
Feed.py waits for a station to connect to a KOB wire and sends text from an RSS-formatted local file or news feed in Morse at a given speed.

A plus sign (+) closes the wire. A tilde (~) opens the wire. A hyphen (-) or an apostrophe (') produces a shorter than normal word space.

Command line parameters (required):

wire — KOB wire no.

idText — office call, etc.

url — RSS formatted text source (URL)

wpm — overall code speed (WPM)

Additional command line parameters (optional):

cwpm — individual character speed (default: same as overall code speed)

artPause — delay between articles (default: 2 sec)

grpPause —delay between article groups (default: 5 sec)

days — number of days of articles to read before repeating, starting with current day (default: all)

wait — number of seconds to wait for the wire to be idle before sending


  • artPause and grpPause can be decimal numbers.

  • wire, wpm, cwpm, days, and wait must be integers.

  • idText and url should be enclosed in quotes.

  • If url starts with file:// instead of http://, then the a file in the current working directory is used as the source for the feed.

  • If wait is nonzero, then the feed will stop sending if another station starts sending, and will wait until the wire is idle for the specified number of seconds before sending again.


python Feed.py 109 "BBC World News, 20 wpm, AC" "http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/world/rss.xml" 20

python Feed.py 111 "Civil War News, 15 wpm, AC" "file://civilwar.xml" 15 18 5 20 3

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