Extra Credit Email Assignment

Post date: Jan 26, 2019 7:16:25 PM

Sorry... this Extra Credit opportunity has expired. Be sure to check Class Announcements every day so you don't miss the next chance.

As a "thank you" to students who followed my directions to check my website every day, and as an incentive to students who didn't, here is my first "website only" extra credit assignment. You can earn 25 extra credit points, but only if you follow the instructions exactly.

    1. Send an email to jmochehale@gmail.com
    2. The subject line of your email must be "Give me the points!"
    3. The body of your email should be two lines long.
    4. The first line of the body is your last name, followed by a comma, followed by your first name.
    5. The second line of the body is the period you are enrolled in my Health class.

If you have more than one email address, you should use the address that you also use for Google Drive. In most cases, this will be your LAUSD email address.

I must receive your email by 8:59 pm on Sunday, January 27, 2019. I do not accept late work for extra credit assignments!