Assignment for February 20, 2019

Post date: Feb 18, 2019 6:46:10 AM

Today, you are going to create a week's worth of meals (5 meals) for the school cafeteria. Your goal is to produce meals that are healthy and that kids will enjoy eating. To be successful, you will need to determine the nutritional value of each ingredient in your meals.

First, you need to assign roles to each member of your group. There are three different roles in each group. Because most groups consist of 4 people, you may have more than one person assigned to a role. Here are the roles:

Nutritionist - you must make sure that everything included in the meal is healthy and nutritional. One or two people can be responsible for this job.

Assistant Nutritionist - you must assist the nutritionist in his/her work and help make sure that all foods decided on are healthy and nutritional. One or two people can be responsible for this job.

Recorder - this person will record all of the important details (name of meal, ingredients, calories, carbohydrates, etc.) The recorder will also be the person who creates, owns, and shares the Google document. Only one person can be assigned to this job!

Once you have assigned roles, you should create the Google document. Go to Google Drive and create a new Google Doc. Name the document as follows:


For the example above, replace X with your period and N with your table number. You will suffer a 10% reduction in points if you do not name your document properly, so please verify that it is correct!

Share the document with and with each member in your group.

List each person who is in the group. Use each person's first and last name. Next to their name, indicate their role (Nutritionist, Assistant Nutritionist, or Recorder.) Be sure to have each person's name on a separate line. You may want to read the description of each of these jobs on the handout before you choose your job.

Once the document has been created, named, and shared, and after each member of the group has his/her name recorded as instructed above, use the handout for details on how to complete the assignment. A pdf version of the handout is attached below.

IMPORTANT! At the end of the period, log out of your Google Drive, close the browser, and close the lid to your computer. If you are in Period 2, 4, or 6, you need to return the laptop to the cabinet and plug it in. Put your handout away carefully because you will need it again tomorrow.

Here are some links that will help you complete this assignment:

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Kids Health

Medline Plus

University of California, Berkeley

Food Calculator (get calorie count and nutrition information about different food items.)

Food Prices (Target) (get the price of different food items from Target.