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and for more information please visit the following web pages ...





2012 - Another Anunnaki Hoax



2012 - Otro Engaño Anunnaki



A Different Story About The Anunnaki



Al Borde del Nuevo Orden Mundial Anunnaki



Anton Parks y El Secreto de Las Estrellas Oscuras - Entrevista de Karmaone


-   Anunnaki - A Different Vision of Who They Are...



Anunnaki and The Coming of The "Sacred" Cross



Anunnaki History and the Role of Reptilian ETs



 -  Anunnaki Hybrid DNA - Alien Races



Anunnaki Pedophilia Syndrome



Anunnaki Plan - Human Plan?



Anunnaki Revealed



 -  Anunnakis - "Los Antiguos Señores de la Tierra"



 -  Anunnakis y Fractal Universal



 -  Anunnaki - The Elite and The Remnants



Anunnaki vs. Reptilianos



-   Anunnaki y ADN Híbrido - Razas Alienigenas



-   Atu-waa - The Anunnaki Time Re-Starting Device



Awaken to The Truth of Your Genetic Heritage, People of Earth - Neil Freer Interview


Bep Kororoti - Un Anunnaki en el Amazonas que Enseñó y Salvó a los Nativos


De Pobres a Ricos en El Mundo Anunnaki



Descendants of The AN.UNNA.KI



Did the Anunnaki reveal Keys of the Universe in the First System of Mathematics?


El Atu-waa - El Dispositivo Anunnaki Para Re-Iniciar El Tiempo


El Génesis Prohibido - Los Anunnaki y la Creación


El Génesis Revisado



El Misterio del Dios Pez Oannes - ¿Un Híbrido Sabio creado por los Anunnaki?


El Regreso de Los Dioses



- ¿Es Yahvé Un Anunnaki?



Genesis Revisited



Historia de Jehovah y Los Anunnaki



Historia de Los Anunnaki y El Rol de los ET Reptiles



History of Jehovah and The Anunnaki



If the Anunnaki Created Us, Who Created the Anunnaki?



Is Yahweh an Anunnaki?



-   La Manipulación Anunnaki del Hombre - Las Mentiras de Los Anunnaki


-   La Rueda de Esclavitud Anunnaki



La Verdad sobre los Anunnaki



 -  Let Us Make Man in Our Image - Who is 'US' and 'OUR'? - Bloodlines


Los Anunnaki Deben Regresar para Arreglar su Creación que ha Ido por Mal Camino


Los Anunnaki - La Conexión Azteca



Los Anunnaki - La Conexión Perú



-   Los Anunnaki - Una Versión Diferente de Quienes Son



Los Anunnaki y la Historia Prohibida de la Humanidad


Los Annunaki y Nibiru


Los Anunnaki y sus Híbridos Humanos - La Elite Global


Los Drakons-Nefilim-Anunnaki



 -   Los Erideanos y Los An-Unnaki - ¿Quiénes Son y de Donde se Originaron?


 -  New Light on the Anunnaki Story, Past & Future



Nibiru and The Anunnaki



Nibiru and The Anunnaki - An Interpretation



Nibiru y Los Anunnaki



Nibiru y Los Anunnaki - Una Interpretación



Nuestra Historia Borrada



On The Brink of Anunnaki New World Order



Plan Anunnaki - ¿Plan Humano?



Rags to Riches in The Anunnaki World



 -  Recovering Stolen Seeds from a Tree of Life and Activation of a Sleeping Giant in Iraq


Reptilians, The Ancient Ones and The Anunnaki - Understanding The Difference


Sacred Nubian Teachings - The Anunnaki



Síndrome de Pedofilia Anunnaki



 -   Sumerian Culture and The Anunnaki



 -  The Anunnaki and Nephilim



 -  The Anunnaki and The Abyss



The Anunnaki and The Black Race - extracted from 'Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict and Creation'


The Anunnaki and Their Human Hybrids - The Global Elite


The Anunnaki and The Tree of Creation - from 'The Experiment' - The True History of The Dark....


The Anunnaki Branch Grows - from 'The Experiment' - The True History of The Darkness and....


The Anunnaki Chess Tournament



The Anunnaki Manipulation of Man - The Lies of The Anunnaki


The Anunnaki Must Return to Fix their Creation that has Gone Astray


The Anunnaki-Nephilim - from 'ETs and Aliens: Who are they? and, Why are they here?' by Noel Huntley


The Anunnaki's Children



The Anunnaki, The Vampire, and The Structure of Dissent



The British Olcar's ETS - A Crucial Step to Its World Dominance


The Drakon-Nephilim-Anunnaki



The Erideans and The An-Unnaki - Who Are They and Where do They Originate?


The Family Tree of the Ancient Anunnaki - Those who Came Down from Heaven


The Occult Reptilian Saga - Main File



The Research of Amitakh Stanford - Main File



The Return of The Gods



The Revised Anunnaki Protocols - The Protocols of the Elders of Zion


Thoth Identity Links Anunnaki to Orion and Rigel



Who are the Anunnaki?


Additional Information


 -  Aliens at War



 -  Amazing Knowledge of Sumerians



Ancient Mound Builders - Who Were They - The Beginning of The Great Coverup on The History of Man


Antiguos Constructores de Montículos ¿Quienes Fueron? - El Comienzo Del Gran Encubrimiento en...


Anunnaki and Igigi - A Linguistic Overview



Anunnaki, Iraq and Pearl Harbor



Anunnaki Sewage Plants



A Short Overview of The Anchara Alliance and The Anunnaki


Bloodlines: Let US Make Man in OUR Image - Who is 'US' and 'OUR'?


Científicos Encuentran Genes Extraterrestres en ADN Humano - ¿Existen Civilizaciones de Seres...


Columbia a High Profile Victim of Proxy Clandestine Government War?


Confesiones de Un Envejecido Dios



Confessions of An Aging God



Cuales Humanos, si los hubiere, se Conectan(aron) con los Supremos Poderes Fácticos de la Tierra


- ¿Cual es la Verdadera AGENDA de la Cábala de los Arcontes, Anunnaki y Dracos?


Dan Winter y La Ciencia de La Implosion



De Cómo los Dioses Védicos Establecieron su Sistema de Manipulación


Disinformation About The Nibiruans



El Arte Sumerio-Anunnaki en Diferentes Continentes



El Colapso de Los Sistemas Astral y Físico



El Comité de los que Realmente "Mandan" en cada País - Un nuevo Cambio en las "Octavas Kármicas"


El Concejo Extraterrestre Sembró al Homo Sapiens Como un Ser Inteligente Con el ADN de 12 Hebras


El Culto al Oro - ¿Porqué se Fueron los Dioses, y porqué iban a Regresar?


El Enigma de Los Arcontes - Sueño Alienígena



El Falso Pedro y Los Anuncios del Juicio Final - El Papa Francisco Insiste en Anunciar el Juicio Final


 -  El Mas Grande Engaño - Por el Dr. Jack Pruett - Una Reseña de Libro


El Secreto del Pentágono - Los Anunnaki están Regresando


El Secreto de Tiamat - Parte Primera



En Cuarentena - La Humanidad como Rehén - Las Supremas Verdades


ET Council Seeded Homo Sapiens as Intelligent Beings With 12-Strand DNA


Experts Claim there are 'Three Hostile Alien Species visiting Earth'


From Godspell to God Games



Giant Human Skeleton Found in Saudi Arabia



Gods of Heaven and Earth



Gold, The Anunnaki and Global Warming



Herencia Genética - HAGAMOS al Hombre a NUESTRA Imagen - ¿Que quiere decir 'HAGAMOS' y...


How the Vedic Gods Set Up their Manipulative System


Human Consciousness and The Anunnaki



Il Falso Pietro e Gli Annunci del Giudizio Finale - Papa Francesco insiste con l'annuncio del Giudizio Finale


 -   James - El Soberano Integral - La Entrevista Con James (WingMakers - Project Camelot)

 -   James - The WingMakers Interview - Project Camelot


Jehová y la 'Conspiración Mundial'…



La Casta de Clases



La Conciencia Humana y Los Anunnaki



La Hipótesis Siluriana - No seríamos la Primera Civilización Avanzada en la Tierra


-¿La Logia S.A.A.L.M en Lo Más Alto de La Pirámide Illuminati?


Las Guerras Cósmicas desde una Perspectiva Védica



Las Leyendas del Jardín del Edén y los Ángeles



 -  La Verdadera Historia de La Cristiandad y Otros Comentarios a Los Textos de Michael Sokolov


 -  Le Basi Biologiche dell'Elitismo e del "Diritto Divino" di Governare


 -  Let Us Make Man in Our Image - Who is 'US' and 'OUR'? - Bloodlines


Los Anunnaki, Irak y Pearl Harbor



 -  Los Atlantes y el Mal Uso de la Energía


Los Chamanes de Mu, los Caídos y la Corrupción de La Sabiduría


Los Reptilianos y La Prisión Holográfica



Los Reyes Antediluvianos



Mensajes Recibidos - Del libro "Cosmología Pleyadiana"



 -   Modern Science Confirms Ancient Knowledge (DNA Research)


More Information About S.A.A.L.M.



Nibiru - Getting Rid of the Smoke and Mirrors



Nibiru - Liberándonos del Humo y los Espejos



 -  Olcar Intervention in The Anunnaki Wars



One Small Shift for Earth, One Large Shift for Mankind


Pentagon Secret - The Anunnaki are Returning


Preparedness - Sasha Through Lyssa Royal



 -  Programming Wars



Quarantine - Mankind Held Hostage - The Ultimate Truths



- ¿Quien Escribió La Agenda Reptil? - El Origen de Las Escrituras Anunnaki


- ¿Quiénes Nos Están Manipulando Desde un Nivel Más Alto y Qué Los Motiva?


-  S.A.A.L.M.:


      1 - Información Recuperada del Sitio Web GodLike Productions

      2 - Información Recuperada del Sitio Web SAALM


      3 - Información Recuperada del Sitio Web Z13_InvisionFree


San Jorge y La Rosa de... Isis



Scientists Find Extraterrestrial Genes in Human DNA - Do Civilizations of Advanced Human...


Sensacional Descubrimiento Sobre El Genoma Humano



Sensational Human Genome Discovery



 -  Solar Wars and Amenti's Halls



Stop Exploiting the Indigo Children



 -   Sumerian Alien Descriptions



 -  The Ancients and The Power of Water


 -  The Atlanteans and the Misuse of Energy


The Biological Basis of Elitism and "The Divine Right" Rule


The City of Secrets - Nashville's Temple Code Unveiled



The Class Caste



The Collapse of Astral and Physical Systems


The Cosmic Wars from a Vedic Perspective


The Creation of Modern Man, his Society, Culture, Civilization and Religions by Extraterrestrial Races


The Elohim, Zecharia Sitchin, Pyramids and Christopher Dunn


The Enigma of The Archons - Alien Dreaming



The Future of Humans - Becoming The Anunnaki's Biological Robots


The "Gods" Are Crazy



The Grandest Deception - By Dr. Jack Pruett - A Book Review


The Legends of the Garden of Eden and The Angels



The Location of Planet X - by R.S.Harrington



 -  The Origin of the Blue Eyes - The Ancient 'Gods' and Their Royal Descendants


The Real History of Christianity - And Other Comments to The Texts of Michael Sokolov


The Real Secret Word of The Freemasons



The Reptilian Kyoto Protocols and The Emerging New World Order


The Reptilians - Humanity's Historical Link To The Serpent Race


The Secret Bloodline?



The SERPENT and The EYE - Archeological Evidence Linking Reptilian Origins to Anunnaki - The Ubaid


 -  The Shamans of Mu, the Fallen Ones and the Corruption of Wisdom


The Vulturites



Un Pequeño Cambio Para La Tierra, Un Gran Cambio Para La Humanidad


What is the True Agenda of the Archon, Anunnaki and Draco Cabal?


Which, if Any, Humans Interface(d) With Earth's Ultimate PTB - Our Evil, Alien Creators


Who are Manipulating Us on A Higher Level and What Motivates Them?


Who are the Anunnaki?


Who Wrote The Reptilian Agenda? - On the Origin of The Anunnaki Script


Books and Treatises



Divine Encounters - A Guide to Visions, Angels and Other Emissaries - by Zecharia Sitchin


El Doceavo Planeta - by Zecharia Sitchin


El Fin De Los Días - Armagedon y Las Profecías Del Retorno - by Zecharia Sitchin


La Historia Empieza en Sumer - por Samuel Noah Kramer


The End of Days - Armageddon And Prophecies of The Return - by Zecharia Sitchin


There Were Giants Upon The Earth - Gods, Demigods, and... - Evidence of Alien DNA - by Z.Sitchin

 -  The Rise and Fall of the Nephilim - by Scott Alan Roberts


Ancient Monuments of Iraq



Galería de Imágenes (Sumeria)



 -   Looters Riddle Ancient Iraqi Sites with Holes



 -  Multimedia - Map with Iraq's Threatened Heritage





1Anunnaki - Interview With Jon Gress


1Anunnaki - The Movie - Have TPTB Prevented it From Being Released?

200,000 Year Old Anunnaki Cities Discovered in Africa


Ancient Hidden Technology of The Anunnaki - Fallen Angels - 2014

An Evening With Lloyd Pye - On Starchild and Anunnaki Genetic Engineering

Antropología Humana Anunnaki - Lloyd Pye




 -  Anunnaki 1.0 y 2.0


Anunnaki - A Documentary


Anunnaki and Ancient Hidden Technology


Anunnaki and Monoatomic Gold - Don't Watch This Film


 -  Anunnaki are Fallen Angels


 -  Anunnaki - Coming Back!


 -  Anunnaki, Gold and Ancient Hidden Technology


 -   Anunnaki Hybrid DNA - Alien Races


Anunnaki Timeline


Are You Ready? They're Coming Back!


Fallen Angels, 2012, and Planet X Nibiru


Human Origins - Michael Tellinger Interview


Humanity History? - Michael Tellinger Interview


 -  Intervención Extraterrestre en la Antigüedad


 -  Interview to Dr.Robert S.Harrington by Zacharia Zitchin


Last News From Bill Deagle - Phone Interview


 -  Los Anunnaki - Creadores de La Actual Humanidad


 -   Planet X-Nibiru Hybrids


 -  Return of Enki - ETs Preventing Nuclear War and Restoring Adamic DNA

 -  Slides Presentation


Sitchin, The Anunnaki and The 10th Planet


 -  Sumerians Did Know!!!


 -   Supra-Consciousness - Human Transformation, Earth Changes & The New World

 -  The Anunnaki and The Myth of a 12th Planet


The Return of Planet X and The Anunnaki - Version 2.0

 -  The Ultimate Question - Aliens, UFO's, Anunnaki - Documentary 2014

 -  Using The True ET History of DNA - Ending Religion Wars



Related Reports


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Humanity's History and Ancient Civilizations - Main File



Jehovah - Yahweh - YHWH - Adonai - Main File



Rule By Secrecy - by Jim Marrs



STAR FIRE - The Gold of the Gods



The Archons - Main File



The Bloodline, Starfire and the Anunnaki



The Dragon Court - Main File



The Orion Zone - Main File



The Secret Race to Control Iraq's Extraterrestrial Heritage


The Tuatha de Danaan - Main File



Wes Penre and Humanity's History - Main File



Zecharia Sitchin - Main File




Return to The Archons



Return to The Global Elite



Return to Temas / Main Files



Return to Our Stellar Origins



Return to The Watchers - Nephilim



Return to Sumer and The Anunnaki



Return to Different Typologies of Extraterrestrials



Return to The Divine and The Manipulative Extraterrestrials




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Giant Hominoids

Who were the Annunaki?

Giant hominoids, standing on average 8 foot tall and far heavier and more muscular than humans, visiting Earth from their home planet, termed the Planet of the Crossing by the ancient Summerians.

This planet is known by many names - Niburu, Marduk, Wormwood, the Destroyer, the Red Star, and lately Planet X - but the ancient Sumerians termed it the 12th Planet, as they counted also the Sun and Earth's Moon.

In the words of the Zetas:

ZetaTalk: 12th Planet, written Jul 15, 1995

There is life on the 12th Planet, the giant comet that causes the periodic pole shifts. The primary race is a humanoid race, who would be and have been considered giants by humans on Earth. There have been many excellent books written on this subject, and all hold a grain of truth.

They have a hierarchical structure. We would venture to say no true democracies as you might term them. However, there are among them intellectuals who have great compassion for their fellow creatures and fellow citizens and have great influence in their society and are revered.

The giant hominoids on the 12th Planet to this day dress in attire reminiscent of Roman soldiers. Rome in fact modeled after them, rather than these hominoids modeling after the Romans. The males find this to be comfortable attire that has a macho image. You might look to your ancient Greek and ancient Roman societies for a glimpse of their lifestyle, because these societies carried the influence of these visitors very heavily.

The giant hominoids were not grossly muscular, as mankind's over-developed muscle men are. They were and are well proportioned, with rounded muscles but without the extreme bulging that muscle-men try to achieve. Nancy, who has met one, will tell you that they are extremely attractive, and proportional.

The giant hominoids had long faces, but the skulls that have been discovered and ascribed to aliens are not these giant hominoid's skulls. The Easter Island heads were designed to intimidate, as this appearance in the faces was and is indeed their facial structure.

They do not sleep, because they do not have a rising and setting sun. They have a dimmer day. The glow in their atmosphere comes from rifts within their ocean. They are inhabiting a brown dwarf that is in a slow smolder.

It happens also to be a water planet, so that the places where the results of the chemical reaction that produces their light come through are in the deepest rifts closest to the molten core, and scattered throughout their atmosphere. Therefore they have a continuous light, equivalent perhaps to late in your day or very early in the morning. They do have their quiet times.

Their agriculture is much less extensive than the agriculture of Earth. They tend to gather rather than grow. There are fewer of them per square mile than your rich and fertile earth sustains.

Gold mining is occurring today on a moon of Mars, which has been approached by man's probes and subsequently shot down by these hominoids who were not about to let themselves be filmed by their fomer slaves. This moon, Phobos, is rich in the minerals they seek.

12th Planet

Zacharia Sitchin, author of several books documenting what the anncient Summerians had to say about these giant hominoids, puts his finger on a key confirmation that they were indeed visitors from a planet ENTERING our solar system.

The evidence? They counted the planets from the outer edges of the solar system inward.

From Sitchin's book,

The 12th Planet: Landing on Planet Earth

In February, 1971, the United States launched Pioneer 10. Pioneer 10 scientists attached to it an engraved aluminum plaque. It attempts to tell whoever might find the plaque that Mankind is male and female, etc., and that (Pioneer 10) is from the 3rd planet of this Sun.

Our astronomy is geared to the notion that Earth is the 3rd planet, which indeed it is if one begins the count from the center of our system, the Sun. But to someone nearing our solar system from the outside, the 1st planet to be encountered would be Pluto, the 2nd Neptune, the 3rd Uranus, the 4th Saturn, the 5th Jupiter, the 6th Mars .. and the Earth would be 7th.

We know today that beyond the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn lie more major planets, Uranus and Neptune, and a small planet, Pluto. But such knowledge is quite recent. Uranus was discovered, through the use of improved telescopes, in 1781. Neptune was pinpointed by astronomers (guided by mathmatical calculations) in 1846. It became evident that Neptune was being subjected to unknown gravitational pull, and in 1930 Pluto (was located).

Sitchin reports that their planet, today known as Planet X, only crossed our solar system every 3,600 years, the ancient Summerian SHAR.

Again quoting from his book,

The 12th Planet: Kingship of Heaven

The (12th) Planet's periodic appearance and disappearance from Earth's view confirms the assumption of its permanence in solar orbit. In this it acts like many comets. If so, why are our astronomers not aware of the existence of this planet? The fact is that even an orbit half as long as the lower figure for (the comet) Kohoutek, (every 7,500 years), would take the 12th Planet about 6 times farther away from us than Pluto - a distance at which such a planet would not be visible from Earth. In fact, the known planets beyond Saturn were first discovered not visually but mathematically.

The Mesopotamian and biblical sources present strong evidence that the orbital period of the 12th Planet is 3,600 years. The number 3,600 was written in Sumerian as a large circle. The epithet for the planet, shar, also meant "a perfect circle" or "a completed cycle". It also meant the number 3,600. The identity of the three terms - planet/orbit/3,600 - could not be a mere coincidence. The reign periods (a Sumarian text) gives are also perfect multiples of the 3,600 year shar. The conclusion that suggests itself is that these shar's of rulership were related to the orbital period shar, 3,600 years.

In fact, the Zetas report that Planet X, aka the 12th Planet, spends most of its time located more than 9 Sun-Pluto distances from us, halfway between our Sun and a dark twin, a binary sun, never seen because this binary has never lit.

ZetaTalk: Distance from Earth, written Nov 15, 1999

The 12th Planet is circling on a long [sling] orbit around the sun and its dead companion which lies at a distance some 18.724 times the length from the sun to Pluto. At the turn of the millennium the 12th Planet [was] still close to the mid-point between the two foci, as astonishing as this may seem.

It spends the vast majority of its time in an essential dither these two massive suns, picking up speed as it approaches, inbound, then zooming through, turning around after coming to a standstill after having overshot the solar system, then shooting through again and returning to the essential dither point between the its two foci.

What makes it move and progress from one sun to the next? The fact that there is a slight momentum.

Confirming what Sitchin states about a planet more than 6 Sun-Pluto distances away not being visible to man on Earth, NASA and JPL had to use an infra-red cloud above the atmosphere to locate it in 1983.

QUOTE from:

Dec 31, 1983 Washington Post :

A heavenly body possibly ... so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite. So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet ... so close in fact that it would be the nearest heavenly body to Earth beyond the outermost planet Pluto.


The Annunaki giants left behind to mine for Gold built astronomical devices to help their progeny know when the home planet would be coming back to collect the Gold.

Thus, the Giant Pyramids.

ZetaTalk: Great Pyramids, written Jul 15, 1995

Humans ponder the pyramids of Egypt and some similar structures in South and Central America, and wonder how early man could rise or move such large stones? Of course, they could not. Even today the mechanics would be imposing to the point of being impossible. The answer is, of course, that early man did not build these structures.

The Great Pyramids were built essentially as Navigational Devices. Why was it necessary to build such large structures as interstellar navigational guides? Because, in the locale, any astronomical device would be subject to shifting sands. The Great Pyramids, by their great size and weight, ensure stability.

All this just to sight an incoming comet, which makes its appearance on a regular basis and can be seen weeks if not months beforehand? The Great Pyramids were not used solely for sighting an incoming object, as their primary purpose was to act as a guidance system for the launches the exiled 12th Planet residents would make to meet their home planet.

This required precision, as their rockets were no more sophisticated than those used to boost man into space today, and once in space they simply coasted until drawn into the gravitational orbit of the water planet they owed their allegiance to.

They did not last on Earth from one appearance of the 12th Planet to another. Several generations would pass, the knowledge of how to read the stars and what the 12th Planet kingship expected of them passed from parent to child. Conscientious parents, aging and sure to die before their progeny could return to the home planet where they had royalty status, built a navigational system that was rock solid and sure - the Giant Pyramids.

Could the pyramids act as guides for the forthcoming reappearance of the giant comet, the 12th Planet? Many pole shifts have occurred since they were built, each time the crust of the Earth sliding into new positions. Legend has it that the Giant Pyramids originally pointed near the Orion Star System, and those legends have carried true to their origin. Where this is the original point convergence, the spot where the giant comet first looms into view, the Giant Pyramids no longer act as a guide in this matter.

There is a rumor that the Giant Pyramids point directly N/S, I did a web search for facts to substantiate this rumor and could find none.

What I did find was documentation that stated the pyramids were more or less N/S aligned, which is far from the being precisely aligned N/S.

Giant Pyramids hold clues that they were astronomical devices.

ZetaTalk: Secret Chamber, written Nov 15, 1995

All types of rumors abound about the Great Pyramids, some true, some false. It is known that a hidden chamber exists, accessible only via a tunnel so narrow that it might be traveled by a rat, yet so straight and long that it could only have been used for sighting.

The room has no other entry and was never intended to hold a solid object. A liquid, pooled in the shallow basin and reflecting light outward only when light shown down the long tunnel at that particular angle - the light from the approaching 12th Planet.

Various other sighting tunnels, as yet undiscovered, caught the reflected light. The liquid, of course, evaporated over time, leaving only the puzzle behind.


The Spinix, was also by the hands of the Annunaki.

ZetaTalk: Sphinx, written Jul 15, 1995

The Sphinx is an example of a fancy burial chamber, a mausoleum of sorts, built by visitors from the 12th Planet who were into the sport of lion hunting. The grave was intended for a large and powerful male who stood tall in the circle of hunters, and all felt having his grave guarded by one of his conquests a suitable statement on his abilities and might.

As is often the case in the affairs of man, these plans went awry, as he was slaughtered by a rival and went unburied altogether, his body rotting under the sun, eaten by lions, no doubt.

Giants, as Ancient Gods

Being giants, compared to man, and techologically as advanced as mankind is today, primitive man considered the Annunaki to be gods.

As the iron suits worn by knights during the Middle Ages show, man did not have the stature in the old days that he does today.

This may be due to nutrition, as it seemed to change only recently.

There is a log cabin near where I live that has a doorway only about 5 foot tall.

Thus, for primitive man, an 8 foot tall Annunaki would indeed be a giant.

ZetaTalk: Ancient Gods, written Jul 15, 1997

It is not by accident that the hominoid inhabitants of the 12th Planet look and dress like Greek Gods, the Gods of Mount Olympus, as they are one and the same. Mythological stories about thunderbolts being thrown and travel through the clouds were based on the technological feats of these visitors from the 12th Planet, who had mastered the modern day equivalent of lasers and transporting an individual via a rocket booster strapped on the back.

To the primitive humans, who came barely to the waists of the strapping, handsome giants, they were gods. The Greek Gods are reported to be jealous and wrathful on the one hand, and kindly and mentoring on the other - a bit like people. Of course, they were no gods, any more than the humans of today, but their very human exploits are still reported with awe.

The legends among many human cultures regarding the exploits of the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet are in no small part due to the rigid rules these visitors had regarding interbreeding with the humans they used as virtual slaves. Kept apart from humans in this manner, they retained their edge, as they were by far the largest, the most technologically advanced, and the smartest hominoid race around.

Humans were, at the time, evolving from the cave man stage, with only an occasional genius born in the purely human strains. During the evolution of any species, intelligence is gradually increased due to genetic selection, the smarter individuals passing on their genetics due to their ability to evade danger and manipulate circumstances around them.

Thus, the discrepancies between humans and the visitors from the 12th Planet were many and significant. The stories generated by these tall, stately giants are almost endless in human mythology, but can be recognized, and differentiated from stories based on mere humans, by several distinctive traits:

* The gods were hominoid in appearance. Mere humans are not raised to the stature of gods by other humans, in spite of cultures which temporarily, and in a patronizing manner, call a reigning human king or chief a god.

* The hominoids were savage and exacting in their treatment of their human slaves, executing them for trivial infractions as examples and unforgiving no matter how trivial the affront or fervent the apologies.

* They had technology that seemed miraculous for the age, such as the ability to throw what appeared to be lightning bolts, or float along above the ground, or take off in rocket ships, or perform surgery and have the patient live.

* They lived apart from humans, in separate quarters or villages, yet visited their human slaves frequently enough that the slaves considered themselves unable to escape, in bondage without physical bonds.

Ancient Egyptian gods, ancient Babylonian gods, the Vizigoths of Germany, ancient Mayan and Incan gods, are almost to a one particular individuals from the 12th Planet royalty, stationed on Earth to supervise mining operations.

Stories about ancient rebels, notable for their stature and courage in battle, are also frequently based in part on the heritage from these visitors, as the rebel most often carried some genetics from the rape of a female slave who managed somehow to escape and bear her oversized infant alive.

The legacy today is genetically disbursed throughout the mid-eastern countries, Germanic countries, and the south seas, and is identifiable in those humans who simultaneously possess a large stature, a fierce temper, and strong musculature. Rather than being considered gods, they are often considered criminals.

David, of the David and Goliath tale, was such a half-breed, and thus was not a mere man challenging one of these giants.

ZetaTalk: King David, written on Jul 15, 1997

Like many humans who bore genes originating from the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet, King David was greatly admired for his strength and courage. That he took on one of these giants in the historic David and Goliath battle is not surprising, as he had a personal hatred of their domination, learned at his mother's knee.

Female slaves, who were held in bondage to act as more than cooks and maids, became pregnant on occasion by the brutish and fiercely strong soldiers working in service to the mining outposts the 12th Planet rulers routinely put into place during every periodic passage of the 12th Planet through the Solar System.

Chosen for their unhesitating brutality in the line of duty, these soldiers were used to keep the human slaves that worked the mines in line, and seldom displayed any tenderness, not even to their lovers. Most often, a female slave that had been impregnated would die in childbirth, unable to deliver an oversized infant, taking her infant with her.

On rare occasions half-breeds survived, often without their mothers who bled to death or were torn beyond repair. David's mother, like he, bore genes from a half-breed, and thus had the hips to bear the product of rape and live.

Beyond the great strength and unflinching courage which are traits of the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet, they have a singleness of purpose when aroused into anger. Thus he became a leader of the downtrodden, and was held in great esteem, this reverence expressed in devotion to his symbol, the Star of David. His lineage, the House of David, was noted primarily for its courageous leadership.

The fiece visigoths of Germany were another example of the stamp these giants had on the cultures they visited.

ZetaTalk: Visigoths, written on Apr 15, 1996

[Were] the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet the inspiration for the Viking Gods or tales of the Germanic Visigoths? The Viking Gods and Visigoths were fierce and did not back away once a conflict had begun. What were these giant hominoids doing in northern Europe? Exploring, in the same manner that took them to South American and thence across the Pacific. They were looking for gold, and went prospecting everywhere.


Could these be the Nefilm of the Bible, who fell to Earth from Heaven?

Per Zecharia Sitchin, one and the same.

Interview with Zecharia Sitchen: An Introduction

Electronic Magazine, Issue 17

ZS: Who were the Nefilim, that are mentioned in Genesis, Chapter six, as the sons of the gods who married the daughters of Man in the days before the great flood, the Deluge. The word Nefilim is commonly, or used to be, translated "giants." And I am sure that you and your readers are familiar with quotes and Sunday preachings, etc., that those were the days when there were giants upon the earth. I questioned this interpretation as a child at school, and I was reprimanded for it because the teacher said "you don't question the Bible." But I did not question the Bible, I questioned an interpretation that seemed inaccurate, because the word, Nefilim, the name by which those extraordinary beings, "the sons of the gods" were known, means literally, "Those who have come down to earth from the heavens."

CL: From the Hebrew word Nafal, which means "fall"?

ZS: Right. Fall, come down, descend. So, what did it mean? This led me to biblical studies and then to mythology and archeology and all the other subjects, including the study of ancient languages, which became my education and avocation. So, my research and my decision to write about it started with a question, Who were the Nefilim? All the ancient scriptures, the Bible, the Greek myths, the Egyptian myth and texts, the pyramid texts, everything, led to the Sumerians, whose civilization was the first known one six thousand years ago. I focused on Sumer, the source of these legends and myths and texts and information. I learned to read the cuneiform Sumerian texts and came upon their persistent and repeated statements that those beings, whom the Sumerians called Anunnaki, came to earth from a planet called Nibiru. The planet was designated by the sign of the cross and Nibiru meant, "planet of crossing."


Where many myths about the Annunaki have a basis in fact, many others do NOT.

Many were based on swagger and bragging or simply a misunderstanding of their written or spoken word. Not much different from our own human cultures, it seems.

For instance, they had a normal lifespan, and did NOT have a Fountain of Youth.

ZetaTalk: Long Life, written Feb 15, 2002

The issue of the Annunaki living for thousands of years is a misunderstanding. When placed on Earth for a mining operation, they expected, as a culture and as a royal family line, to live that long, until the next passage. Poetry, misunderstood.

The visitors from the 12th Planet carried with them on their long sojourns to Earth a plant with medicinal qualities, native to the 12th Planet. They grew this in special gardens, shielded from the intensity of the Sun. This plant could renew their cellular structure, a type of growth hormone stimulant. They took this stimulant in the form of a bath, soaked in the plant.

Reputed to rejuvenate, it gave rise to the legend of the Fountain of Youth, but this is much exaggerated. In fact, it merely slowed a degenerative disease the transplanted hominoid suffered from while on Earth.

For instance, they did NOT genetically engineer man, though did tinker with genetic engineering as mankind is doing today.

ZetaTalk: Birth of Man, written Feb 15, 2002

As the largest and strongest hominoid race on Earth at the time, the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet were understandably arrogant about the effects their genetics had on the humans they bred with. There were two lines of hominoids left to run the mining operations between passages of the 12th Planet - royalty and soldiers.

The royalty interbred with each other, retaining the purity of their genetics, as without this purity their line would be forced to die out upon return to their home planet. The soldiers had lower class women from the 12th Planet available to them as sexual consorts, but often chose to create and maintain harems of human sex slaves of all ages and from both sexes.

Most often the offspring died during childbirth, due to the large size of the infants, but those who lived carried genetics from the father, which gave rise to the legend that these hominoids created the human race, which is simply not true.

The giant hominoids from the 12th Planet did not genetically engineer humans. They toyed with genetics, and thus the rumor has started. These giant hominoids were experimenting with genetics just as humans are now eagerly embracing such activity, as they were slightly ahead of humans on the evolutionary scale.

Thus when they toyed with the idea of what genetics could bring, doodling with the possible merging of animal and human species, this was taken literally by the people who are discovering these doodles now. Humans doodle, making pictures of eagles with lightning bolts in their talons. Does this mean that future generations should find these drawings and take them literally?

These were representations of a fascination with the possibility of what genetic manipulation could create. Mankind was created not by these hominoids, but by others who did the genetic engineering, and this erroneous myth should be put to rest.

Cruel Reign

As slave masters, the Annunaki used cruelty to control their slaves.

This is also of legend.

Beating hearts torn out of chests and displayed in the face of the still living victim.

ZetaTalk: Mayan and Incan, written Aug 15, 1995

High in the mountains of South America stand traces of ancient civilizations with similarities to the ancient Egyptian civilization. Structures built with large blocks of stone closely trimmed and fitted in much the same manner as the Great Pyramids. Space ports on high mountain plateaus, which can be seen clearly from space but scarcely discerned while on the ground.

In the steamy jungles further north lie the outlines of cities, abandoned for no known reason. The land is fertile, the water supply ample, yet they lie unattended and uninhabited. Legend has it that human sacrifices were performed atop pyramid like platforms, hearts ripped from the chests of the living, yet no trace of these practices exist among the local peoples.

Human sacrifices [were] never an indigenous practice, as this grim method of punishment was only used by the dominant visitors to keep their restive human slaves in line.

Destroying a city as revenge for a single gang rape.

ZetaTalk: Sodom and Gomorra, written Oct 15, 1995

Prior to recorded history there were many dramas that earned their place in history by their impact. They so impressed those who lived through them that the story was repeated, endlessly, until the era of recorded history arrived. As these dramas occurred before clocks and calendars were in use, no one is sure of the date, but the circumstances, often told in allegory fashion, generally arrived intact. Such is the case with the tale of Sodom and Gomorra, the city of sin destroyed, so the story goes, by the hand of God. This story has a basis in fact.

Sodom and Gomorra were two rather smallish cities in the arid lands of the middle east. In those days sodomy was a common practice among males without a mate. Young boys were sent out to mind the herds, and learned from the older boys how to use the sheep and goats they tended to relieve sexual tension. From there it was a short step to use each other when in the cities, and no one thought much of it. A favor among friends.

Such was the situation in Sodom and Gomorra, during the era when visitors from the 12th Planet walked the Earth. These visitors are strapping handsome hominoids, who themselves choose their sexual partners as they saw fit, and were in no way subservient to the puny humans they generally considered their servants and slaves.

In Sodom and Gomorra, the practice of sodomy [was] accompanied by domination games, [and] had gotten rowdy, with several toughs thinking they had no match. A single 12th Planet hominoid, traveling with his entourage, was raped near these cities by a gang that wouldn't take no for an answer, and the repercussions were brutal. The visitors from the 12th Planet had the bomb and used it.

Business partners were warned ahead of time but were given scarcely enough time to leave. No time for good-byes or even a lingering last look, yet the wife of one business associate did just that. She lingered, not wanting to leave the home she loved and not truly understanding the circumstances.

When the bomb exploded she was gazing down on the city and was in line of the blast rather than over the hill, and was essentially vaporized where she stood. Legend explained her burned and hardened remains, gray with the fine dust of the fallout, as a pillar of salt.

Intimidating head gear, recently featured in the movie Stargate.

ZetaTalk: Dogon Tribe, written Aug 15, 1995

Much has been written about the Dogon tribe and their knowledge of the stars. Such a simple people, kept out of the industrial age even today. How did they come by this information?

Their visitors hailed from the 12th Planet, who even then had advanced knowledge of the stars as they plotted their travels by them so as to know their place out in space just as ancient mariners held to the stars to know what place they occupied on the vast oceans.

The dog heads worn as masks by these visitors were a common ploy, occasionally switched for the heads of birds or snakes. While under the influence of those in the Service-to-Self orientation, they found these masks aided them in terrifying the diminutive humans they encountered, as their expressions could not be read.


The Annunaki needed Gold for their home planet to retain the heat and light that bounced up into the atmosphere.

Their home planet, Planet X, aka the 12th Planet, is a smoldering brown dwarf, neither a planet nor a Sun, with a slow enough smolder that heat and light are generated but not to the extent that life is not possible.

ZetaTalk: 12th Planet Glow, written Jul 15, 1995

The 12th Planet has both heat and light, generated from within its core. Life on the 12th Planet, which is inhabited by a large hominoid indistinguishable from humans other than by its size, experiences continuous day. Life that has evolved there does not sleep, but rests.

The light is diffused in the atmosphere, and returns to the land surface, but emerges from the core to interact with the atmosphere only via the surface of the deep oceans, which cover the majority of the planet's surface. You may equate this to volcanic activity, where the Earth has numerous places both above ground and under the oceans that ooze molten lava. Just so the 12th Planet has places where the molten and churning substance in its core escapes to the surface.

On the 12th Planet, the heat released diffuses in all directions, so the surface of the planet is warm but not hot. Your feet would not blister, but they may feel cool in places where the rock strata do not provide a good passage for heat, should you visit that planet. Light only escapes the core where what is essentially volcanic activity under the water occurs.

Their search for Gold, and the value they placed on it, is the reason humans today place such a high value upon it, and gave rise to many legends.

ZetaTalk: El Dorado, written Oct 15, 1995

The obsession with Gold is not natural to man, it is a habit mankind picked up from the visitors from the 12th Planet. What about Gold makes it so cherished? Platinum is as tarnish free, silver and copper as malleable, and yet Gold is accepted as a metal more precious than others, more desirable, a metal to die for.

This attitude toward Gold, passed as a heritage from generation to generation, was impressed on mankind from those who had to have Gold, and did not hesitate to kill for it. Where mankind uses Gold for adornment or as a medium of exchange, the visitors from the 12th Planet were collecting Gold for survival.

Their home planet, on its long orbit out in space, is subjected to atmospheric abrasion the Earth and the other planets on more sedate orbits around the Sun do not suffer. The 12th Planet losses atmosphere here and there, on a regular basis, and where this can be rebuild from its copious oceans, being basically a water planet, certain elements become depleted.

Molecules in the atmosphere, containing Gold, are necessary to retain the heat and light the planet generates, to keep the heat and light, essentially, bouncing back to the surface, as without these Gold based molecules the planet dims and cools.

Thus, the visitors from the 12th Planet came to Earth on a search, a mining mission, and were intent on raping the Earth of its relatively abundant Gold and using its primitive hominoids, humans, as slaves to do so.

It was impressed upon mankind early that Gold was the ruler's due, and death fell to he who hoarded or withheld it. El Dorado, the lost City of Gold, was a staging point where the space ships used as shuttles were loaded and sent aloft at the appropriate time. Since this time only arrived once every 3,657 years, on average, a lot of Gold stacked up.

Long after the visitors from the 12th Planet left the Earth the humans who had heard the stories from those who made deliveries to El Dorado searched for this City of Gold. They search still. However, the ruins, when discovered as they have been repeatedly, are not recognized as there is no gold. Why would these visitors, so desperate for what was essentially a life giving metal, leave any behind?


Were and are the Annunaki on Mars?

They certainly were in the past, mining for Gold there as they eventually did on Earth, and leaving evidence of their presence, as they had on Earth.

ZetaTalk: Structures on Mars, written by Jul 15, 1995

There are remnants of an ancient civilization on Mars that at one time also colonized Earth. Those who pursue this matter academically are not off track, recognizing the similarities between these structures and those of ancient Egypt. It is not in the imagination of man that some of the structures on Earth, such as the Giant Pyramids and the Sphinx, seem reminiscent of structures on Mars. Same group, same handiwork. They liked to leave a statement, and have. There is speculation that the Face on Mars and nearby pyramids were used as astronomical markers, and this was indeed their prime purpose. They wanted an unmistakable marker which could be seen on approach, as the surface of Mars has few distinguishing characteristics.

Images taken by the many probes NASA has sent to Mars confirm this, documenting the Face on Mars and gridlike city street and aquaduct outlines, though NASA worked energentically to suppress this information.

NASA makes 20,000 images of Mars available on Internet

Associated Press, May 23, 2000

NASA has made more than 20,000 images of Mars available as a Web-based photo album. The pictures taken by the orbiting Mars Global Surveyor constitute the single largest one-time release of images for any planet in the history of solar system exploration.

The archive covers one Mars year, 687 Earth days, beginning in September 1997 and extending through August 1999. The release allows anyone with Internet access to explore Mars in much the same way as planetary researchers do. Mars Global Surveyor completed more than 5,000 orbits of the Red Planet.

Ah, but how many of those 20,000 images were of the contested Face on Mars, or other suspected man made landmarks?

Despite intense pressure on NASA to film the area, everything BUT the Cydonia region was imaged.

The Mysterious Structures That May Upstage NASA's Evidence of Martian Life

Aug 17, 1996 from the Daily Mail - London

Best-selling Author Graham Hancock, whose book, Fingerprints of the Gods, was the publishing phenomenon of [1995], believes there is evidence to support [the theory that] monumental structures on [Mar's that] have mystified scientists for 20 years [are] the remains of a great civilization.

[These] structures, detected in NASA video images sent back by the Viking Orbiter in 1976, have never been photographed since but have become the focus of a widening controversy over the past 20 years. Because they include several enormous pyramids and a massive sphinx-like face.

Carl Sagan urged that forthcoming American and Russian missions to Mars should make a special effort to look much more closely at the pyramids and at what some people call the Face and the City.

The late Carl Sagan's voice was joined in this matter by the late Dr. Tom Van Flandern, who also encouraged close inspection.

Washington, January 8, 1998 00:07 a.m. EST

by Michael Woods, Toledo Blade

The mysterious Face on Mars is not an optical illusion or a natural feature on the Red Planet. Dr.Tom Van Flandern reached this conclusion after new studies of the Cydonia region.

His report, presented at the 191st national meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), attracted unusual attention because sharp new images of the Face may soon be available.

What were the Annunaki doing on Mars? Mining for Gold.

They washed the ore with surface water, sending it into underground caverns during this process, Destroying the base for the atmosphere in the process, and thus the traces of former life on Mars and former lakes on Mars found today.

ZetaTalk: Life on Mars, written Jul 15, 1995

Mars today is a dead planet, but in the recent past this was not the case, as evidenced by the weathered structures on Mars reminiscent of the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx. Some life bearing planets have a stronger footing than others, being closer to the warmth of a sun, for instance, and more particularly being a water planet like the Earth.

Mars has little of that precious substance, and was a life bearing planet only where the freezing point had not trapped the water. The atmosphere surrounding a water planet can rebuild quickly, particularly in the components that support life. On a dry planet the atmosphere is fragile, and each rebuilding takes away more of the precious water.

In the past, Mars sustained life to a level not unlike our home in Zeta Reticuli - moss and insects and worms. On such worlds there is not enough food in the food chain to support animals above that level, and setbacks occur repeatedly. A bug-eating reptile might get its start, only to die off during lean times, time and again. Thus such planets plateau.

Mars met its demise as a result of visitors from the 12th Planet, who set up mining operations on Mars in preference to Earth where large carnivorous mammals roamed about in great numbers. [Planet X] has no such carnivores on land, and as large and muscular as these giant hominoid visitors are, they quaked at the thought.

Where the atmosphere on Mars was thin, it was ample, so the visitors set about using what water resources they could muster to wash the ore they were after. In so doing they sought to control the run-off on the relatively flat surface of Mars, and did so in a thoughtless manner by directing waste water down a culvert.

Thus precious water increasingly was sent underground, and a chain of events was set in motion that could not be reversed. The surface of Mars cooled as the atmosphere thinned, and the freezing surface accelerated this process. Soon the atmosphere was too thin to breathe, and as the 12th Planet hominoids are used to a perpetual summer they were not all that reluctant to leave a freezing planet.

Earth now looked more promising, especially as they had little alternative. They devised ways of dealing with the carnivores, specifically buffering themselves with human slaves trained in defense. Eventually, after being quarantined from Earth, they learned how to create and maintain their own atmosphere in air tight chambers, and thus relocatable they have continued their mining operations within the Solar System, on this spot or that, and are here still.

The Zetas are speaking of the Mar's moon Phoebus, heavily endowed with Gold ore, which the Annunaki have been mining and living within, up to the present.

NASA's Jet Propulsion Labs had to admit the evidence of water on Mars.

Organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory

June 29, 1998

Several clues from Pathfinder data point to a wet and warm early history on Mars. The bulk of the landing site appears to have been deposited by large volumes of water, and the hills on the horizon known as Twin Peaks appear to be streamlined islands shaped by water.

Unmistakable water on the surface of Mars, but where had it gone?

Unwilling to admit that hominoid hands had been at work, diverting the water, it remained a mystery.


While on Earth, the Annunaki also used the Moon as a staging point, and as a communication assist.

ZetaTalk: Moon Cities, written Dec 15, 1995

Despite NASA denials, all the Structures on the Moon are not natural, nor are they man-made. The Moon, so close to Earth yet clear of the Earth's congested surface and atmosphere, has been used by many alien groups, and for many reasons. Currently it is a home for those in the Service-to-Self, who reside there.

However, their home is not what has humans talking, as they are placed on what is called the dark side of the Moon, never visible from Earth. During the era when the hominoid visitors from the 12th Planet were running mining operations on the Earth, primarily for gold, they used the Moon as a communication outpost, as it was free of cloud cover and allowed for a more precise aim through space.

The Moon was thus a booster, magnifying signals sent from Earth and sending a clear strong signal into space. These communications went to their mining operations on Mars, but primarily to their home planet when it drew near, as the opportunity for contact with home was not to be missed.

The shards of communication crystals - abandoned and idle but causing quite a stir among humans these days.

Yes, they used crystals for communication.

ZetaTalk: Tetrahedral Crystals, written Jul 15, 1995

It is not your imagination that you see Tetrahedral Shapes on the Moon, and the faint outline of such on the eroded surface of Mars. Yes, they are there, and yes, they had a purpose in the past. They are not inactive structures, with no reuse in the foreseeable future.

What were they used for, and is there magic in the shape? The shape is significant, as it is functional. Large crystals have been used to boost communications in Earth's past. The tetrahedral form simply provided the best focused emission, when energy was applied on all perimeter surfaces and converged in the center.

This was one of the things noticed by the astonished astronauts when they disembarked on the Moon. This subject receives much press, and much speculation, as the rumors can be supported by faint images in amateur telescopes.

The Arc of the Covenant was in fact such a communication device, thus the voice of God seeming to emerge from the Arc.

Zetatalk: Ark of the Covenant, written Jul 15, 1995

The Ark of the Covenant was a device used for communication by members of the 12th Planet. They found the element gold to be useful in many ways, and treated it in a worshipful manner by elevating gold to the status of a god - the god of communication.

Crystals have also been so used by this race, as communication boosters. Because of the awe and reverence surrounding the Ark, primitive humans perceived the Ark to be a touchstone of the gods, especially when the voice of what they assumed to be a god came booming forth.

[Hominoids] from the 12 Planet would go inside the Covenant, voices would emerge, and then they would leave, having gotten their instructions. Surely this was from God Almighty! The Ark itself was treated as a sacred object, as it was valued and lives were sacrificed if it was mistreated in any way.

Like most objects that are poorly understood, but seem magical, the Ark of the Covenant gained a reputation that superseded its true worth. The Ark was eventually broken down and its gold reused, by the folks who built it and understood that it was not at all sacred. Humans, poor misguided souls, are still looking for this lost Ark, and may look forever.


There are many Internet rumors that the Annunaki will return to Earth, as conquerors.

Hardly, they are in quarantine, and any such attempts will not suceed.

Likewise, we, on Earth, are quarantined from them, and thus the failure of so many Mar's probes, or the attempts to nuke Planet X, their home planet, to divert it from its path.

ZetaTalk: Conquest, written Feb 15, 2002

They cannot shuttle to Earth at this time, as it has been deemed by the Council of Worlds to constitute interference with your free will because their interaction with humans sprang from their agenda for conquest. The quarantine was put into place some thousands of years ago, but close enough in your recent past that contact remains in your legends.

They have no plans, despite fear mongering among those claiming to be in contact with these folks, to return to Earth, which they consider a swamp. The Earth in their memory is full of carnivores, rebelling slaves, and accidents related to wild weather. Now that mankind has technology, a fact that cannot be denied due to probes sent about and requiring their mining operation on Mars to shoot them down when they come too close, they are even less inclined to visit.

The Annunaki were given blows in the past, too, to reduce their influence on Earth.

Case in point, Atlantis.

ZetaTalk: Lemuria & Atlantis, written Jun 15, 1997

Atlantis was land near the current continent of Europe, which was pulled into the Atlantic during the continental rip that accompanies violent pole shifts and thus disappeared dramatically under the sea. This demise was assisted by extraterrestrials, who took advantage of the natural cataclysm to adjust the balance in spiritual orientation influencing developing human spirits, in line with a determination by the Council of Worlds that such an adjustment was needed.

Atlantis had been essentially invaded by the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet, who prior to the quarantine that is now in effect were considered simply another hominoid race within your Solar System. Interactions between humans and these hominoids were allowed to proceed without interference, but increasing slavery of humans by these giant hominoids was tripping the balance so that humans were less and less free to choose their orientation based on their true feelings and increasingly influenced by feelings of helplessness. Thus, an adjustment was required.

So, quarantined, making the passage on their home planet, what will the Annunaki experience during the passage, which creates a devastating pole shift here on Earth?

ZetaTalk: Roller Coaster Ride, written Apr 15, 1997

Since the passage of the 12th Planet is so devastating to the Earth, what must the ride be like for the giant hominoids who live on the surface of the 12th Planet?

During the passage, the hominoids are using history as a guide, as those who last experienced the passage are long dead. This history is recorded as astronomical terms, so sighting the Solar System and confirming the orbits of the planets is reassuring to those who might be nervous about the coming passage.

In fact, the passage is viewed not unlike a holiday, where great dramas are played out before the eyes of the rapt audience. When passing the Earth, they can visually see the pole shift as it occurs, a phenomena which draws rapt crowds just as an eclipse of the Sun by the Moon does on Earth. Lightning storms occur in their upper atmosphere during the passage, fireworks rarely seen on their calm world.

Thus, the passage is more a holiday than a dreaded situation. However, those with empathy for the human population of Earth grieve, but there is scarcely anything they can do about what is occurring on Earth. They can no more steer their planet than mankind can.



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By Estelle Nora Harwit Amrani, with Enki's Assistance

January, 1999, up-dated August 3, 2000

© 1999 & 2002

No part of this article may be copied or reproduced

without my written permission.

For those of you who are Sitchin fans, you may notice some similarities between his information and mine. I respect the exhaustive research he has done, and the great scholar that he is. He contributed to opening up our planet's memory of the Anunnaki. Scholastic and intellectual viewpoints and written documents are of value and add one part to understanding who we are. However, I feel we must not rule out our holographic, multidimensional viewpoints and reincarnation as being of equal value. This is what I present to you.

I don't agree with all of Sitchin's data, and I include a lot that he does not. There have been many viewpoints from many different writers about the Anunnaki. Most of my information comes from personal memories and channeled information. And, similarities will also exist between certain channels because deeper truth is consistent; those who can channel or tap into universal energies on their own will also receive many parallels to this story. [My personal memories and more about me and Enki can be found in my article Nakmemories.]

I have something I'd like to add here - the Anunnaki had bases around the world, but primarily in the Middle East - Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Iraq - and in India and South Africa. There are many artifacts that still exist in Iraq but are not allowed to be seen, and the West has not had much access at all to these artifacts of the Anunnaki. It is my understanding that Saddam Hussein has hoarded many of these and kept many in private vaults under the ground. It is my hope that governments will encourage the Iraqi people who have access to these artifacts to bring them out and share them with the world. Much still lies beneath the sands and it would be fantastic for humanity to be able to uncover the past in this region. Ur, between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, was the birthplace of humanity in modern times on Plan-ET Earth, the Garden of Eden, and everyone is entitled to have safe access to it. Therein lies many geophysical keys to remembering who we all are. Please see the addendum to this article for a more complete explanation of how the war with Iraq is related to the Anunnaki, added April, 2003.)

Special update on May 1, 2003: The Tomb of Gilgamesh is thought to have been found in Iraq. The story can be read here and please note the comments on the canals, which Enki built.


Humans were not only created by G-d, but are also genetically, symbolically and literally, related to a few off-planet civilizations; one particularly known on Earth as the Anunnaki. [If you believe humans evolved solely from apes, why, then, are there still apes?] Our story, (a term which replaces "history", because "our story" belongs to all of us), of human life on Earth is often told as creation myths, the planets in the heavens. But these myths were based on something - - - fact. This is why, around the world, we see the same tales of how one 'god' was instrumental in assisting humanity during creation, the great flood, bringing knowledge to humanity. All cultures have their own creation stories of the 'gods and goddesses,' beings on ships that came from the skies (often wearing masks or strange clothing and possessed some amazing abilities), giants (Anakim), war epochs between two sides of a family, and all over the Earth we also share very similar artwork, music and technology, largely based on extraterrestrial activity and intervention. From Lemuria to Atlantis to Sumeria to Egypt. These portray the story of our cosmos, the constellations, sun and moon, and put into human and "god" forms.

Personally, I feel that much of what we attribute to the Anunnaki was not their own doing. For instance, I think that the Anunnaki were limited in their abilities, yet were given credit for doing things that were done by other alien species. But, as human beings saw the Anunnaki as gods and goddesses, they naturally transferred credit to the Annunaki, because they were more tangible, something they could see, make an image of, and so forth. In this article you will see some comparisons between B'raisheet (Genesis) and the written history the Anunnaki. Please realize that this is a very partial history because we are all multidimensional beings with many connections to many civilizations, both reincarnationally and genetically.

Although this may not be for everybody (because some people simply aren't interested or curious about any of this stuff), why could it be of value to examine our past in this particular way, with our connections to extraterrestrials, as well as with our past lifetimes? Because when we re-member more of who we are, why we continue to repeat patterns without understanding them, then we can be more of our whole selves in a way that is free from old baggage. We can have clear knowledge of ourselves, accept ourselves, heal what needs healing, and create what we want to have for our future. Or, to quote from a popular TV show ("Kung Fu: The Legend Continues"): "The seeds of destiny are nurtured by our roots in the past." If you want to know what the Anunnaki looked like, one easy way is to see the crop circle from 2001 called the first Chilbolton Face in Hampshire.

Mention the name Anunnaki to some people and deep within them something stirs; a memory of Earth and Mars - and often there is anger, fear, pain, and confusion about the Anunnaki. People seem to like to blame them for all of Earth's problems. Some people remember being part of their family, for better or worse. And yet others don't want to hear anything about them because it dredges up feelings they'd rather avoid or deny. I even hear stories from people who think that the Anunnaki are vicious reptilians who have been battling for control over the Earth for the last half a million years, and they call all of the shots while we sit here like helpless pawns. I feel that A LOT of what we've learned about the Anunnaki was via bad press due to incorrect translations and the need to have a scapegoat. Do I agree with everything the Anunnaki did, or they way in which they did things? No. They had good sides and also some really awful sides. There were different Anunnaki factions, and there were aliens who gave the impression they were Anunnakis. This article presents some of each. What they did was their responsibility and I'm not about to excuse or even attempt the impossible, which would be to vindicate their actions.

The Anunnaki are archetypal, symbolic, and mythic, too. So, we may each feel a certain personal identification with one or more of them, which is a very interesting phenomenon to investigate. Because people feel a reaction to the Anunnaki, it is a HUGE key that our personal feelings and memories (emotional and cellular) about the Anunnaki still influence us today. In other words, these archetypes are within ourselves. Joseph Campbell stated that, "myths are clues to the spiritual potentialities of the human life." We seek the experience, the rapture of life, and myths help us as guides through life, show us what we are capable of, and mirroring what we feel. We can use the mythology of the Anunnaki as a way to understand and heal ourselves.

From Enki and Enlil, Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his brothers, Moses and Ramses, Hatshepsut and Tuthmose, Akhenaten's one god versus the many deities; Inanna (with her insatiable greed for power and adoration, who still failed to realize that without her possessions she was nothing); Jehovah and Adoni; Sin (a.k.a. Nanna, Allah); the war over who controls Israel. We have seen brother go against brother (the main theme), religions and governments against others, men against women and women against men up into current times. I feel it's time to get over the past (not necessarily forget it), and heal a lot. It is my hope that through such understanding of who we are, we can resolve ancient battles between nations and heal bitterness and hurts that have held us back from fully enjoying our lives and being the creators that we are RIGHT NOW. It's time to remember who the false gods were and who the real G-d is....the One that is in charge of it all, that is within us; the one that transcends definition.

The return of love/G-d (and the G-d as the common source within us all that is synchronicity, wisdom - love and light) is not only required for our survival, I feel it is eminent. Examining the deep, dark secrets within and healing them can help us accomplish this faster, I think. The most important event that took place when the Anunnaki ruled the Earth was that man rebelled against slavery and demanded sovereignty, and received it. The Anunnaki backed down, and in a sense, went away. At the end of this article is more information along these lines about what this means for us as a civilization. My thanks go to my higher self, and Enki for helping me, for all of his love and care he gives to me and to all of life.

In the beginning.....

When the Source (G-d) created souls in order to be able to reflect back to itself what it was, beings later manifested in the constellation of Lyra. These were the first "creator gods" (the Council of Twelve and Elohim) who knew how to create matter from light. And create they did - planets, stars, universes, life forms for themselves, and eventually others.

The Lyran's physical lifetimes lasted for approximately one thousand years. In time, however, their life span decreased. They sought out something that would enable them to live longer lives so that they could experience the wonder and miracle of existence. They found that gold not only increased their longevity, but provided them with a superconductivity which gave them the ability to be very telepathic and experience their multidimensionality.

Many thousands of years passed, and the beings from Lyra spread out into the cosmos and created new civilizations. Some went to Vega, others the Pleiades, and yet others Sirius. But, they knew (more or less) of their roots in Lyra/Vega and Sirius and that they were creator gods, at that point a.k.a. the Watchers. The search for gold to maintain their longevity continued because, unfortunately, their source for this magical substance was not forever lasting. Their planet (part of Sirius) was destroyed and their lives were doomed. They had to find another way of living - elsewhere.

The following universal history information is from Bashar (channeled by Darryl Anka), and Enki [through myself]: "Approximately 4.6 billion years ago in our solar system there existed: Mercury, Venus, Mars (no moons), a 4th planet (larger than Earth with many moons, including a large one), Jupiter, Saturn (no rings), Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (which was a satellite of Saturn).

"4 billion years ago, another planet came into our still forming solar system. This planet had its own moons. It arrived at approximately the same orbit as the 4th planet called Maldek - the one that existed beyond Mars. Mars was then the 3rd planet. [Please read the Sumerian Epic of Creation - the Enuma Elish, as this says it all and explains the importance of the Tablets of Destiny.]

"This planet's moons impacted the 4th planet shattering it so that part of it became the Asteroid Belt. The remnant of the impact (as it cooled and moved into a tighter orbit around the sun) became the Earth and brought with it the large planet that was the moon of the 4th planet. This is our moon. Approx. 67% of the former planet is Earth. Earth brought with it water - but there was water on the other planet, as well. As it reformed and became a sphere again, the rift where the shattering took place is now the Pacific Ocean area.

"This other planet was responsible for shattering the moons gravitationally that caused Saturn's rings and for turning Uranus on its side, so that it has a highly inclined axis. And - this also caused Pluto to release from Saturn and come into its own orbit."

This planet, of course, that caused all the havoc was/is Nibiru. It is our 10th planet - not really the 12th. In the late 1980's it was about halfway back.

Bases were set up on the Moon. Mars' moons - Phobos and Deimos, are remnants of that original impact that created the Asteroid Belt. These moons have been used for bases and minerals and water. [The above information on the solar system is recorded in ancient texts, and has been accessed through memory and channelings by myself, in sessions by Bashar, and other entities.] End of the "in the beginning part."

[Important and interesting update, November 13, 2007:

"It may not be likely," NASA researcher David Morrison told National Geographic News, "but we cannot exclude the possibility that we are, in effect, all Martians." A European experiment last month demonstrates that microscopic life could indeed survive inside rocks hurtling through space. Read the story at National Geographic News]

Next phase: The group of beings who originated in Lyra later split up and evolved into Vegans, Sirians and Pleiadeans, are known as the Anunnaki. This particular group is attributed to having their own satellite. Their "planet" (which is partially artificial) was considered to be Nibiru. However, Nibiru is not really the home of the Anunnaki. Nibiru was made up of what I'd call space pirates who imitated other beings, and sometimes a few from one planet would join them, including the Anunnaki. I've seen these pirates - they're not like the real Anunnaki. The story of the Anunnaki has been mixed up with these pirates through time so some see the Anunnaki as being only evil. (Some of the Anunnaki also were present on Mars before it was destroyed, and here's an article that talks about Mars.)

The name "Anunnaki" can mean many different things [based on Hebrew interpretations] - it is rich with meaning. "An" is short for "anachnu," which means "we." "An" also means "heaven." "Naki" means "clean." So, the name can mean "We are clean" and "heaven is clean," clean as in "pure." "Ki" means "Earth," so "We are here on Earth." "Heaven is on Earth." "Anu is here on Earth." The "we" is also meant as a collective oneness, of the Source.

They were tall, giant, (in Hebrew the word for giants is "Anakim") and have also been called the Nordics or Blonds, even though not all of them had blond hair or blue eyes. It is easy to see their Lyran and Sirian roots in their appearance. They also glowed a golden color. Their symbol is the winged disk, which not only represents their starships, but also symbolic of the ability of the spirit to fly free while remembering it's wise, divine source. These Anunnaki were later called the Elohim, and Nephilim (those who descended, came down). However, they were NOT "the" Elohim, but Elohim became the word used for the plural of god. They were extraterrestrials.

In B'raisheet (Genesis) 6:4 it is written:

"The Lord said, "My breath shall not abide in man forever, since he too is flesh; let the days be allowed him be one hundred and twenty years." It was then, and later too, that the Nephilim appeared on earth - when the divine beings cohabited with the daughters of men, who bore them offspring. They were the heroes of old, men of renown."

It is thought, by some, that the Nephilim were sinful gods who "fell from grace." They fell, alright, in their spaceships. This can also be seen as symbolic. The "fall" having to do with lowering one's frequency from spirit into physical matter, which is slower and denser. "Fall" also meaning forgetting one's true Source. As life forms choose to come to Earth their vibration goes through changes so that they are more matched to the frequency of Earth, their new home. Now these ETs literally came down from space, but souls choosing to incarnate upon the earth also had to change their vibrational frequencies. Enlil was first to come to Earth and was there even before mankind was created. The Sumerian texts called mankind the "Black-Headed People."

If anyone doubts the location of Eden, or why it was chosen by the Anunnaki as a locale, please read on from Genesis:

"Then, before there was any rain, he formed man, from the dust of the earth. He blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being. The Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and placed there the man whom He had formed..." and then all the other life forms came into being, water, animals, minerals. Genesis does say that the first river in Eden was Pishon and winds through the whole land of Havilah, where the gold is - the gold of that land is good; bdellium is there, and lapis lazuli. The name of the second river is Gihon, the one that winds through the whole land of Cush. The name of the third river is Tigris, the one that flows east of Asshur. And the fourth river is the Euphrates.

[For more Biblical references to the Anakim, Anakites, Anunnaki, Nephilim, etc., please see:

Numbers: 13:22; 13:28-33; Deut: 1:28; 2:1-; 9:2; Joshua: 11:21-22; 14:12; 14:15; 15:13-14; Judges: 1:20. Many of these giants were the result of Anunnaki and human reproduction, such as Gilgamesh.]

Being a dreamtime medicine person, I traveled to this place of human's origins and saw the space pirates who gave the impression of being the Anunnaki. This was on the border of Iran and Iraq at Lake Zaga. This lake no longer exists, as it has been covered up by sand, but it exists inside the earth and interdimensionally. To date no one else has ever talked about Lake Zaga or knows where it is - that is, aside from myself and channeled entities who have confirmed my visions and memories of it. I would like to find someone who can provide me with archaeological, geological evidence that this place once existed. I also know the language of the place, and how there are underground facilities, passageways, there. It was once controlled by renegade Anunnaki pirates. There are many interesting details of how this place once looked, but I am preserving this information for another time.

This is part of Earth's story and occurred after there already was life on Earth, homonid beings. Hominids are distinctly human-like creatures, different from apes or chimpanzees. The Anunnaki came to Earth (some of their crafts had crashed in the process), for a haven for themselves, and found it rich with gold, copper, silver and other minerals. They felt that here was their last chance for longevity, survival and the gold was the best conductor of energy which had many important uses. They mined gold for a very long time - hundreds of thousands of years by our standards; for theirs only a few weeks have passed.

What, according to the Old Testament happened? God said, "Now that the man has become like one of us, knowing good and bad, what if he should stretch out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever!" So man was banished from Eden to work the soil from which he was taken.

Further on in Genesis, we read:

"The Lord saw how great was man's wickedness on earth, and how every plan devised by his mind was nothing but evil all the time. And the Lord regretted that He had made man on earth, and His heart was saddened. The Lord said, "I will blot out from the earth the men whom I created - men together with beasts, creeping things, and birds of the sky; for I regret that I made them." But Noah found favor with the Lord....For My part, I am about to bring the Flood - waters upon the earth - to destroy all flesh under the sky in which there is breath of life; everything on earth shall perish. But I will establish My covenant with you, and you shall enter the ark, with your sons..."" This ark was symbolic and literal, not only a ship, but a covenant.

Stephanie Dalley, author and translator, states from her book "Myths From Mesopotamia: Creation, The Flood, Gilgamesh and Others (1991) that in the "Epic of Creation" (the epic which explains the history of the cosmos, and the Anunnaki as creator gods), the key element involves the possession of the Tablets of Destinies (which I will discuss at a later time because it's very relevant to today). There also could have been several different versions spread around retelling the Epic. About the Epic, Ms. Dally writes: "Here is no struggle against fate, no mortal heroes, no sense of suspense over the outcome of events. The success of the hero-god Marduk is a foregone conclusion. None of the good gods is injured or killed; no tears are shed. Yet cosmic events are narrated: the earliest generations of the gods are recounted leading up to the birth of the latest hero-god; the forces of evil and chaos are overcome, whereupon the present order of the universe can be established, with its religious centres, its divisions of time, its celestial bodies moving according to proper rules, and with mankind invented to serve the does. The gods themselves behave in an orderly fashion: they assemble, discuss, agree, and elect their leaders in a gathering of males; after Tiamat's primeval parturition and the spawning of monsters, goddesses play no part in creating the civilized world, not even in creating mankind." [p. 228]

However, I find this hard to believe because without a female donor, beings could not procreate, not give birth, and so on. There have been many women I have personally met who remember being birth goddesses, used by the aliens to have embryos implanted within them, to go through the pregnancies and give birth, then raise the children - if they survived. Dalley also writes that in the Atrahasis, the mother goddess, Ninhursag/Ninharsag-Ki, (Mami, Nintu, who I abbreviate as "Nin"), with Ea, make man out of clay, mixed with the blood from a god slain by Nin, Geshtu-e: "A ghost came into existence from the god's flesh, And she (Nin) proclaimed it as his living sign. The ghost existed so as not to forget (the slain god)." Mixing and concocting continues and the "womb-goddesses" (creator of fate) were assembled. When birthing time arrived, Nin served as the mid-wife. The ghost is the spirit, the breath, divine life force, that was NOT created by the Anunnaki. This is only created by The Source. [Personal note: My spelling of Ninhursag is how the name is spoken, and how it is in my memory. When analyzed numerologically, it has a number of 111, which according to Norma Smith, Expert Analyst and Ph.D. in Universal Harmonics Analysis, is a master triple number, and its meaning is DNA template for humanity. I think Sitchen's spelling of the name as Ninharsag is to justify his translation of the name through Hebrew - "har" meaning "mountain." Ninharsag has a value of 91 and means "spirit" and "oneness." So, it is more of a spiritual name for Ninhursag.]

In Dalley's own translation of the Epic, Tiamat is a female who is plotted against by her own family, and then has the tables turned on her by her lover Kingu (Qingu, or Zu) and the Anunnaki, after she gives him the Tablets of Destiny - the Anu power. Ea, married to Damkina, overhears the plot and takes the fate into his own hands, slaying Apsu and Mummu. Afterwards he rested in his own quarters and named them Apsu and made his home there. Here is where he and Damkina created their son Marduk, and Marduk was raised by a nurse and he was suckled by the goddesses. What follows in the Epic is a war (created by accusations and conspiracies back and forth) between the forces of Anshar, his son Anu, his son EA, and his son Marduk against Tiamat and Kingu. Marduk slays Tiamat - of womankind - the gods rejoice and make Marduk their leader. Marduk took back the Tablets of Destinies and became the king of the entire universe. Let's remember that we're talking about extraterrestrials here, (symbolic and literal); not THE Source.

Some of these beings were very wise and knew how to transform energy/light into matter. They were/are seeders. Basically, the Anunnaki who came to Earth were not terribly different from where we are today in terms of scientific development. According to the Enuma Elish, the idea occurred to Marduk that they could create a being that would mine the gold for them and then the gods could take it easy. They used the blood (DNA) of slain Kingu and combined it with a humanoid being on Earth. After many various experiments in which they created other races, (and they had many horrible failures, as well), they created a hybrid being (Adam, Adapa) which evolved into modern human. It is written, "He created mankind from his blood, Imposed the toil of the gods (on man) and released the gods from it. When Ea the wise had created mankind, Had imposed the toil of the gods on them - That deed is impossible to describe..." In both the Enuma Elish and Atrahasis the reason for creating man is the same - to relieve the gods of hard labor. Why there are different versions of this story of creation is more speculative than concretely known. But we can assume that a couple of reasons could be the era in which the Epics were written, who was in power at the time, and who wanted to praise one god over another god or goddess.

Actually, the name "human" can be traced to Enki (a.k.a. EA). HU is a transliteration of the ancient Sumerian EA (Grimms' law of interchangeable letters and sounds). Isis (pronounced Ish-Ish, which is interesting, because in Hebrew 'Ish' means 'man) was Enki's mother. Isis was not Nibiruan; she was Sirian, with some Orion connections. His father was Anu. (Anu and his offical wife, Antu, had a son named Enlil.) HU was also Horus, by the way, therefore another connection to Ninhursag, a.k.a. Hathor. What about EArth? EN.KI is "lord of earth." In the early days on Earth, Enki's symbol was the crescent moon with a bearded, olden god surrounded with flowing water. The crescent moon relates to science, measuring, the oceans/tides - Enki's specialties. In later years, the crescent moon developed another association - keep reading. In other ancient "mythology" Enki is known as Oannes, Ptah, Quezecotl, even as his own son, Thoth.

The grand spirit, Dr. Peebles, who speaks through many channelers (including myself through writing), was channeled in 1989 through Thomas Jacobson. (I attended that public session and transcribed it.) Dr. Peebles talked about these beings coming to Earth and their plan to find a new home for sanctuary, safety and security, and to experiment with consciousness and freedom. They feared procreation and freedom, because in their minds that promised chaos. Yet, they attempted this but their need to control overpowered it. It didn't work and they did condemn themselves for it. They created some of their own karma through their actions.

The Anunnaki (who some call the Nephilim) later procreated with the beings who were on Earth at that time. The souls of those who became human came to Earth by their own free will to experience physicality. Several other extraterrestrial civilizations later contributed their own input into human DNA and created many races of humans and other creatures (a couple of which have since left this planet - such as the dinosaurs). However, these hybrids (our missing link in our evolution) helped the Anunnaki mine their gold.

As seems pretty obvious thus far, the Anunnaki were pattern-makers, the creators of archetypes and a part of the template for human life on Earth. Throughout all cultures on Earth the same story of these gods (albeit with different names depending on where you are), their gifts to humanity, their failures, their characteristics, their loves, their battles and the results of such warfare are recorded in literature, ritual, art, oral tradition and religion. Astrology is one of the major sciences they brought to Earth, and each main god/goddess had their own constellation. The Anunnaki gave the humans knowledge of how to be this human being, how to take care of themselves, gave them guidelines, rules, for proper living.

And yet, at times they were also manipulators, and as long as people didn't upset the "gods" they were safe and provided for. After some time, the humans evolved to a point where they began to question their purpose and their future. They rebelled against their "creators," the Anunnaki. The humans wanted to have the nectar of the gods for themselves. Why shouldn't they be able to have their free will, live as long as their gods did? Why shouldn't they have power and wealth or whatever they felt they lacked? And then the sad realization that they were NOT like "the gods." Read the early sad epics of Enkidu and Gilgamesh who desperately wanted to be divine and have everlasting life, only to find out that their mortal side won out. You will also find out more about the flood and the Anunnaki from the Epic of Gilgamesh.

The Anunnaki discussed the possible consequences if they shared the gold (the process of alchemy) with the humans. Some of the Anunnaki, such as the Sirian leader, Enki, were in favor of letting humans be free and equal to them. Other Anunnaki were angry because of the blending of the two life forms and the continual complaints humans had to the Anunnaki.

One of the Anunnaki leaders who had no patience for humans was EN.LIL. Enlil was the Prince of heaven and Earth. He was in charge of airspace, he was chief of the gods and Lord of Sumer. Enki and Enlil were half brothers through the same father, Anu, who was the leader of this Anunnaki group. I have a theory that Enki could have been the father of Judaism. Enki and Enlil also had to contend with Marduk (one of Enki's sons) who was proclaimed the greatest king of the gods. In later years, the symbol of the crescent moon was associated with Nanna/Sin (Enlil's and Ninlil's son), who Sinai was named for, and who became known as Allah. Note the symbol (with the star) is used in Islam and is directly related to Enlil's side of the family. This is proof of the battle for power by the two camps of Anunnaki, those of Enki versus those of Enlil - actually a terrible, nuclear war between the Anunnaki took place in the Sinai, and at the Great Pyramid, for control over the region. Ninhursag acted as mediator and brought the two sides to a peace agreement. (But, in fact, there were many more camps that evolved out of Enki and Enlil's lineages.)

The Anunnaki had two factions fighting one another over humanity's future. This was coded in the books as the Garden of Eden (a genetic metaphor and a literal place). Enlil didn't want the humans to be equal to them. Enki was in favor of allowing humans self-rulership, respect and equality. In order to ensure that humans would be able to, in the long run, benefit from their ancestry, Enki (the serpent of wisdom and healing) suggested those who came to be called Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Had they eaten only from the Tree of Life, humans would have lived a very long time, but not have been the wiser. Nor would humans have reached their own intellectual and spiritual evolution in which they would realize that they are equal to the 'gods' who created them as new humans by virtue of their DNA. This "trick" enraged Enlil who, from that point onward, was furious that humans mated with the Anunnaki, and he wanted to punish humanity. We see this reflected in our societies ever since as the wild drive towards materialism, or racism, or shame, or the focus on doing anything which keeps people from remembering who they are, being in denial of who they are, or angry with life - blaming The G-d.

Civilizations and religions were created by Enki and Enlil (and later their offspring). Egypt, for example, was developed by Enki and his lineage. The areas of the Sinai, Jerusalem, Sumer, India and more were fought over by the two families of Enki and Enlil, changing hands back and forth through different pyramid wars. (This was the of battles of Ra/Marduk, Horus, Thoth, Inanna, Set, Osiris, and mediated into peace by Nin.] The battle Horus fought for Ra against Seth was the first that used humans in a war with weapons, and this began wars mankind fought against itself. The war between the factions of the Anunnaki continued between humans with claims such as, "There is only One god," or "There are many gods," or "My god is THE god, but yours isn't," or "We are the chosen people, or the superior race - God told us so!" This wasn't from The G-d, the love-energy source of all life: instead this was more reflective of "the creator gods" who had their own beliefs, agendas. The battle between Egypt and Israel goes way back, and it was due to the control and confusion set into motion by many of these factors; extraterrestrials, angels (and messages from THE G-d), humans, mixed messages, control and fear, between worshipping Enki's family or Enlil's family.

By the way, I believe that an ancient Anunnaki landing port is located right where the real Mt. Sinai is in the Sinai Peninsula.

Atlantis' finally sinking was due to astronomical events combined with those humans and Anunnakis experimenting with sound technology. They didn't plan on destroying the place - they just miscalculated. The last great flood, approximately 13,000 years ago, became a legend when Enki went against the other Anunnaki and saved humans (the Noahs of Earth) when this accident occurred. The first flood was in Lemuria and then there were others in Atlantis (several times). Those with Enki forced Enlil to help save whatever humans they could.

Enki, having felt completely disgusted and disappointed by Enlil's fierce control, (refere to the Tower of Babel here) left Earth during the Exodus. Moses in confusion as to who he was speaking with on the mountain. He heard The G-d, messengers (Elohim and Nephilim) as a mixture. The Ten Commandments were supposedly dictated to Moses and he wrote it down, after he was taught the Hebrew alphabet and language, which he would later teach to his people. Have you ever noticed how, at this point in the Hebrew Bible, Adonai is no longer mentioned, and YHWH, Jehovah, Yahweh, is? And yet, everyone thinks they're the same G-d. Just who is this Jehovah, YHWH? Jehovah was an agent of Enlil!

Not long after the Exodus, the other Anunnaki left their Earthly influence, and their secrets of transforming gold into the powerful substance that allowed their longevity and spiritual abilities also vanished. Their knowledge about life was held in the hands of very few who began to abuse it and became greedy. Then, in time, humans who remembered died or disappeared. A lot of knowledge was lost. And yet, people kept trying to capture that special essence of gold in the form of statues or other such items, mistakenly believing that power equated to violence and destruction and hoarding wealth. They felt it was their key to immortality - that which would make them THE G-d. Powdered gold has beneficial properties, but the real gold is within - remembering one's self and connection to Source. This is really what Enki had tried to infuse into people.

The Anunnaki left the Earth, in a sense, but not without creating counterparts or aspects of themselves who would reincarnate as humans in order to share the human experience with them, their oversouls. Some of these continued the lineage through King David and Jesus. Some of these counterparts or aspects have stubbornly stuck to what they presume was Enlil's and Marduk's agenda to control the Earth for their own purposes, keeping humans more fearful, dependent, ignorant. Yet, others continue to share the ancient wisdom from other Anunnaki, encouraging humanity to remember their source which they can access from within their individual and collective cellular/spiritual memories in order to break the ancient and false bonds of slavery, fear and ignorance and reclaim what they feel is rightfully theirs. Any way you look at it, the confusing, chaotic battle continues - and it doesn't have to.


Are these Anunnaki "gods" returning to Earth via Nibiru? (Remember - Nibiru really wasn't the home of the Anunnaki.) "They" have never really left! First of all, they exist in many of us as a reincarnation or as aspects of them. (And boy, that's created some sad, major identity crises.) And as a human civilization, we have finally reached the understanding that we are more than ETs or humans, and we do have free will and choice. We can decide how WE want our experiences to be. Secondly, time exists in the third dimension but not beyond, so one can argue that everything is happening right now, but honestly, that doesn't always change what already happened in our "past." All that matters is NOW.

Please don't make a big deal about the "return of Nibiru." If you're looking for a savior, look to yourselves. I know that the family of Anu is helping us. We are also helping the few Anunnaki and humans who are still tuck in old, negative paradigms. Whatever we, or they, do effects the whole (all of life in the cosmos). Regardless, we all have to be self-responsible. And, if one day the Anunnaki, will we still be playing out old dramas and wars? Will we be able to greet them as equals? Will we even want them to be here? Will we care, either way? Is it even possible for these old Anunnaki to return here and be as they once were?

If we want our lives to be destructive or a joyous creation, the choice is ours - truly it is. However, we have to know that our thoughts and feelings are manifesting instantaneously as our reality, so we have to be more aware than ever of what we focus on and CHOOSE what we want for ourselves. We have to know who WE are, what our own energy is like versus what another's is like. Using our individual and collective power of choice is our means of attaining complete independence from the limitations and illusions we, or others, have imposed upon us/ourselves. After all, if we, as souls, didn't want to be part of the Anunnaki experience, in a physical life on Earth, we wouldn't have been. It was always a co-creation.

Some of the Anunnaki games, such as that of the needy toddler or dysfunctional adolescent, are still being played by people on Earth: who is more godly, who is more deserving, who is evil, who is powerful, who has to be punished, who gets to own that land, or "I want it, just because I want it, or because he has one!" These "gods" wanted things only "their" way. Some people feel so badly for what they did as Anunnaki that they cover it up or punish themselves, over and over, never letting go of the past. Then there are others won't give up on blaming the Anunnaki for making their current lives miserable, always saying, "It's their fault. I hate them. Poor me."

It's time to have forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude, for them, for ourselves - all of our Selves, and become very clear what we're doing, and why. If we are repeating old patterns, relating to any one of these Anunnaki archetypes, we have to become aware of how destructive these patterns can be. And it's in us - from Enki to Enlil to Sin, from Marduk to Inanna, from those masquarading as the Anunnaki. We have been repeating battles (worldwide), holding on to ancient and unhealthy grudges and dramas, martyring ourselves, fearful of letting go (because these old patterns are comfortable and familiar) and moving forward.


Which brings me to identity crises. What about people who claim they are, or were, one of these Anunnaki? There are many who do. I can tell you that I've met at least 5 people who all claim to be Enki, several more Inannas, and there are others who remember being Anu, Nin, and lesser known Anunnaki. I, too, remember being part of the Anunnaki family. Sometimes these encounters and friendships have been destroyed all because of being hung up on a past identity. I've had confrontations and arguments with people who demand I acknowledge them as being the only Enki, or so and so. But, I can't acknowledge it as being fact if I feel it is a delusion, a hope, a confusion. Sometimes they are identifying with an archetype thinking it is exactly the same as the individual it symbolizes, such as the hero who builds and saves the world (Enki); the evil, selfish, destructive demon (Marduk); the wronged and martyred tantric, materialistic Queen (Inanna); the mother of all creation (Isis), and so on.

What does it mean and why are people identifying this way? That varies from person to person. Some people are actual reincarnational aspects, off-shoots of these beings and some like to believe that they were the one and only this, or that. Some were friends or family members of them, but not "them." Some are channeling various Anunnakis. From what I have encountered, I have not found many who were those exact, complete, real, one and only beings such as Anu reincarnated in this lifetime. I think that's very rare. It is more common that we share in the same oversoul as one of them, which sometimes makes it feel like we were them because oversoul share information with those in it. But, if identifying with one of them is key for you in this lifetime - why is that? How are these archetypes helping you?

Is there some importance in remembering one's personal connection with the Anunnaki? I think it relates to self-discovery, healing, and in some cases a need to feel special, important. To say "I am Enki, or Marduk, or Hathor, or the almighty YHWH, or Queen of Heaven, or Jesus/Krishna" is not being real, right now. Whether or not you were one of them, these are OLD identities and not who you, or they, are on Earth at this moment. Even if you are a multidimensional aspect of one of them that doesn't make you them because your focus is here. What if you were them back then? What have you learned about your experience and yourself? What if you're only WISHING you were them? Should it matter to anyone else?

Well, many people (regardless of affiliation with the Anunnaki) still keep playing out the old roles and battles. That doesn't mean people have to bow down and worship them or help them live in the past or an illusion of grandeur and satisfy their negative ego. Maybe there's some denial going on, or failure to own up to what they did, or someone in their oversoul did, or think they did (when they really didn't), once up on a time? Okay - then it's up to that person to deal with it or not. In the long run, it doesn't matter anyway - that identity is not what your, or their, real essence is, nor who you are now in physicality. But, it can still help a lot to be deeply honest about it. We're still part of everyone and All That Is and we have many lifetimes and experiences - the Anunnaki could be just one of them. It's the importance one places on this identification and separation that could use some exploration and understanding.

Until we see this, forgive and release ourselves, and them, release the past and value our true selves, we can't move forward; we can't even live productively or whole in the present. Let's clean up our act. We can re-member that we (our multidimensional selves) were and/or are of these ETs and "creator gods." We share much of the same DNA - but THIS DOESN'T MEAN THAT WE HAVE TO REPLAY THEIR OLD BATTLES AND KEEP THEIR DYSFUNCTIONS. Let go of these old patterns. They are not our gods or goddesses, and yet they did give us much that makes us who we are today. Let's thank them and let them go. We may share similar feelings and thoughts, but more importantly we are all from the same Source. And actually, it doesn't matter if we focus on that ET "stuff" within us, or not, unless one has an issue about it.


We are who we are right now - a combination of our past and present, creating our future selves. It is my hope that rather than focusing on hatred, fear, racism, sexism, separation, or superiority of one religion above another, humanity can release more of the old energies of false power, martyrhood, tyranny, victimhood, fear, manipulation and pain. Then we can embrace our higher selves and the oneness of all creation, the free, creative beings that we are, appreciate our differences and what we share in common, and move into a future of more love, light, knowledge, wisdom, and joy. We have to remember that we are all human beings (little matters which color, religion, gender, and so forth), and all G-d's creations.

The choice and opportunity is always before us to remember more of who we are. The humans rebelled against the Anunnaki along time ago and the Anunnaki left. What does this say about us? We claimed Earth and got it. We claimed our sovereignty and got it. Why go back?

"Then he realized I indeed am this creation for I have poured it forth from myself. In that way he became this creation. And verily, he who knows this becomes in this creation, a creator." --- The Upanishads

If you'd like a biblical reference, here's one from Deuteronomy 30:

"For this commandment which I command thee this day, it is not hidden from thee, neither is it far off. It is not in heaven, that thou shouldest say, Who shall go up for us to heaven, and bring it unto us, and cause us to hear it, that we may do it? Neither is it beyond the sea, that thou shouldest say, Who shall go over the sea for us, and bring it unto us, and cause us to hear it, that we may do it? But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it." This means FIND YOUR OWN RELATIONSHIP AND DEFINITION OF GOD BY GOING WITHIN YOURSELF, AND THEREIN YOU SHALL KNOW AUTHENTIC TRUTH (BEAUTY, LOVE, AND PEACE). Don't be afraid to be all that love and light that you are. It is your birthright.

© Copyright 1999, 2002, Estelle Nora Harwit Amrani

Enki, the king of the Abzu, overpowering in his majesty, speaks up with authority:

'My father, the king of the universe,

Brought me into existence in the universe,

My ancestor, the king of all the lands,

Gathered together all the, ME's, placed the me's in my hand.

From the Ekur, the house of Enlil,

I brought craftsmanship to my Abzu of Eridu.

I am the fecund seed, engendered by the great wild ox, I am the first born son of An,

I am the "great storm" who goes forth out of the "great below," I am the lord of the Land,

I am the gugal of the chieftains, I am the father of all the lands,

I am the "big brother" of the gods, I am he who brings full prosperity,

I am the record keeper of heaven and earth,

I am the car and the mind of all the lands,

I am he who directs justice with the king An on An's dais,

I am he who decrees the fates with Enlil in the "mountain of wisdom,"

He placed in my hand the decreeing of the fates of the "place where the sun rises,"

I am he to whom Nintu pays due homage,

I am he who has been called a good name by Ninhursag,

I am the leader of the Anunnaki,

I am he who has been born as the first son of the holy An.

After the lord had uttered (his) exaltedness,

After the great Prince had himself pronounced his praise,

The Anunnaki came before him in prayer and supplication:

'Lord who directs craftsmanship,

Who makes decisions, the glorified; Enki praise!'

For a second time, because of his great joy,:

Enki, the king of the Abzu, in his majesty, speaks up with authority

'I am the lord, I am one whose command is unquestioned, I am the

foremost in all things,

At my command the stalls have been built, the sheepfolds have been enclosed,

When I approached heaven a rain of prosperity poured down from heaven,

When I approached the earth, there was a high flood,

When I approached its green meadows,

The heaps and mounds were piled up at my word.

[After the almost unintelligible description of Enki's rites, Enki proceeds to decree the fates of a number of cities. Ur is one example.]

He proceeded to the shrine Ur,

Enki, the king of the Abzu decrees its fate:

City possessing all that is appropriate, water-washed, firm-standing ox,

Dais of abundance of the highland, knees open, green like a mountain,

Hashur-grove, wide of shade-he who is lordly because of his might

Has directed your perfect ME's,

Enlil, the "great mountain," has pronounced your lofty -name in the universe.

City whose fate has been decreed by Enlil,

Shrine Ur, may you rise heaven high

[Enki next stocks the land with various items of prosperity: A deity is placed in charge of each. For example:]

He directed the plow and the . . . yoke,

The great prince Enki put the 'horned oxen' in the . . . Opened the holy furrows,

Made grow the grain in the cultivated field.

The lord who do-ns the diadem, the ornament of the high plain,

The robust, the farmer of Enlil, Enkimdu, the man of the ditch and dike,

Enki placed in charge of them.

The lord called the cultivated field, put there the checkered grain,

Heaped up its . . . grain, the checkered grain, the innuba-grain into piles,

Enki multiplied the heaps and mounds,

With Enlil he spread wide the abundance in the Land,

Her whose head and side are dappled, whose face is honey-covered,

The Lady, the procreatress, the vigour of the Land, the 'life' of the black-heads,

Ashnan, the nourishing bread, the bread of all,

Enki placed in charge of them.

He built stalls, directed the purification rites,

Erected sheepfolds, put there the best fat and milk,

Brought joy to the dining halls of the gods,

In the vegetation-like plain he made prosperity prevail.

He filled the Ehur, the house of Enlil, with possessions,

Enlil rejoiced with Enki, Nippur was joyous,

He fixed the borders, demarcated them with boundary stones,

Enki, for the Anunnaki,

Erected dwelling places in the cities,

Set up kids for them in the countryside,

The hero, the bull who comes forth out of the hashur (forest), who roars lion-like,

The valiant Utu, the bull who stands secure, who proudly displays his power,

The father of the great city, the place where the sun rises, the great herald of holy An,

The judge, the decision-maker of the gods,

Who wears a lapis lazuli beard, who comes forth from the holy heaven,

the .. . heaven,

Utu, the son born of Ningal,

Enki placed in charge of the entire universe.

Translation by Samuel Noah Kramer, in his The Sumerians. Their History, Culture and Character (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963), PP. 17483; introductory material paraphrased and summarized by M. Eliade from Kramer, OP. Cit., PP. 171-4



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“ Assembly of the Gods” – 12 Royal Anunnaki Family Members; King Anu & Selected Descendants

(ANU + ANTUKing & Queen, royal rulers of Nibiru)

The 12 main royal family of gods from Nibiru, & their ranking order numbers

           (Anunnaki King Anu)  (Anu in his sky-disc)  (son & heir Enlil, King Anu, & eldest son Enki in their sky-disc)

        1) King Anuranking #60

         2) ½ sister-spouse Antu – #55

        . At least 21 divine couples preceded Anu as king of Planet Nibiru

          . chief of Heaven and Earth

          . father to the “sons of God” who came down to Earth

        . Anu‘s symbol is the 8-pointed star, ancient Hebrew symbol for God

        . Anu‘s patron city-state was Uruk / Biblical “Erech

     . Anu‘s temple – residence while on Earth was in Uruk, called “E.Anna”, “house of An

        . Anu‘s heavenly abode is an artificial garden sculptured in semi-precious stones

          . gateway to Anu once flanked by Tammuz / Dumuzi and Gizzida / Ningishzidda – his young descendants

        . Anu‘s throne room is the place of “The Assembly of the Gods

        . son Enlil sits on the right of Anu; son Enki sits on the left side of Anu at the “Assembly of the Gods

     . Anu had 6 concubines and 80 offspring, 14 by Antu as their

               1 – Prime Minister

            3 – Commanders in Charge of the Mu’s (rocket ships)

            2 – Commanders of the Weapons

            2 – Great Masters of the Written Knowledge

            1 – Master of the Purse

            2 – Chief Justices

            2 – “Who With Sound Impress”

                  2 – Chief Scribes, (with 5 asst. scribes)

        . Anu was visited in heaven by Inanna / Ishtar at least twice, also Dumuzi, Ningishzidda, Adapa, Kings Etana, Tyre, Enmeduranki, & others, such as Biblical Enoch

            (Enlil & father King Anu in their sky-disc)  (Enlil hands labor of farming over to the earthlings) (Enlil served by earthling worker)

     3) Enlil, son & heir to the king via mother Antu – ranking #50

       4) spouse Ninlil / Sud – ranking #45

    . Enlil was banished to the “Lower World” for raping Sud / Ninlil, who later married him, his crimes then forgiven

       . heir to father Anu, and son to Anu’s official sister-wife Antu, born on Nibiru of the “double seed”, placing him next to be king, even before older brother Enki

       . Lord Commander of Earth Colony – Chief Executive to the “Assembly of the Gods

    . founder of the “Garden of Eden” in Sumer / Mesopotamia / Southern Iraq (artifact above Enlil with plow)

    . Larsa was Enlil‘s 1st patron city-state, built 2nd, later he moved inland to Nippar

    . Nippar was built 3rd – “Mission Control Center”, the communication “Bond Between Heaven and Earth”

    . Enlil‘s temple – residence in Nippur was named “E.Kur”, “House Which is Like a Mountain”

         . overseer of purifying the gold taken from the “Abzu” & lower part of the world

    . Enlil had son Ninurta with his ½ sister Ninhursag / Ninmah / Ninti, who was born of the “double-seed” law of succession, & therefore to be Enlil‘s heir

    . Enlil and Ninlil had 2 main sons together, Nannar & Adad, plus others…

    . Enlil is accredited with giving mankind agriculture, sheep, etc., in Eden

    . Enlil gave the final approval for kingship to be “lowered from heaven”, & established high-priests & high-priestesses (positions of authority over earthlings for the giant mixed-breed offspring of the gods, therefore acting as go-betweens)

       . after Noah, Enlil decided gods would no longer mix with earthlings, their years will be only one hundred and twenty

             (Ninurta inside his sky-disc) (Ninurta riding his winged storm-beast) (Royal Princess Bau & her spouse Ninurta)   (Ninurta)

     Ninurta, next heir to King Anu following father Enlil, assigned the number of Enlil as his heir

          . #50, when he steps into the “Enlilship” / rulership, spouse Bau will then be #45

        . Ninurta was born on Nibiru. he & Marduk were only ones from that generation born there, the younger were born on Earth

     . Ninurta married Bau / Gula, King Anu‘s daughter, father Enlil‘s ½ sister, & his own aunt

        . Ninurta‘s 1st patron city-state was Larak, the 5th city built, “Lord who completes the foundation”       

     . Ninurta battled & shot down Zu / Anzu retrieving the “Tablets of Destines” stolen from father Enlil, technologies needed to command

     . Ninurta & cousin Nergal nuked Marduk‘s patron cities, brought down Marduk‘s Tower of Babel in Borsippa, & confused their tongue –

     . he & Inanna, with help of others, again defeated Marduk in the battle of the pyramids

     . usurper Marduk imprisoned by Enlilites within the Great Pyramid, & was left there to die

         . Lagash was later a patron city-state of Ninurta‘s, with a temple-residence

     . another patron city-state was Nimrud, with a temple – residence there

     . Ninurta‘s symbol is the double-headed eagle, very much still in use

        . Ninurta was in charge of Cain, banished to the east of E.din / Eden

            (Enki, oldest & wisest of gods on Earth)  (Enki in his winged sky-disc, landing on Earth)  (newly fashioned modern man & Enki)

       5) Enki / Ea, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son via a concubine – ranking #40

    6) spouse Ninki / Damkina, ex-king Alalu‘s daughter – ranking #35

     . son of Anu & Urash, a concubine, born on Nibiru

     . wisest of the gods, wrote his own biography, tales of his contributions to Earth       

     . master engineer, keeper of the ME’s (discs of knowledge)

     . god over the “Waters”, ruler of the Abzu (marshlands of Persian Gulf)

     . builder of ships, mined the gold in South Africa, shipped it bulk to Enlil

        . at first the moon eclipse was Enki‘s symbol, later discarded as Nannar / Sin took on the moon crescent symbol

        . a watery god 1/2 fish-1/2 man named Dagan was once used as his symbol (Enki in a wet suit)

     . Enki‘s patron city was Eridu, the 1st city built, “Place of the Water”, his temple – residence was there

     . Enki / E.A. “he whom home is water”, is accredited with forming the rivers and draining the marshlands

        . Enki rivaled his younger ½ brother Enlil for Earth’s Command, etc., as King Anu‘s heir he was once promised through his arranged marriage to Alalu’s daughter Damkina / Ninki, for the agreed upon compromise to gain planet Nibiru unity

        . Enki had six main sons – Marduk, Nergal, Ninagal, Gibil, Ningishzidda, Dumuzi, & many others

        . Enki, sister Ninhursag, & son Ningishzidda genetically altered Homo erectus, giving him the “Tree of Knowledge”

     . he provided his DNA for the fashioning of modern man, spouse Ninki carried baby Adapa up to the 10th month

     . they made the mold to “Model Man” – “Adapa” – who would then reproduce

     . Enki used “Model Man’s” descendants as “Workers” in the gold mines of South Africa, Enlil used them in Eden

        . he genetically altered early man a second time to allow procreation of the new “Mighty Man” mixed-breed giant

     . Enki had sex with the “Daughters of Man”, at the disgust of Enlil, then many others did the same

     . he saved mankind from Enlil‘s complete extermination, helping his son, the mixed-breed Mighty Man Ziusudra (Sumerian), Utnapishtim (Akkadian), Altra-Hasis (Babylonian), Noah (Hebrew), survive the devastating floodwaters

        . he is accredited with giving mankind animal domestication, construction, metallurgy, ship building, & much more

            (Nannar above in sky-disc, man in the Moon) (Nannar, Moon Crescent god) (Nannar in sky-disc, Enlil, & Nabu praising Marduk)

       7) Nanna / Nannar / Sin / El, King Anu‘s grandson via Enlil – ranking #30

    8) spouse Ningal – ranking #25 “Great Lady

    . eldest son of the ruling couple Enlil & Ninlil, born on Earth

     . full older brother to Adad, younger ½ brother to Ninurta

        . Sin had twins with spouse Ningal, Utu / Shamash & Inanna / Ishtar, a boy and a girl

     . also produced son Papsukal & daughter Ereshkigal, goddess of the Under World

        . the moon’s crescent was Nannar / Sin / El‘s symbol, still very much in use

        . Nannar was god over his patron city-state Ur, home of Biblical Abraham

        . Nannar‘s temple-residence in Ur was called Egishnugal “House of the Seed of the Throne”

        . Biblical Terah, Abraham‘s father, was once high-priest of Nannar‘s temple-residence (ziggurat) in Ur

          . Ur was abandoned when toxic fall-out came by way of the “terrible winds”

        . Nannar became ill from the fall-out, retired, & his son Utu assumed the Moon Crescent Symbol

        . Ur‘s high-priest Terah, Abraham’s father, led the flight from Ur to Harran following his god Nannar / Sin El, the Biblical name for God

        . Harran was built as an exact replica of Ur, and Sin was made its deity, Biblical Jacob, standing outside Harran, saw a ladder with cargo carried up to Heaven & cargo carried down to Earth

        . a favored high priestess of Sin produced a mixed-breed son with god Nabu named Nabunaid, he built a temple to Sin, & was commander of the Babylonian armies, ruler of Sippar, Utu‘s patron city-state

             (Utu)  (Commander of the launch sites)  (Utu flying high in his sky-disc)  (Utu with alien weaponry atop small disloyal earthling)

      9) Utu / Shamash / Allah, King Anu‘s great-grandson via Enlil > Nannarranking #20

          . Utu is son to Nannar & Ningal, grandson to Enlil, nephew to Adad, twin to Inanna

       . married Aya / Aia, she was not given a ruling number

          . Utu is heir to Nannar / Sin

          . brother to Ereshkigal, queen of the “Lower World”

       . Shamash: “The Shining One”, “The Sun” god

       . Utu‘s patron city-state was Sippar, the 6th city built, “Land of the Missiles”, his temple – residence was there

          . Utu the Commander of “The Space Port”

          . Utu the Commander of the “Eagles” / pilots carrying cargo to & from planet Nibiru

          . Utu’s temple – residence was Ebabbar, “Shining House” in Sippar

          . Utu’s Supreme Court was located in his patron city, Sippar

          . the great lawgiver, wise one, protector of travelers

          . Shamash‘s symbol was the Sun, but upon father Nannar‘s retirement, the Moon’s Crescent was given to Utu as his new symbol

          . Cancer is Utu‘s Zodiac sign

       . mixed-breed son Meskiaggasher, of a mixed-breed mother, was 1st semi-divine giant king of Uruk / Biblical Erech

            (Royal Princess Inanna)   (Inanna in her sky-disc)  (young Inanna, Goddess of Love   (Utu, Inanna, Goddess of War, & earthling captives) 

      10) Inanna / Ishtar, King Anu‘s great-granddaughter via Enlil > Nannar ranking #15

    . “Anunitum” “Beloved of Anu

    . daughter to Nannar & Ningal

    . twin to Utu, granddaughter to Enlil, mistress to King Anu (great-grandfather) when visiting Earth

     . sister Ereshkigal, “Queen of the Lower World”, married Enki’s son Nergal

          . stole 100 divine formulas from a drunken grand-uncle Enki

     . Inanna married Dumuzi, youngest son to Enki, he had no ruling number

       . the title “Goddess of Love and War” given to Inanna due to her many giant mixed-breed king lovers, & due to her continued desire for war against her cousin Marduk & others

          . also known as Venus, Aphrodite, Ishtar, Astarte, Anat, & so on

       . naked Inanna image on many stelea, statues, & rock carving artifacts

        . ruled Aratta, then Uruk, the patron city-state of Anu, was given to Inanna

     . she was once refused sex by Gilgamesh, Uruk’s 5th king, causing him a problem

          . Leo is her Zodiac sign

        . well known pilot with many depictions of her flying around in her MU (sky-ship) given by Anu, wearing the 7 MEs given by Enlil

             (Storm God Adad)   (Adad stele in Aleppo)  (Adad atop his ziggurat residence)  (ancient king & giant Adad)

      11) Adad / Ishkur, King Anu‘s grandson via Enlil ranking #10

       . son of Enlil & Ninlil, brother to Nannar / Sin, nephew to Enki

    . younger ½ brother to Ninurta, uncle to Utu & Inanna

    . deity of the mountain lands north & west of Mesopotamia

    . known as the thunder god, depicted standing upon Taurus the Bull holding lightning & thunder

       . married Shala / Hebat, Anu‘s daughter, she has no ruling number

       . father to god Sarruma

    . father to mixed-breed King Ur-Ninurta “…… may …… be his helper. …… the son of Ickur (Ishkur / Adad)…”

       . father to mixed-breed King Amar-Suen / Bur-Suen “the son of Ickur (Ishkur / Adad)…whom you have called by name, Bur-Suen…”

               (Ninhursag & symbol)   (attractive Ninhursag)   (Enlil & Ninhursag with their son Ninurta in his sky-disc)   (Ninhursag & Enki in their DNA lab)

       12) Ninhursag / Ninmah / Ninti, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest daughter via concubine Nammu – ranking #5

      . Ninhursag, “Lady of the Mountainhead”, born on planet Nibiru

         . daughter of Anu & Urash / Nammu, a concubine to King Anu

     . sister to Enki, Bau, Martu, & others, older ½ sister to Enlil

         . had children with both Enlil (boy Ninurta), & Enki (many girls & boys)

         . son Ninurta becomes Enlil‘s heir to the crown, born of the “double seed”

         . her patron city-state was Kish, Medical Center of Sumer

         . chief nurse, “Lady of the Rib”, Mammu / Mamma / Mami / Mom

         . worked with Enki & Ningishzidda to create Adapa, “Model Man”

    . her symbol became the umbilical chord cutter, the Greek letter omega, also ohm

      . Virgo is her Zodiac sign

Note: The highest ruling number in the Anunnaki system is #60, held by King Anu.

#60’s successor is the one holding the ruling rank of #50, (Enlil)

The female, sometimes a spouse, is usually given the next lesser number divisible by 5.

There are 6 male deities and 6 female deities among the ruling numbered twelve positions in the “Assembly of the Gods“.

All those in the “Assembly of Gods are descendants of King Anu‘s royal bloodline



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