
It doesn't take much to keep the KOB server going. Once a month I do the following:

  • Rename log.html to log-yyyy-mm-dd, where yyyy-mm-dd is the current date. This keeps the log file from getting too long. The server automatically creates a new log.html file for the next log entry.
  • Check the server log (logerr.txt on Windows, nohup.out on Linux) to see if there are any error messages that might give an early warning of potential problems.
  • Update the server's system software. With Linux, I do this with the following commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
  • Reboot the server.

I generally perform these maintenance tasks late at night or early in the morning so as not to impact other KOB users. I especially avoid times when I know someone's doing a Morse demo or some other special activity is going on.