Unit 2 Part 1: Properties and Changes in Matter
Unit Essential Question(s):
What is the role of nuclear fusion in producing essentially all elements heavier than helium?
How do elements make up matter such as compounds and mixtures?
How is matter classified?
What are the differences between physical and chemical properties and how are they used to identify substances?
What does a chemical formula represent?
How is percent composition by mass calculated?
SC2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the chemical and physical properties of matter resulting from the ability of atoms to form bonds.
a. Plan and carry out an investigation to gather evidence to compare the physical and chemical properties at the macroscopic scale to infer the strength of intermolecular and intramolecular forces.
b. Construct an argument by applying principles of inter- and intra- molecular forces to identify substances based on chemical and physical properties.
c. Construct an explanation about the importance of molecular-level structure in the functioning of designed materials. (Clarification statement: Examples could include why electrically conductive materials are often made of metal, flexible but durable materials are made up of long chained molecules, and pharmaceuticals are designed to interact with specific receptors.)
d. Develop and use models to evaluate bonding configurations from nonpolar covalent to ionic bonding. (Clarification statement: VSEPR theory is not addressed in this element.)
e. Ask questions about chemical names to identify patterns in IUPAC nomenclature in order to predict chemical names for ionic (binary and ternary), acidic, and inorganic covalent compounds. f. Develop and use bonding models to predict chemical formulas including ionic (binary and ternary), acidic, and inorganic covalent compounds.
f. Develop a model to illustrate the release or absorption of energy (endothermic or exothermic) from a chemical reaction system depends upon the changes in total bond energy.
Vocabulary Unit 2 part 1:
Nuclear fusion
Nuclear fission
Pure substance
Homogeneous mixture
Heterogeneous mixture
Physical property
Intensive property
Extensive property
Chemical Property
Chemical change
Recommended Reading: (These textbook pages will supplement the information covered in class)
Chapter 2 - (page 32) Matter and Change
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3ZkoNF2ybg (Thermite reactions)
Radium Girls: https://www.britannica.com/story/radium-girls-the-women-who-fought-for-their-lives-in-a-killer-workplace
“In Germany, a research team used the new instruments to examine an enormous molecule, the yeast 26S proteasome. Though not the largest molecule in existence, the yeast 26S proteasome contains over two million protons and neutrons and is the largest non-symmetrical molecule mapped to date. This molecule can only be described as a ‘wonder.’ It serves as an intracellular waste-disposal and recycling system”
Chemical formula:
C132,983 H211,861 N36,149 O40,883S693
http://chemistry.about.com/od/jewelrychemistry/a/goldalloys.htm (Gold Alloy Compositions)
https://www.totalmateria.com/page.aspx?ID=CheckArticle&site=ktn&NM=230 (Great gold alloy site!)
Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry, GC-MS Analysis
Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) is a technique for the analysis and quantitation of organic volatile and semi-volatile compounds.
Gas chromatography (GC) is used to separate mixtures into individual components using a temperature-controlled capillary column. Smaller molecules with lower boiling points are travel down the column more quickly than larger molecules with higher boiling point.
Mass spectrometry (MS) is used to identify the various components from their mass spectra. Each compound has a unique or near unique mass spectrum that can be compared with mass spectral databases and thus identified. Through use of standards, quantitation is also possible.
GCMS analysis can work on liquids, gases and solids. For liquids, the sample is directly injected into the GC. For gases, gas tight syringes are used to transfer the gaseous components directly into the GC. For solids, the analysis is carried out either by solvent extraction, outgassing or pyrolysis.
Outgassing a sample via application of heat (thermal desorption) is a special sampling technique also known as Dynamic Headspace Analysis (HSA). Volatile organic components in the solid matrix are removed by heated gas flow. In dynamic HSA, the sample is placed in a chamber and heated to a specified temperature for a specified time. The outgassed components are continually removed and collected in a cold trap. They are then analyzed by GC-MS. The maximum allowable temperature for this method is 300ºC, and the maximum sample size is 1"×4".
Pyrolysis is another sampling technique for the analysis of materials that cannot be directly injected into the GC-MS. By applying heat directly to a sample, the molecule can be broken down in a reproducible way. The smaller molecules are then introduced into the GC and analyzed by GC-MS. By this method, probe temperatures of up to 1400ºC can be used.
From: http://www.eag.com/mc/gas-chromatography-mass-spectrometry.html
http://chemwiki.ucdavis.edu/Analytical_Chemistry/Instrumental_Analysis/Mass_Spectrometry/How_the_Mass_Spectrometer_Works (How a mass spectrometer works - technical)
http://www.chemguide.co.uk/analysis/chromatography/paper.html (Paper chromatography)
http://www.aspenideas.org/session/god-particle?gclid=Cj0KEQjwmKG5BRDv4YaE5t6oqf0BEiQAwqDNfOjQRhnPNU19cPl4MlBiXLblOJjVXj9oV1bbyBjgGLUaAgIg8P8HAQ (Higgs Bozon - the god particle)
https://www.chemguide.co.uk/analysis/chromatography/paper.html (Thorough paper chromatography website)
https://www.chemguide.co.uk/analysis/chromatogrmenu.html#top (Different types of chromatography)
Scientific error website https://manoa.hawaii.edu/exploringourfluidearth/physical/world-ocean/map-distortion/practices-science-scientific-error#:~:text=Common%20sources%20of%20error%20include,how%20they%20affect%20the%20results.