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Super Bowl Advertising


While Justin Bieber was in Glendale, Arizona performing on his believe tour, Justin Bieber had a little accident on stage. Justin Bieber drank milk before going on stage and got an upset stomach. During the concert, he ended up throwing up on stage and quickly running off stage. His stomach still felt bad after throwing up but he said he wanted to slow things down then get ready for another show the next day.

Justin Bieber probably lost customer loyalty because people had a bad experience at his believe concert. People might decide to bring their discretionary income elsewhere at least for a little while until he regains his popularity. This will probably affect his revenue for his future concerts. At least he won't have much competition because there is only one Justin Bieber. If I had to give Justin Bieber advise it would be to not eat or drink before a show anymore and to wait until after the show to have a drink and a bite to eat.

Super Bowl 2013 advertising half way to being sold out already