MorseKOB Documents

Outlines the major milestones in the evolution of the KOB program, provides some insight into its design philosophy, and recognizes the contributions of those who played an important role in its early development.

Describes the architecture and basic theory of operation of the KOB program. Written with the non-programmer in mind. Applies specifically to MorseKOB 2.5.

Unlike CWCom, the KOB program supports the closed-circuit style of telegraphy typical of landline systems, complete with realistic break behavior. It achieves this through a minor extension of the CWCom internet protocol, as described in this paper.

American Morse is much more difficult to decode by computer than International Morse, mostly because of its internally spaced letters (C, O, R, Y, and Z). MorseKOB’s code reader is surprisingly effective, given its relatively simplistic approach. This paper describes the algorithm in some detail, with special attention to its unique features.

Describes an interface circuit for connecting a telegraph loop, with keys and sounders connected in series, to a computer running the KOB program.

Dialup Morse requires a 300-baud modem, such as the old Radio Shack DCM-6. Modern modems often support 300 baud transmission of digitally encoded characters (e.g., ASCII), but none of them allow marks and spaces of arbitrary length to be sent or received. It is possible, however, to use certain voice modems, along with appropriate software, to synthesize and demodulate the mark and space tones. This paper describes how.

This is a guide for CW operators who want to learn American Morse on a sounder.