Period 3 (1754-1800)

Learning Target: Student will be able to:

*Analyze the American revolutionaries’ justifications, principles & ideals as expressed in the Declaration of Independence;

*Identify the sources of these principles & ideals and their impact on subsequent revolutions in Europe, the Caribbean, & Latin America.

Learning Target: Student will be able to:

*Develop a timeline of the major events & turning points of the American Revolution, including the involvement of other nations.

*Analyze the reasons for American victory.

Learning Target: Student will be able to:

*Analyze the arguments about the organizations & powers of the federal government between 1783 & 1800, including the debates over the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

*Explain the origins of the two-party political system & the significance of the election of 1800.

Text Materials: Chapter 6.1-6.3

Learning Target: Student will be able to:

*Analyze how the expansion of United States territory and redefinition of borders affected the relationship of the United States with other nations, provided land for settlement, & resulted in political conflict.

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