Teoria Quântica de Campos II

The course will cover some advanced topics of perturbative quantum field theory and an introduction to its non-perturbative aspect. We will cover the following topics


1. Non-abelian symmetries, Non-abelian gauge theories, group representations;

2. Fermionic path integrals and functional determinants;

3. Path integral quantization, Feynman rules and beta function of non-abelian gauge theories;

4. Chiral gauge theories and Anomalies;

5. Spontaneous symmetry breaking;

6. The standard model os particle physics;

7. Effective field theory;

8. Chiral symmetry breaking;

9. Wilson loops and confinement;


  • Main references:

- Srednicki; Quantum Field Theory. Cambridge University Press (2007)

- Schwartz; Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model. Cambridge University Press (2013)

  • Other useful references

- Weinberg; The Quantum Theory of Fields Vol. 2: Modern Applications. Cambridge University Press (1996)

- Zee; Quantum Field Theory in an Nutshell. Princeton University Press; 2 edition (2010)

- Peskin and Schroeder; An Introduction to QuantumField Theory. Westview Press; Reprint edition (1995)

- Witten; Witten's Notes on Non-Perturbative Quantum Field Theory in Quantum Fields and Strings: A Course for Mathematicians. American Mathematical Society; 2 Volume Set edition (1999)

- David Tong; Lectures on Gauge Theory.

- Preskill; Field Theory Lecture Notes.

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