Zecharia Sitchin


by Enki June 9, 2018 0 comment

Giant Anunnaki geneticists from the planet Nibiru gave us blessings, curses and challenges in our DNA and training.


Perks the Anunnaki proffered began when they adapted their genome to Earth to create us, to give us our very existence.

We benefitted from technology they taught as well as computers, rockets, submarines and the like–that we saw

them use and eventually imitated.







They blessed us with crops, livestock and entheogens.

They gave us physics, legal codes, mathematics, cosmology, astronomy, biology, gene spicing, metallurgy, brick-making, music, medicine, instruments, literacy, architecture, geology, cities, schools, canal and watering systems, ships, cartography and contracts.

The Anunnaki gave additional perks to selected savants to share with us when we were ready for them.


Our creators gave us short lifespans, imprinted status obsession and greed as our guiding principles.  They inflicted Royals, religions, racism, sexism, slavery, taxes, gold lust, debt, murder, war, propaganda and forced ignorance upon us.


The Anunnaki promise to help us dawn the mini-Satya Yuga/Aquarian Age that celebrates both individuality and unity.

This info frees us from the god-spell, the nation-spell and the materialist-spell, the master-slave, god-devotee, boss-worker, lord-tenant model ETs from planet Nibiru imposed on us. Our true history frees us to create our own future, activate our latent Nibiran genes, better our genome and join galactic civilization.


Marduk, Anunnaki King of Earth

Aquarian Radio

May 26, 2017

MARDUK: ANUNNAKI KING OF EARTH: Nibiru "god" to Allow Aquarian Reformation Excerpt from “MARDUK: ANUNNAKI KING OF EARTH” By Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology) & Janet Kira Lessin CEO, Aquarian Radio Marduk, Our secret Anunnaki ruler, says he’ll make amends for suffering he caused. Anu, legal successor to planet Nibiru King Lahma, signed a treaty with King Alalu who slew Lahma. Anu quit as Lahma’s successor and agreed to let his and Alalu’s grandson Marduk succeed Alalu. Anu however reneged. He abrogated the treaty, deposed Alalu and denied Marduk Nibiru’s Crown. Marduk rocketed to Earth where he joined his father Enki, Chief Scientist, Earth Goldmining Expedition (the Anunnaki). Marduk didn’t rule Nibiru; he only, for awhile, ruled the Astronaut Corps (Igigi) on Mars. He wed a Hybrid (Sarpanit) whose ancestors his dad created. He built Babylon for both Anunnaki and Hybrids in Iraq. Marduk backed the Igigi after they abducted hybrid women following his wedding. He helped settle them on Earth. The Igigi and the lineages they bred with the slave-women, allied with him, settled in Jericho, Canaan and Egypt. In 3450 BCE Anunnaki Commander Enlil-Yahweh had his son Ninurta bomb Marduk’s Babylon. In 2924 BCE Ninurta nuked the Expedition’s Sinai Spaceport to deny it to Marduk. Marduk’s brother Nergal bombed Sodom, Gomorra and the Salt Sea’s south bank to kill Marduk’s son Nabu. To Enlil’s shock, a radioactive storm blew from the bombs he’d ordered dropped and also killed his Sumerian Earthlings. Enlil left Earth rule to Marduk. Marduk has said that the Nibiran King Nannar vs him period on Earth that marks the end of the difficult times (Kaliyuga) is ending. Instead of either he or Nannar generating the ethos of the era into which we now move, the Galzu, from a higher consciousness perspective than that of the Anunnaki, they will now bring peace to the Anunnaki factions that have been contending for control of Earth and help us deal with coming astronomical challenges. Welcome in the new age, the Satya Yuga, Age of Aquarius. Marduk: Anunnaki King of the Earth also gives you a short biography of each of the main Anunnaki and Hybrid players who have imprinted our world.




Anunnaki creators models Reformed

Aquarian Radio

Oct 6, 2019

By Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) & Janet Kira Lessin, (CEO, Aquarian Radio) The Anunnaki, people like us, rocketed here 450,000 for gold to send home for gold powder for a sky shield. 200,000 years ago, their miners on Earth mutinied. To replace them, Enki’s team created us from their genome, copper, clay-embedded minerals, copper and genes from Bigfoot’s African ancestor. The Anunnaki gave us math, architecture, writing, botany, zoology, geography, kings, taxes, temples, priests, record-keeping, laws, libraries, kilns, wheeled vehicles, paved roads, medicine, festivals, beer, art, music, instruments, dance, and textiles. But they also imposed hierarchy, misogyny, violence, greed, slavery, debt, and war. In 2024 BCE they ruined their Mediterranean cities with nuclear bombs and fallout. Most of them returned to Nibiru, but some stayed and, with their hybrid kin, have kept us pitted against each other in dominator consciousness. Recently, however, Anunnaki Royals returned to Earth, joined Enki, and pledge to usher in the Age of Enki. ANUNNAKI & ANCIENT ANTHROPOLOGY EVIDENCE, REFERENCES, TIMELINE & WHO’S WHO Evidence References Timeline Who’s Who NEW STUFF: Please share.



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Anunnaki Who’s Who

Anunnaki Evidence



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