KOB Server
The overall architecture of the MorseKOB system is depicted in the block diagram above. The basic function of the KOB server is to receive internet packets from MorseKOB clients and retransmit the packets to all other clients connected to the same wire number.* Some information on the structure of these data packets is presented in the technical paper Extending the CWCom Communications Protocol to Support Closed-Circuit Telegraphy. In general, each packet contains the timing information necessary to reproduce a single Morse character exactly as sent.
The KOBServer software itself is very simple—it's only a tenth the size and complexity of the MorseKOB 2.5 program. Written in Python, KOBServer runs equally well on Windows and Linux platforms. Whenever a user connects to or disconnects from a KOB wire, KOBServer updates the server activity page accordingly and adds an entry to the server log. The web server returns the latest copy of these pages when requested by the user's web browser.
The feeds are programs that emulate the transmitting function of a MorseKOB client to provide the news and code practice broadcasts on the 100-series wires. Feeds may run on any computer connected to the Internet, including the server platform itself.
To get started, first let's review the system requirements.
* The design of the KOB server is based on CWCom's Ionosphere server, developed by John Samin and Andrew Spurrier.