Period 4 Links

Week 10

Pageant Textbook pages: 205-206; 213-214; 273-275

1796 Election - Political Parties

270 to Win: Election of 1796

270 to Win: Election of 1824

Adams v. Jackson: The Election of 1824

Thomas Jefferson: Campaigns & Elections

Thomas Jefferson's First Inaugural Address

Week 11:

Supreme Court Landmark Cases Link - Partner up and choose from the cases listed below and research the outcome of the case. Use the Chart provided. Ultimately, we want to know did the case weaken, strengthen, or had no effect on the role of federal government.

Cases You May Research: Fletcher v. Peck, Marbury v. Madison, McCulloch, v. Maryland, Cherokee Indian Cases, Gibbons v. Ogden,

*Use this Chart or create it in your notebook to help in your study of the court cases.

2nd Great Awakening: Reformers and Evangelicals Directions

Week 12:

This week we are examining the following essential questions:

  • 37. How did innovations in technology and the first Industrial Revolution alter the ways that people made their living and the relationship between different groups of people?

  • 38. How did the Industrial Revolution and the labor movement in the early 1800s expand the meaning of freedom to include economic freedom for workers?

  • 39. How did women articulate their own movement for political and economic freedom?

  • 40. To what extent did the market revolution exacerbate or amplify political, social, and economic divisions within the growing national fabric?

Andrew Jackson PBS Documentary Link (Start at 1:20:00-1:30:00)

“The Removal Act, 28 May 1830”

“To the Cherokee Tribe of Indians’ from Jackson”

John Ross’s Letter to President Van Buren, August 4, 1840

Students discuss the following questions:

    • What problems does Ross present to the president regarding the removal?

    • Did the removal of the Native Americans from east of the Mississippi River violate the principles found in the Declaration of Independence?