Rice & Sargent in CT

The remains of this Rice and Sargent engine were in CT as of 2000.

A group from Brazil bought the engine to ship home, never finished the dissasembly, and then started scrapping the parts and stripping the alternator for copper.


30" X 48"

It must be at least 800 HP @ 100 RPM to make 600 KW

Horizontal single cylinder, simple

18' flywheel

Front view, missing the cylinder and lots of parts.

That's Harold between the flywheel and alternator for a size comparison. A yardstick is leaning on the bed plate.

This is about a 600 KW alternator. The slip rings field windings, and exciter are missing. The coils are partially stripped.

The governor, removed from the engine. The governor is now at the NEWSM.

The crosshead, without the piston rod or connecting rod.

Compared to Harold the segmented flywheel is pretty big.

Three giant studs hold each segment of the flywheel to the crankshaft.

Crankshaft bearing and valve eccentrics. The bearing cover is missing.

The bearing pedistal is complete. The exciter pully is missing. A piece of the slip rings is dangling from the field wire.