminated by the ruling elite as they flee the afflicted areas. 

On the other end of the spectrum, the weather is being manipulated in several areas to make them more arid. The Reptilians have implemented a drought in much of Australia and dried it out. This has been to prepare the site for the re-location of the atu-waa

The atu-waa was relocated to the Earth from the Anunnaki home planet of Nibiru for many reasons. The electromagnetic field created by the Earth's hollow core, rotation, orbit, surrounding planets, sun and other factors make the Earth a very effective dynamo for the operation of the atu-waa.


At present, the magnetic field of the Earth is failing and falling below the ideal level for commencing the atu-waa.

The Earth contains a vast magnetic field on and about it. DE-MAGNETISM is THE KEY to unlocking the "prison" doors that have kept so many imprisoned in Darkness and Ignorance for so long that they have forgotten their Divine heritage because of the magnetic-filtering mechanism placed on and about the Earth. See my article on Demagnetism.

As the Earth's magnetic field weakens, it becomes far more difficult for the atu-waa to re-start time. Time is running out for the Anunnaki plan. 

There are not very many planets that have the Earth's ideal electro-magnetic characteristics. Simplistically put, the Earth has a great deal of water around it, which is a good conductor of electricity, something that is critical to the operation of the atu-waa. Further, the Earth has several arid locales, which, ironically, are conditions most suitable for the starting up of the atu-waa. Therefore, the Reptilians will usually prepare any area that they hope will be used to start the atu-waa by sending it into a drought.

Originally, the Reptilians had enlisted the Masa-karas to prepare the way for the atu-waa.


Many of the Masa-karas migrated from central Europe to Australia over the years, with a large contingent settling in the Atherton Tablelands area and certain parts of Victoria. The Reptilians commenced a drought in the Tablelands and parts of Victoria in preparation for their plans concerning the atu-waa and other critical issues. This was no small undertaking because much of the Tablelands averages over two meters (80 inches) of rain per annum.


The drought occurred on the Tablelands, and, after a while, it was the main topic of discussion. People who thought they had an endless supply of water and had never conserved it began to worry incessantly.


But, the drought is ending because the Masa-karas' plans for the Tablelands were thwarted and their plans had to be changed - the atu-waa would not be coming to the Tablelands.

In recent months, many of the Masa-karas have departed the Tablelands.


Those who have been following my previous postings can guess where most of these have relocated! Some of these Masa-karas' consciousnesses have migrated in the human bodies they occupied on the Tablelands, but others have fled the hosts that they took over when they invaded the Tablelands. The humans who were previously victimized and taken over by Masa-karas consciousnesses are now left in a terrible state because the Masa-karas consciousnesses have left the hosts. 

When the Masa-karas took over the bodies they either expelled the original consciousnesses in the bodies or suppressed them. In the process they severely damaged the original bodies and brains of the hosts. As the Masa-karas abandon the bodies, the human hosts are left to robotically cope without a consciousness or to exist with a damaged one. Many of the victims are like vacant "shells" with their brains frizzled. This is primarily due to what the Masa-karas have done to them.


Most of the victims are taken during their sleep and immersed in a form of liquid before being worked on. Their brains have been so affected that they can no longer function the way they used to. They have been damaged badly during the Masa-karas' invasion of their bodies. It is a big step backward for these unfortunate victims - a sad sight.

These victims are now easy prey for lurking consciousnesses who are eager to possess human bodies. One can imagine the repercussions the exodus of the Masa-karas will have on the area. Many affected businesspeople have wondered why their businesses have gone down so much even though the number of tourists to the area has remained constant. 

Some conspiracy theorists claim that the ruling elite creates the situations then uses the opportunities to further control the people. While this is true to some extent, it is a simplistic view of things. Many things happen that the Earth's ruling elite have no control over or expectation of, however, they are so opportunistic that they use these events to further control the people.


Some disasters occur because of the alien wars and are caused by physical aliens. Other disasters are launched on the subtle level, sometimes even beyond the ken of the physical aliens. There are many levels to this Virtual Reality of illusions and it is difficult to glimpse even one level removed from where one is located, let alone comprehend the more distant levels.

There is urgency about events now. People should prepare themselves for the unexpected. It is better to be prepared than to worry about being laughed at by the ruling elites' skeptical agents who do not want people to be prepared. Preparation is NOT being ready to evacuate at the behest of the ruling elite. Most of those who work for the ruling elite will be discarded by their alien masters when they are no longer of any use to them. They should wake up before it is too late!

There are many on Earth who want the physical dimension to continue even though they have now received enough information to realize that it is only a temporary existence. It is these people who are knowingly choosing evil for their temporary comforts. Others are being sucked into the charade of thinking that the physical/astral is all there is. The aliens will discard those who assist them soon enough. Of course, the aliens, too, will no longer exist after the atu-waa fails to operate.

Since the programming of Darkness is so deeply entrenched in this world, it is not surprising that many will actively choose to support the evil that Darkness has created and foolishly shun Liberation from Darkness. If the atu-waa were allowed to operate, the Virtual Reality of Darkness would survive for yet another cycle of suffering and misery. Those who have not given over their will to Darkness will rejoice to know that the atu-waa will never run again.

When the Reptilians fail to re-start time with the atu-waa, the whole dimension will just drag and drag until it winds down completely. This could take years

One might wonder why the Reptilians would have placed the all-important atu-waa right into Vulturite-controlled territory!

Real preparation for what is to come involves being prepared within - and without wherever possible. Embrace the Light within.

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A-itu Makitah Is Established At A Critical Position Near The Atu-waa

29th December 2005

Of recent, I have written much about the alien wars.


These wars primarily involve evil aliens fighting with other evil aliens. When necessary, for various reasons, good extraterrestrials intervene in the alien wars. However, good extraterrestrials are not really at war with the evil aliens; instead, they are assisting in the Rescue of viable True-Light beings - much to the chagrin of the evil aliens.

Evil aliens are agents for the various demiurges. The evil aliens fight amongst themselves, just as their masters fight amongst themselves. That is why there can never be real, lasting peace in the physical realm.

We have recently re-located and moved closer to the atu-waa. This was quite a move because of many circumstances and complexities involved.

As expected, the battles intensified as Darkness attempted to thwart the move. Not only did we re-locate closer to the atu-waa, our new location allows us to "peep" into the earthly, "invisible" headquarters of many evil aliens. One of the main reasons for the re-location is to bring rain to the drought-stricken area near the atu-waa. The day after our arrival, there was a torrential downpour. Since then, several inches of rain have fallen. Most of the rain has been localized for various reasons.

Despite the many obstructions that Darkness instigated, we completed the move safely. Amongst the many unkind things thrown at us and our animal friends were the following:

We were riding in a taxi to an airport with a very unfriendly driver when the taxi in the next lane to us, for no apparent reason, drove straight into a slow moving truck going the same direction as it was. (This was an example of aliens targeting the wrong taxi, which was similar to the taxi we were in.) As soon as the other taxi was smashed, our taxi driver became very friendly and helpful.

Somehow, the sewer in our new house backed up the day we moved in and our fresh water supply went from clear to muddy. Service people attended to the problems but could not resolve them. Apparently, the previous owners had not had such problems.

The move required the animals and us to take many flights and long car trips. Thirty minutes into one of the flights, Steffan and I heard reports between the pilot and a flight control tower discussing an emergency that required the plane to turn back and attempt an emergency landing at the airport it had departed from. In the message, the pilot reported to the control tower the plane's estimated time of arrival. The routine flight quickly turned into a tense ordeal for the passengers and crew.


When we asked other passengers if they had heard the announcements, they said that they had not! Many of the passengers and the crew panicked. Some passengers seated close to us needed oxygen for treatment of what appeared to be panic attacks. (It was later reported by the media that those passengers were overtaken by noxious gas that nobody else, including us, even noticed.) It was a precarious situation. Some knew it - others sensed it. 

As the passenger jet landed, the engine on the right wing rattled and clanked, sounding as though it was about to explode. The fire brigade was awaiting the plane with all their lights flashing. One passenger reported seeing smoke pouring out of the right wing during landing. 

After many hours of waiting at the airport, another plane took us to our destination without incident. Unbeknownst to the crew, the second jet was escorted by a scout craft of the Light. 

On arrival, all the passengers were screened and detained by bomb squads, plain-clothes police and security guards. All the other flights were cancelled and the airport was closed down. 

While this was occurring, a radio-station broadcast reported that a butane cylinder in a passenger's baggage had leaked in the aircraft, causing alarm to the crew, so the plane was turned back. If it were true that they found such a butane container, why were all the passengers still being detained, screened and searched? Is it credible to say that a camper's leaking butane tank could cause the engine to rattle, smoke and clank? And, why did the radio report state that the affected plane had NO mechanical difficulties? 

From my perspective, I knew that we were being targeted even before the plane took off. Our seats were near the afflicted engine. During the flight, an alien beam was fired at us, but because of our shields, it ricocheted and hit the right engine instead. We had a choice of airlines to fly that day, but it would not have mattered which of them we had selected - the aliens would still have attacked.

Had the plane not turned back, it could easily have exploded en-route. It is no wonder that the investigators took the incident so seriously. They knew something was amiss, but their mindsets would not even allow them to consider the possibility that an undetected alien craft had attacked passengers on the plane and caused the problem. 

While being detained by the bomb squad with all the other passengers, I placed a call on my cell phone. The conversation went fine until I started talking about the incident, at which time, my phone was jammed. I tried again, and the same thing happened. I overheard one of the security personnel speaking on a walkie-talkie saying that they did not know what they were looking for. Since that flight, I have noticed that there is a new inspection routine performed on the blades of the jet engines before the crafts take off.

On parts of the journey, we had to travel by car. In one incident, we were hindered by a truck for three hours on a deserted, dark stretch of highway between 8 pm and 11 pm. Most oddly, other than the truck and us, there was not another vehicle traveling in our direction for 300 kilometers of the major highway. 

The hindering by the truck - a huge semi-trailer - was most unusual, because it would not allow us to pass it, no matter how fast we traveled. So, we stopped in a small town for half an hour to let it go on its way. No vehicles passed on the highway while we waited.

Soon after as we went back onto the highway, the truck appeared. It was obviously lying in wait for us. Since it was traveling very slowly, we were able to overtake it, but just barely. This huge semi-trailer was able to accelerate very rapidly while we passed it, and it was soon right on our tail. We maintained high speed to keep a little distance between us. Suddenly, on a straight stretch of road, a seemingly identical truck appeared from nowhere directly in front of us. 

We were surprised that the same truck was in front of us and behind us simultaneously. This second truck was going about 60 km/h, perhaps in an effort to slow us down and squeeze us between the two trucks. We accelerated and passed the second truck. By the time we passed the second semi-trailer, we were doing 160 km/h. That truck went from 60 km/h to 160 km/h in the short distance it took us to pass. It was now obvious that the second truck was a phantom, a holographic projection of the first truck. We had to travel at 180 km/h to lose the holographic truck. 

After a lengthy chase by the phantom and the original truck, we finally reached another town. Immediately, we pulled into a roadside motel parking lot and turned off our lights. Within two minutes, the truck went barreling past. There was only one truck and it was hard on our tail! It took us three harrowing hours to shake off that truck!

The next day, when we began driving, we noticed many tails on us and several vehicles tried to squeeze us and run us off the road. It was a lot like a James Bond movie, but very real. We had a truck swinging a crane at us on a 100 km/h highway. This time, we stopped right in the middle of the highway and let the truck go. It slowed from 80 km/h to a very slow speed, but, eventually, it had to go on. Apparently, the driver did not want to stop on the highway in broad daylight within the sight of other cars. However, another vehicle soon took its place. 

Farther down the road, a car overtook us and an alien beam that was intended for us hit the overtaking car instead, which exploded right before our eyes! The car spontaneously combusted! It was horrible. The scene of the burning car was later shown on local television.

As we continued our journey, a truck passed us going in the opposite direction and flashed a huge, horizontal, silvery beam at us. At the same time, a ute (utility vehicle) traveling in our direction simultaneously flashed a disk-shaped silvery light at us from the back of it.


These flashes caused us to have headaches and temporarily disoriented us. Had it not been for the shields, the impact of the flashes would have been disastrous. We knew we had to keep driving because of all these hostile beings around us. Finally, I called for reinforcements. When help arrived, the opposition dispersed. 

The rest of the drive was without incident.

Since our re-location, our presence on the new property - which I have named A-itu Makitah - has thwarted many evil alien maneuvers and plans. This is all a prelude to 2006, in which year the saying "all hell breaking loose" will be most appropriate.

Since the alien wars have heated up, many top-ranking New World Order personnel have moved on. Some have exited by dropping their physical human bodies to resume their alien identities.


Others have gone into underground bunkers in their "human" forms. Still others have retreated to their spacecrafts. More will be expected to depart soon, either by choice or on orders from their masters. Most of these have been of Reptilian origin.

The alien wars are very real indeed.

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Soaking the Atu-waa

6th January 2006


Many believe that the physical universe and all its inhabitants are in various states of evolution. This theory has been in vogue since the time of Charles Darwin. The basic premise of the theory of evolution is that from the smaller comes the greater. Those who accept the theory must have an enormous amount of faith to believe that the lowest of intelligences can eventually evolve into greater intelligences.

Contrary to evolutionary theory, things are not in a state of evolution. They are, in fact, in a state of decay - they are all devolving into chaos. Species on the Earth have not evolved into their present states; they have been genetically engineered by alien scientists who have been manipulating biological bodies for a long time. As times change and needs change, the various species are altered by aliens to suit various purposes. Likewise, when different aliens colonized the Earth, different species were adapted to suit the different aliens.

One of the greatest mysteries to scientists on Earth has been the sudden disappearance of dinosaurs from the planet. Several hypotheses have been circulated in regard to this issue. The more important questions are where the dinosaurs came from, and why were they distributed around the world. Once their origin is understood, their extinction can be better comprehended.

The First Cause of the creation of the Virtual Reality by Darkness was the invention of motion.


Darkness employed motion to create the illusion that incorporeal things have corporeal bodies. This applies from the tiniest to the largest of things in the physical universes. Motion is the First Cause, or the First Illusion. The illusion of motion is not perpetual - it must be maintained by other illusions. 

After Darkness superimposed the physical universes and the astral worlds onto the True Creation, It delegated the responsibility of keeping the illusion of motion fuelled. This responsibility was given toone of Darkness' earliest favorite, chosen races - the Anunnaki.

A very important supporting illusion to the illusion of motion is the illusion of time. Darkness also delegated the duty of maintaining the illusion of time to Its chief agents - the Anunnaki - who were often worshipped as gods by ancient earthlings.

In order to maintain the illusion of time, it is imperative that time be "re-started" at various intervals. The "instrument" used by the Anunnaki to re-start time is called the atu-waa. This instrument is not just a machine - it has its own intelligence and is unique. There is only one atu-waa in all of the Virtual Reality. 

For a long, long time, the Anunnaki kept close watch of the atu-waa on their home planet of Nibiru. From that planet, time was re-started many times at opportune intervals. When the Anunnaki realized that Nibiru was going to be no more, they searched for a suitable location. The Earth, which was originally used as a dumping ground by various alien races, was ironically chosen as the new home for the all-important atu-waa.

Hence, suddenly, an insignificant planet became the most important place in all of the Virtual Reality. It is extremely important to the Anunnaki that the earthlings never learn this information. Thus, the Anunnaki have used all their means of deception, force, manipulation and so on to keep the secret of the atu-waa from earthlings and other alien races. In hiding the information about the atu-waa, many myths and religions were invented and maintained to distract any who might search for truth. The Anunnaki have also kept tight control over many other secrets on the planet. Any who were a threat to the Anunnaki secrets were persecuted. 

When the Anunnaki re-located the atu-waa to the Earth, there were already other alien races occupying the planet.


The Anunnaki commenced a plan of conquest of the Earth so they could have total control of the planet housing the atu-waa. One of the methods of expelling the earlier alien occupants of the planet was to introduce frightening species. This was accomplished by Anunnaki scientists who genetically engineered various monsters.

They created certain huge species of fish, amphibians and reptiles. Among these were the carnivorous dinosaurs, which were genetically created for the specific purpose of frightening other aliens away from the planet. Many aliens fled the Earth or moved away from areas where dinosaurs roamed. Other aliens abandoned plans to colonize the Earth.

Once the planet was cleared of all "foreign" alien resistance, the Anunnaki scientists developed a beam that was used to exterminate the dinosaurs that had become a hazard and a nuisance to the Anunnaki. When the dinosaurs were annihilated, the Anunnaki Elite more freely occupied the planet and brought in more slaves, their own kind and their various cultures to the planet. 

The Anunnaki Elite have repeatedly re-started the illusion of time from the Earth by using the atu-waa. When the illusion of time is re-started, many things are affected. These include loss of memory of the past in the physical realms as well as in the astral realms. The Akashic records are kept in the astral by chief Anunnaki agents, who often modify, re-write and tamper with them to suit their purposes. Therefore, there are no reliable records left after each re-start of the illusion of time. Many people who have stumbled upon the Akashic records have been fooled by the Anunnaki deceptions.


This is one of the reasons why people do not suspect that time is not perpetual and must be re-started at various intervals.

Since the Anunnaki worship different demiurges, there are multiple religions in the world. The distribution of the religions depends upon the location of the various types of Anunnaki in the region. In other words, some religions are founded upon the worship of a particular demiurge, while others are founded upon the worship of another demiurge. In fact, some religions do not worship a demiurge at all, but instead worship alien gods (flesh-and-blood Anunnaki Elite). 

Some religions are actually based upon some ancient truth that was later hijacked and corrupted to incorporate into an Anunnaki-sponsored religion. Often, these religions have some truth that resonates with True-Light beings, who are attracted to them and become trapped in the religion.

Among the many notions that the Anunnaki have sponsored is the belief that God is perfect. The notion of a perfect God has troubled many true searchers. If God were perfect, how could there be the problem of evil? The problem of evil has perplexed many. The basis of the problem is that if God is perfect, how could there be so much suffering, decay, injustice and, ultimately, how could there be death?

People who, like Augustine of Hippo, argue that evil is not a separate principle, but rather a privation of good and a non-being, believe in the necessity and gratuitousness of divine grace, antecedent to all human volition for good.


Such ones believe that all apparent evil originates in the human will. To these, nothing could exist other than God and what he created. Therefore, they argue that there is only one principle, and that the principle is God and all things are created by him. A corollary to this is that we should embrace evil as much as good, but this becomes nonsensical. Nonetheless this is a New Age concept many believe today.

The problem of evil is exacerbated by the belief that God is good, and that all things are created by God. By this reasoning, everything that exists must be good since everything that exists has the virtue of being created by a good god. Such an argument shows a necessary connection between being and goodness. This is just another example of the problem of evil based upon the notion that God is perfect.

In fact, the True God is NOT perfect in the sense of the Anunnaki notion of perfection. God is Love and what God creates is created with Love. If something goes wrong in the creation process, God can correct it. This is deemed an imperfection according to the human notion of God's perfection. It is important to realize that good is not synonymous with perfection

The extant Bible uses the term "perfect hatred", which by almost any definition could not be good. See: Psalms 139:22. Therefore, "perfect" is an adjective to describe a noun, and it does not necessarily mean that "perfect" is good.

The argument against perfection is right before us in the physical realms.


If God were "perfect" and created only "perfect" things, why would God create biological bodies that decay and die? The answer becomes clear that either God is imperfect, or that God did not create biological bodies.


If God did not create biological bodies, then who or what did? The answer is that various demiurges created matter, biological life and, very importantly, death. The demiurges are responsible for all death. In the True Creation, there is no death and no decay.

Demiurges have selected certain races as their chosen ones - these chosen ones are special creations whose consciousnesses go into particular races.


The three most recent chosen races by their various demiurges are:

The consciousnesses of the chosen ones are now in various bodies of various races.


Thus, the consciousnesses of True Jews can be in Jewish, Italian, Spanish, Chinese or other bodies. Likewise, True Chinese consciousnesses could be in Chinese, German, Indian, Russian, Japanese, Arab or other bodies.


The True Jews and the True Chinese consciousnesses were chosen by the same master (demiurge), while the True Japanese were chosen by a different master. 

Evil demiurges know their goal, which is to take over all of the True Creation. They wish to usurp and contaminate all that is good. They are very ambitious and fight amongst themselves for the top spot on the evil hierarchy, and they ultimately are so deluded that they hope to topple the True Creator by corrupting the entire True Creation.


It is sad that so much Love has been poured into the various demiurges to try to correct them, but they reject that Love. Therefore, they will be separated from the True Creation. The ones created by the demiurges (the artificial consciousnesses) have no future. There is no "Hell" and no "Heaven" for them. All they can do is to pointlessly journey into the astral worlds from lifetime to lifetime.

To maintain the illusion, the traps, the control and the confusion on Earth, the Anunnaki have introduced many symbols and concepts of rituals and ceremonies to the Earth.


Some of these symbols are very powerful in the domain of evil. One such symbol is an eagle with spread wings, often abstractly represented with its feathers drooping downwards. This is a control/power symbol of the Anunnaki. It is seen in military and civilian Western European, Native American, South American, Asian and other cultures.

The secret Atu-waa is inoperable, but the Anunnaki Remnants are trying desperately to revive it by using ancient symbols and dark arts.


One of the important conditions needed to implement the atu-waa is a vast, arid region. When an area is selected as a potential future location for the atu-waa, the Anunnaki artificially induce drought in that area. Even if the area is not used for the re-location of the atu-waa, the Anunnaki leave the region in drought and leave it to take its natural course. This is why Africa has been suffering such a severe drought for so long

As I have stated, we have re-located closer to the atu-waa. One of the reasons is to bring rain to certain drought-stricken areas near the atu-waa. In less than a month since the re-location, much to the surprise of the locals, there has been ample rainfall. We have received more than 250 millimeters (approximately 10 inches) of rain during the last thirty days. Thunder and lightning are common appearances now, and the "invisible" alien headquarters have been thoroughly zapped.

When we first arrived at the new location, the locals were worried about the drought. The ground was brittle and hard. Now it is well soaked and soft because of the abundance of rainfall. On the other hand, the Atherton Tablelands, which we have departed from, have returned to drought, as was expected.

A few days ago, when the weather was warm (28 degrees Celsius), as we approached the atu-waa in our car, a sudden and very dense fog developed at mid-day.


We could hardly see the outline of the trees and could only safely drive at 20 km/h. This artificial fog did not deter us from advancing, and the aliens could only maintain it for 9 minutes each time they dropped it around us. The heat of the day was too much for their artificially induced mist (fog). That afternoon, they tried using the fog on three different occasions, each time to no avail. 

As I indicated in a previous posting, many top Anunnaki Remnants/agents are being "recalled" to return to their alien bodies. Some of these were in animal bodies, such as racehorses. More top Anunnaki "humans" and "animals" will be following as the Reptilians build up their ranks into Reptilian bodies in preparation for the big alien battles to come.

This is a time when doubts can pour in more persistently than ever because Darkness is getting more and more desperate.


The demiurges know that the separation is inevitable. Darkness does not nurture. What appears to be growth and nurturing in Darkness are only illusions. It is the Light that nurtures unconditionally. It is a time to stand firm in one's commitment to the Light. Otherwise, one will be blowing in the wind without any direction or purpose.

May the Light be with you.

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A-itu Makitah Is Established At A Critical Position Near The Atu-waa

29th December 2005

Of recent, I have written much about the alien wars.


These wars primarily involve evil aliens fighting with other evil aliens. When necessary, for various reasons, good extraterrestrials intervene in the alien wars. However, good extraterrestrials are not really at war with the evil aliens; instead, they are assisting in the Rescue of viable True-Light beings - much to the chagrin of the evil aliens.

Evil aliens are agents for the various demiurges. The evil aliens fight amongst themselves, just as their masters fight amongst themselves. That is why there can never be real, lasting peace in the physical realm.

We have recently re-located and moved closer to the atu-waa. This was quite a move because of many circumstances and complexities involved.

As expected, the battles intensified as Darkness attempted to thwart the move. Not only did we re-locate closer to the atu-waa, our new location allows us to "peep" into the earthly, "invisible" headquarters of many evil aliens. One of the main reasons for the re-location is to bring rain to the drought-stricken area near the atu-waa. The day after our arrival, there was a torrential downpour. Since then, several inches of rain have fallen. Most of the rain has been localized for various reasons.

Despite the many obstructions that Darkness instigated, we completed the move safely. Amongst the many unkind things thrown at us and our animal friends were the following:

We were riding in a taxi to an airport with a very unfriendly driver when the taxi in the next lane to us, for no apparent reason, drove straight into a slow moving truck going the same direction as it was. (This was an example of aliens targeting the wrong taxi, which was similar to the taxi we were in.) As soon as the other taxi was smashed, our taxi driver became very friendly and helpful.

Somehow, the sewer in our new house backed up the day we moved in and our fresh water supply went from clear to muddy. Service people attended to the problems but could not resolve them. Apparently, the previous owners had not had such problems.

The move required the animals and us to take many flights and long car trips. Thirty minutes into one of the flights, Steffan and I heard reports between the pilot and a flight control tower discussing an emergency that required the plane to turn back and attempt an emergency landing at the airport it had departed from. In the message, the pilot reported to the control tower the plane's estimated time of arrival. The routine flight quickly turned into a tense ordeal for the passengers and crew.


When we asked other passengers if they had heard the announcements, they said that they had not! Many of the passengers and the crew panicked. Some passengers seated close to us needed oxygen for treatment of what appeared to be panic attacks. (It was later reported by the media that those passengers were overtaken by noxious gas that nobody else, including us, even noticed.) It was a precarious situation. Some knew it - others sensed it. 

As the passenger jet landed, the engine on the right wing rattled and clanked, sounding as though it was about to explode. The fire brigade was awaiting the plane with all their lights flashing. One passenger reported seeing smoke pouring out of the right wing during landing. 

After many hours of waiting at the airport, another plane took us to our destination without incident. Unbeknownst to the crew, the second jet was escorted by a scout craft of the Light. 

On arrival, all the passengers were screened and detained by bomb squads, plain-clothes police and security guards. All the other flights were cancelled and the airport was closed down. 

While this was occurring, a radio-station broadcast reported that a butane cylinder in a passenger's baggage had leaked in the aircraft, causing alarm to the crew, so the plane was turned back. If it were true that they found such a butane container, why were all the passengers still being detained, screened and searched? Is it credible to say that a camper's leaking butane tank could cause the engine to rattle, smoke and clank? And, why did the radio report state that the affected plane had NO mechanical difficulties? 

From my perspective, I knew that we were being targeted even before the plane took off. Our seats were near the afflicted engine. During the flight, an alien beam was fired at us, but because of our shields, it ricocheted and hit the right engine instead. We had a choice of airlines to fly that day, but it would not have mattered which of them we had selected - the aliens would still have attacked.

Had the plane not turned back, it could easily have exploded en-route. It is no wonder that the investigators took the incident so seriously. They knew something was amiss, but their mindsets would not even allow them to consider the possibility that an undetected alien craft had attacked passengers on the plane and caused the problem. 

While being detained by the bomb squad with all the other passengers, I placed a call on my cell phone. The conversation went fine until I started talking about the incident, at which time, my phone was jammed. I tried again, and the same thing happened. I overheard one of the security personnel speaking on a walkie-talkie saying that they did not know what they were looking for. Since that flight, I have noticed that there is a new inspection routine performed on the blades of the jet engines before the crafts take off.

On parts of the journey, we had to travel by car. In one incident, we were hindered by a truck for three hours on a deserted, dark stretch of highway between 8 pm and 11 pm. Most oddly, other than the truck and us, there was not another vehicle traveling in our direction for 300 kilometers of the major highway. 

The hindering by the truck - a huge semi-trailer - was most unusual, because it would not allow us to pass it, no matter how fast we traveled. So, we stopped in a small town for half an hour to let it go on its way. No vehicles passed on the highway while we waited.

Soon after as we went back onto the highway, the truck appeared. It was obviously lying in wait for us. Since it was traveling very slowly, we were able to overtake it, but just barely. This huge semi-trailer was able to accelerate very rapidly while we passed it, and it was soon right on our tail. We maintained high speed to keep a little distance between us. Suddenly, on a straight stretch of road, a seemingly identical truck appeared from nowhere directly in front of us. 

We were surprised that the same truck was in front of us and behind us simultaneously. This second truck was going about 60 km/h, perhaps in an effort to slow us down and squeeze us between the two trucks. We accelerated and passed the second truck. By the time we passed the second semi-trailer, we were doing 160 km/h. That truck went from 60 km/h to 160 km/h in the short distance it took us to pass. It was now obvious that the second truck was a phantom, a holographic projection of the first truck. We had to travel at 180 km/h to lose the holographic truck. 

After a lengthy chase by the phantom and the original truck, we finally reached another town. Immediately, we pulled into a roadside motel parking lot and turned off our lights. Within two minutes, the truck went barreling past. There was only one truck and it was hard on our tail! It took us three harrowing hours to shake off that truck!

The next day, when we began driving, we noticed many tails on us and several vehicles tried to squeeze us and run us off the road. It was a lot like a James Bond movie, but very real. We had a truck swinging a crane at us on a 100 km/h highway. This time, we stopped right in the middle of the highway and let the truck go. It slowed from 80 km/h to a very slow speed, but, eventually, it had to go on. Apparently, the driver did not want to stop on the highway in broad daylight within the sight of other cars. However, another vehicle soon took its place. 

Farther down the road, a car overtook us and an alien beam that was intended for us hit the overtaking car instead, which exploded right before our eyes! The car spontaneously combusted! It was horrible. The scene of the burning car was later shown on local television.

As we continued our journey, a truck passed us going in the opposite direction and flashed a huge, horizontal, silvery beam at us. At the same time, a ute (utility vehicle) traveling in our direction simultaneously flashed a disk-shaped silvery light at us from the back of it.


These flashes caused us to have headaches and temporarily disoriented us. Had it not been for the shields, the impact of the flashes would have been disastrous. We knew we had to keep driving because of all these hostile beings around us. Finally, I called for reinforcements. When help arrived, the opposition dispersed. 

The rest of the drive was without incident.

Since our re-location, our presence on the new property - which I have named A-itu Makitah - has thwarted many evil alien maneuvers and plans. This is all a prelude to 2006, in which year the saying "all hell breaking loose" will be most appropriate.

Since the alien wars have heated up, many top-ranking New World Order personnel have moved on. Some have exited by dropping their physical human bodies to resume their alien identities.


Others have gone into underground bunkers in their "human" forms. Still others have retreated to their spacecrafts. More will be expected to depart soon, either by choice or on orders from their masters. Most of these have been of Reptilian origin.

The alien wars are very real indeed.

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Soaking the Atu-waa

6th January 2006


Many believe that the physical universe and all its inhabitants are in various states of evolution. This theory has been in vogue since the time of Charles Darwin. The basic premise of the theory of evolution is that from the smaller comes the greater. Those who accept the theory must have an enormous amount of faith to believe that the lowest of intelligences can eventually evolve into greater intelligences.

Contrary to evolutionary theory, things are not in a state of evolution. They are, in fact, in a state of decay - they are all devolving into chaos. Species on the Earth have not evolved into their present states; they have been genetically engineered by alien scientists who have been manipulating biological bodies for a long time. As times change and needs change, the various species are altered by aliens to suit various purposes. Likewise, when different aliens colonized the Earth, different species were adapted to suit the different aliens.

One of the greatest mysteries to scientists on Earth has been the sudden disappearance of dinosaurs from the planet. Several hypotheses have been circulated in regard to this issue. The more important questions are where the dinosaurs came from, and why were they distributed around the world. Once their origin is understood, their extinction can be better comprehended.

The First Cause of the creation of the Virtual Reality by Darkness was the invention of motion.


Darkness employed motion to create the illusion that incorporeal things have corporeal bodies. This applies from the tiniest to the largest of things in the physical universes. Motion is the First Cause, or the First Illusion. The illusion of motion is not perpetual - it must be maintained by other illusions. 

After Darkness superimposed the physical universes and the astral worlds onto the True Creation, It delegated the responsibility of keeping the illusion of motion fuelled. This responsibility was given toone of Darkness' earliest favorite, chosen races - the Anunnaki.

A very important supporting illusion to the illusion of motion is the illusion of time. Darkness also delegated the duty of maintaining the illusion of time to Its chief agents - the Anunnaki - who were often worshipped as gods by ancient earthlings.

In order to maintain the illusion of time, it is imperative that time be "re-started" at various intervals. The "instrument" used by the Anunnaki to re-start time is called the atu-waa. This instrument is not just a machine - it has its own intelligence and is unique. There is only one atu-waa in all of the Virtual Reality. 

For a long, long time, the Anunnaki kept close watch of the atu-waa on their home planet of Nibiru. From that planet, time was re-started many times at opportune intervals. When the Anunnaki realized that Nibiru was going to be no more, they searched for a suitable location. The Earth, which was originally used as a dumping ground by various alien races, was ironically chosen as the new home for the all-important atu-waa.

Hence, suddenly, an insignificant planet became the most important place in all of the Virtual Reality. It is extremely important to the Anunnaki that the earthlings never learn this information. Thus, the Anunnaki have used all their means of deception, force, manipulation and so on to keep the secret of the atu-waa from earthlings and other alien races. In hiding the information about the atu-waa, many myths and religions were invented and maintained to distract any who might search for truth. The Anunnaki have also kept tight control over many other secrets on the planet. Any who were a threat to the Anunnaki secrets were persecuted. 

When the Anunnaki re-located the atu-waa to the Earth, there were already other alien races occupying the planet.


The Anunnaki commenced a plan of conquest of the Earth so they could have total control of the planet housing the atu-waa. One of the methods of expelling the earlier alien occupants of the planet was to introduce frightening species. This was accomplished by Anunnaki scientists who genetically engineered various monsters.

They created certain huge species of fish, amphibians and reptiles. Among these were the carnivorous dinosaurs, which were genetically created for the specific purpose of frightening other aliens away from the planet. Many aliens fled the Earth or moved away from areas where dinosaurs roamed. Other aliens abandoned plans to colonize the Earth.

Once the planet was cleared of all "foreign" alien resistance, the Anunnaki scientists developed a beam that was used to exterminate the dinosaurs that had become a hazard and a nuisance to the Anunnaki. When the dinosaurs were annihilated, the Anunnaki Elite more freely occupied the planet and brought in more slaves, their own kind and their various cultures to the planet. 

The Anunnaki Elite have repeatedly re-started the illusion of time from the Earth by using the atu-waa. When the illusion of time is re-started, many things are affected. These include loss of memory of the past in the physical realms as well as in the astral realms. The Akashic records are kept in the astral by chief Anunnaki agents, who often modify, re-write and tamper with them to suit their purposes. Therefore, there are no reliable records left after each re-start of the illusion of time. Many people who have stumbled upon the Akashic records have been fooled by the Anunnaki deceptions.


This is one of the reasons why people do not suspect that time is not perpetual and must be re-started at various intervals.

Since the Anunnaki worship different demiurges, there are multiple religions in the world. The distribution of the religions depends upon the location of the various types of Anunnaki in the region. In other words, some religions are founded upon the worship of a particular demiurge, while others are founded upon the worship of another demiurge. In fact, some religions do not worship a demiurge at all, but instead worship alien gods (flesh-and-blood Anunnaki Elite). 

Some religions are actually based upon some ancient truth that was later hijacked and corrupted to incorporate into an Anunnaki-sponsored religion. Often, these religions have some truth that resonates with True-Light beings, who are attracted to them and become trapped in the religion.

Among the many notions that the Anunnaki have sponsored is the belief that God is perfect. The notion of a perfect God has troubled many true searchers. If God were perfect, how could there be the problem of evil? The problem of evil has perplexed many. The basis of the problem is that if God is perfect, how could there be so much suffering, decay, injustice and, ultimately, how could there be death?

People who, like Augustine of Hippo, argue that evil is not a separate principle, but rather a privation of good and a non-being, believe in the necessity and gratuitousness of divine grace, antecedent to all human volition for good.


Such ones believe that all apparent evil originates in the human will. To these, nothing could exist other than God and what he created. Therefore, they argue that there is only one principle, and that the principle is God and all things are created by him. A corollary to this is that we should embrace evil as much as good, but this becomes nonsensical. Nonetheless this is a New Age concept many believe today.

The problem of evil is exacerbated by the belief that God is good, and that all things are created by God. By this reasoning, everything that exists must be good since everything that exists has the virtue of being created by a good god. Such an argument shows a necessary connection between being and goodness. This is just another example of the problem of evil based upon the notion that God is perfect.

In fact, the True God is NOT perfect in the sense of the Anunnaki notion of perfection. God is Love and what God creates is created with Love. If something goes wrong in the creation process, God can correct it. This is deemed an imperfection according to the human notion of God's perfection. It is important to realize that good is not synonymous with perfection

The extant Bible uses the term "perfect hatred", which by almost any definition could not be good. See: Psalms 139:22. Therefore, "perfect" is an adjective to describe a noun, and it does not necessarily mean that "perfect" is good.

The argument against perfection is right before us in the physical realms.


If God were "perfect" and created only "perfect" things, why would God create biological bodies that decay and die? The answer becomes clear that either God is imperfect, or that God did not create biological bodies.


If God did not create biological bodies, then who or what did? The answer is that various demiurges created matter, biological life and, very importantly, death. The demiurges are responsible for all death. In the True Creation, there is no death and no decay.

Demiurges have selected certain races as their chosen ones - these chosen ones are special creations whose consciousnesses go into particular races.


The three most recent chosen races by their various demiurges are:

The consciousnesses of the chosen ones are now in various bodies of various races.


Thus, the consciousnesses of True Jews can be in Jewish, Italian, Spanish, Chinese or other bodies. Likewise, True Chinese consciousnesses could be in Chinese, German, Indian, Russian, Japanese, Arab or other bodies.


The True Jews and the True Chinese consciousnesses were chosen by the same master (demiurge), while the True Japanese were chosen by a different master. 

Evil demiurges know their goal, which is to take over all of the True Creation. They wish to usurp and contaminate all that is good. They are very ambitious and fight amongst themselves for the top spot on the evil hierarchy, and they ultimately are so deluded that they hope to topple the True Creator by corrupting the entire True Creation.


It is sad that so much Love has been poured into the various demiurges to try to correct them, but they reject that Love. Therefore, they will be separated from the True Creation. The ones created by the demiurges (the artificial consciousnesses) have no future. There is no "Hell" and no "Heaven" for them. All they can do is to pointlessly journey into the astral worlds from lifetime to lifetime.

To maintain the illusion, the traps, the control and the confusion on Earth, the Anunnaki have introduced many symbols and concepts of rituals and ceremonies to the Earth.


Some of these symbols are very powerful in the domain of evil. One such symbol is an eagle with spread wings, often abstractly represented with its feathers drooping downwards. This is a control/power symbol of the Anunnaki. It is seen in military and civilian Western European, Native American, South American, Asian and other cultures.

The secret Atu-waa is inoperable, but the Anunnaki Remnants are trying desperately to revive it by using ancient symbols and dark arts.


One of the important conditions needed to implement the atu-waa is a vast, arid region. When an area is selected as a potential future location for the atu-waa, the Anunnaki artificially induce drought in that area. Even if the area is not used for the re-location of the atu-waa, the Anunnaki leave the region in drought and leave it to take its natural course. This is why Africa has been suffering such a severe drought for so long

As I have stated, we have re-located closer to the atu-waa. One of the reasons is to bring rain to certain drought-stricken areas near the atu-waa. In less than a month since the re-location, much to the surprise of the locals, there has been ample rainfall. We have received more than 250 millimeters (approximately 10 inches) of rain during the last thirty days. Thunder and lightning are common appearances now, and the "invisible" alien headquarters have been thoroughly zapped.

When we first arrived at the new location, the locals were worried about the drought. The ground was brittle and hard. Now it is well soaked and soft because of the abundance of rainfall. On the other hand, the Atherton Tablelands, which we have departed from, have returned to drought, as was expected.

A few days ago, when the weather was warm (28 degrees Celsius), as we approached the atu-waa in our car, a sudden and very dense fog developed at mid-day.


We could hardly see the outline of the trees and could only safely drive at 20 km/h. This artificial fog did not deter us from advancing, and the aliens could only maintain it for 9 minutes each time they dropped it around us. The heat of the day was too much for their artificially induced mist (fog). That afternoon, they tried using the fog on three different occasions, each time to no avail. 

As I indicated in a previous posting, many top Anunnaki Remnants/agents are being "recalled" to return to their alien bodies. Some of these were in animal bodies, such as racehorses. More top Anunnaki "humans" and "animals" will be following as the Reptilians build up their ranks into Reptilian bodies in preparation for the big alien battles to come.

This is a time when doubts can pour in more persistently than ever because Darkness is getting more and more desperate.


The demiurges know that the separation is inevitable. Darkness does not nurture. What appears to be growth and nurturing in Darkness are only illusions. It is the Light that nurtures unconditionally. It is a time to stand firm in one's commitment to the Light. Otherwise, one will be blowing in the wind without any direction or purpose.

May the Light be with you.

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