Biology Semester Two

Biology Semester Two

I. Introduction to Genetics

A. Karyotypes

B. Mendel and Basic Genetic Terms

C. Monohybrid Cross

D. Dihybrid Cross

E. Sex Linked Cross

F. Pedigrees


A. DNA structure

B. DNA replication

C. Watson and Crick

III. Protein Synthesis

A. Protein Synthesis

B. Mutations

C. Enzymes and the Function of Proteins in the Body

D. Lorenzo's Oil

IV. Biotechnology

A. Recombinant DNA Technology

B. Cloning

C. Stem Cells & Stem Cell Research

D. Gel Electrophoresis and DNA fingerprinting

E. Amgen Biotechnology-Abridged Genetic Engineering Sequence

V. Viruses and Bacteria

A. Viruses

B. Bacteria

VI. Sustainable Living and Decision Making

A. Examining How We Live

B. Tragedy of the Commons and Rapa Nui

C. Making Smart Choices

VII. Ecosystems

A. Biomes and Climatograms

B. Energy Flow (Food Chains and Food Webs) & Cycling of Matter (Biogeochemical Cycle)

C. Populations- Logistic and Exponential Growth Curves

D. Ecological and Symbiotic Relationships

E. Human Impact on the Environment

VIII. The Theory of Evolution

A. Darwin and Natural Selection

B. Evidence of Evolution

C. Speciation