
The deadly pole-axe!

The wizard’s staff!

The deadly pole-axe

danced like a fire;

The wizard’s staff

whirled like a windmill.

Back and forth

bounded the battlers bold;

Side to side

sprang the swift sword-stormers.

The square-sky plunged

like a squire of thunder;

The staff arose

like a striking sea-serpent.

The cutlass-clashers

belched clouds and mist;

Their groans and cries

alarmed ghosts and gods.

Their battle-cries

made the broad Earth tremble;

Their stamps and shouts

made the stones to dance.

The nine-tailed lash!

The wizard’s wand!

The lash of nine tails

like a lightning-bolt;

The wizard’s wand

like a whale breaching.

The lash raught out

to lacerate limbs;

The staff stretched forth

to strike upon heads.

Red drops ran

down the rawhide whip;

Sparks arose

from the spike of the rod.

Back and forth

went battle-birds’ gladdeners;

Right and left

they reaped a grim harvest.