Open House Project Detail Form

Post date: Mar 14, 2019 2:43:09 PM

Now that you have completed the Open House Project Choice Form, you need to provide more information about what your project will entail.

There are links to three forms below. You will complete only one of the forms. Please choose the correct form! The deadline for completing the form is Monday, March 18, 2019 by 9:00 pm.

If you did not complete the Open House Project Choice form, you must see me before you complete any of the forms below. To repeat, you cannot complete any of the forms below until you have completed the Open House Project Choice form that was due on Wednesday, 3/13/19! If you did not already complete the Open House Project Choice Form, you must do that BEFORE you complete any of the forms below. You can find the special Late Open House Project Choice form in the Class Announcement posted on March 9, 2019.

Click Here if you are doing a Public Service Message

Click Here if you are doing a Slide Show

Click Here if you are doing a Career Display