Period 2 (1607-1754)

Learning Target - Student will be able to:

*Identify the varied economic, political & religious motives of free & indentured European immigrants who settled in North America.

Text Materials: Chapter 2 Section 3, The Examination of Anne Hutchinson (1637)

Terms & Names To Study: Puritans, John Winthrop, Separatist, Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts Bay Colony, Roger Williams, Anne Hutchinson, Pequot War, Metacom, King Philip's War

Critical Thinking Question - Anne Hutchinson Readings

Why do you think Puritan leaders viewed Anne Hutchinson as a threat to their society? Use evidence from the text(s) to support your answers.

Think About:

    • Puritan beliefs

    • Characteristics of Puritan society

    • Hutchinson’s teachings

Learning Target - Student will be able to:

*Explain the origin and growth of the Atlantic slave trade.

*Describe its demographic, economic, & political impact on West Africa, Europe, & the Americas (North America, Caribbean, Central & South America), including the impact on enslaved Africans. Student will be able to:

*Compare & contrast the development of regional economies & labor systems in the British North American colonies (New England, Mid-Atlantic, and Southern Colonies), including regional differences in the experiences of indentured servants, enslaved Africans and indigenous people.

Terms & Names To Study: William Penn, proprietor, New Netherland, Quakers, mercantilism, Parliament, Navigation Acts, Dominion of New England, Sir Edmund Andros, Glorious Revolution, Salutary neglect, Cash Crop, Slave, Triangular Trade, Middle Passage, Stono Rebellion

Text Materials: Chapter 2: Section 4, Chapter 3: Section 1, Chapter 3: Section 2

William Penn

Primary Source Activity

Plantation Life in the 18th Century

Benjamin Latrobe: "An Overseer doing his duty. Sketched from life near Fredericksburg."

Anonymous, "The Old Plantation" Student will be able to:

*Describe the growth of colonial societies in British North America, including the evolution of representative forms of government, increased ethnic & religious pluralism, and changing concepts of racial identity, gender roles & family organization. Student will be able to:

*Describe the political & military events that caused some North American colonies to break with Great Britain, wage war & proclaim a new nation in 1776.