The Internet, Social Media, and Online Safety-Part 2

Lesson Two - Google Drive

In this lesson, you will learn how to access your Google Drive, how to create several different types of documents, how to save documents, and how to share documents. This online textbook lesson is designed to repeat the activity that we did in the Computer Lab at school. If you missed that activity or did not complete it, this lesson will be especially useful to you. You will also find this lesson useful as a review for the quiz and as a guide when it is time for your first Google Drive project.

To get the most from this lesson, I suggest that you keep it open in a Google Chrome or Firefox tab. Use new tabs to open your Google Drive and any other pages you need to access to complete the activity.

Access you Google Drive by going to Use your Google email name and password to log in.

When you are logged into your Google Drive, find the navigation menu on the left hand side of the screen. The navigation window is easy to spot thanks to the large red "CREATE" button at the top.