First Post

Post date: Jun 9, 2015 3:34:42 PM


Although it has only been summer break for about a week. I am beginning to think about what I want to accomplish next year in my classes. Before I do that, however, I want to take a few moments to share why I am writing this blog post. Over the past six years that I have been in the classroom I have realized that I need to decompress and reflect on how my classes have been going. I want to be honest with myself and anyone who stumbles upon this blog. I will never give out personal names if I share a story whether it be a success story or an unsuccessful story.

I am a teacher who needs to reflect. It’s how I work. I create and share assignments and experiences with students and then I usually just sit and think about how successful those experiences were. I want to begin to catalog those experiences on the interwebs so that I can look back someday and see where I have been. I hope this blog can be a place where I share cool things my students are doing as well as a place for me to grow in my reflecting as a teacher.

I hope to also share a few truths that I have learned while trying to teach the future of our world. It’s not easy but I love every minute of my job. Here’s to a summer of reflecting, planning, reading, and growing.

Mr. P