American Experience: Henry Ford

Those of you who missed the video. You are lucky the video has been removed from Youtube. Please print out the questions and write on them stating you tried to watch it and couldn't. Turn it in and then I will exempt you from the assignment. If you do not do this you will be given a 0.

You can also download a word doc of the questions at the bottom of this page.

Answer the following questions as completely as possible following the documentary.

What country was the land in which Henry Ford bought for $125,000?

At the dawn of the automobile industry in the 1890s most people saw the car as what type of item for the wealthy?

What were the key fundamental differences between Ford’s investors and Ford himself when it came to what type of car to create?

In 1907 Ford walled off corner of his factory what was he doing behind the wall?

How much did the average car cost at the time Ford sold the Model T for $850?

How many total men did the company have to hire if they wanted to add 100 men to the payroll?

What was Ford’s solution to keeping men working in his factories?

How did Henry Ford help the immigrants that came to work at his factory?

Why did Ford quit the company?

Why was Ford suing the Chicago Tribune in 1919?

How did Ford feel about Jewish people?

According to Alfred P. Sloan what did Ford and other automobile manufacturers have to do to keep people buying new cars?

What was the next model that for came out with after the Model T was put to bed?

By the late 1920s manufacturing was surpassing _________________________ as the nation’s economic driver

What was the ONE invention that Henry Ford did not want?

Why did Henry Ford spy on his son?

How old was Henry Ford when he passed away and what did he die of?

Did the Ford company end up keeping the land in Brazil?