How to get rid of your suffering

The bad news

Finishing your suffering is up to you - you have to act. Nobody else can finish your suffering.

The good news

Desire (greed respectively), attachment and missing knowledge are the major reasons for suffering! - To finish your suffering ask yourself what you desire and what you are attaching to. Getting rid of your greed and your attachment to everything means getting rid of your suffering. Take notice of your desire and attachment and put it aside gently.

A word to emptiness:

Some people are afraid of threatening emptiness. Every creative thought comes out of emptiness. Only if you are free of restricting thoughts you are able to unfold healthy power.

An exercise:

Live your life. Do whatever you do, but do it with full attention. Notice your feelings. Name them and put them aside gently. Experience that emotions are not strictly part of yourself. They are things like sun and rain - they come and go. Don't hate or get afraid of your feelings, but don't stick to them.

Sometimes it may be that you don't know how to go on - how to continue. Just sit down and wait. Simply wait - don't wait for anything, just wait. Out of the emptiness you will receive a message from your belly what to do.

See also Suffering and pain.

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