Dakota Plains

Silver webs covered

the sea of grass,

Warp and weft

over verdant waves,

Unto two-and-thirty points

in ten directions,

Mile after mile

across mountless plain.

Elk strode the pampas

with antlers aloft;

Bison plodded

like boulders rolling.

Bulrush sloughs

full of blackbirds and butterflies, 

Waves of grain

as wide as the horizons;

Golden miles

and gleaming greenery,

Rolling hectares

like ripples in the earth.

Not a hill, not a tree,

between Heaven and Earth;

Flat land lay

under fiery sky.

From dawn to dusk

was dazzling brightness;

From set to rise

was a sea of stars.

Atmosphere shone

over endless fields;

Golden grain waved

under gleaming airs.