
List of publications

By Mahamane L. Abdoulaye

Articles in journals (print and online)

2020 "The one-term predication for deictic identification in Hausa". Studies in African Linguistics 49(2) : 187-212. (In collaboration with Salifou Barmou, and Saudé Souley-Bida)

2018 "Static location and motion marking in Hausa and Zarma". Journal of West African Languages 45(2): 41–65. [JWAL45(2), open access]

2015 "Comitative-based causative constructions in Zarma". SKY Journal of Linguistics 28: 37–66. (In collaboration with Malami Buba) [SKYJoL, open access]

2013 "La particule emphatique tun ‘dès’ en haoussa". Cahiers de l’ILSL 36, pp.7-24.

2012 “La fonction comitative de ńdà en zarma”. Mu Kara Sani 17:6-23. Niamey: IRSH, UAM. (In collaboration with Alimata Sidibé) [MKS]

2011 “Relative clauses in Hausa: A grammaticalization perspective”. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 32(1):1-41. [JALL]

2009 “Two types of temporal when clauses in Hausa”. The Buckingham Journal of Language and Linguistics 2(1):1-19. [BJLL] [updated version at HAL, open access]

2009 “L'alternance ditransitive en zarma". Annales de l'Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey 10:33-42. [updated version at HAL]

2009 “Narrative and past habitual sequences in Hausa”. Rice Working Papers in Linguistics 1:151-167. [RWPL, open access]

2008 “Four types of scene-setting clauses in Hausa”. The Linguistics Journal 3(3):55-83. [TLJ, open access]

2008 “Distance and visibility: A two-component system in Hausa deixis”. Linguistik Online 36(4):3-19. [LO, open access]

2008 “Perfectivity and time reference in Hausa”. Linguistic Discovery 6(1):15-39. [LD, open access]

2008 “Perfect and perfective in Hausa”. Afrikanistik Online 0009-10-13825. [AO, open access]

2007 “Profiling and identification in Hausa”. Journal of Pragmatics 39(2):232-269. [JoP]

2006 “Existential and possessive predications in Hausa”. Linguistics 44(6):1121-1164. [Linguistics]

2006 “L’origine et la fonction des conjugaisons relatives en hausa”. Annales de l’Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey 8-B:95-105. [Pre-publication copy]

2001 “The grammaticalization of Hausa zâa 'be going' to future”. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 22:1-32. [JALL]

2000 “Passive and grammaticalization in Hausa”. Studies in Language 24:235-275. [Studies in Language]

1999 “The development of passive constructions in Hausa”. Series: University of Leipzig Papers on Africa (ULPA), Languages and Literatures, 06). Leipzig: Institut für Afrikanistik (Germany). [ULPA]

1997 “Three topic constructions in Hausa”. Annales de l'Université de Niamey 5:260-279. [Pre-publication copy]

1997 “Presupposition and realis status in Hausa”. Sprachtypologie und Universalien Forschung 50:308-328.

1996 “Efferential “Verb + ” constructions in Hausa”. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 17:113-151.

1996 “Figure and Ground in the Hausa 'Grade 2' verb”. African Languages and Cultures 9:1-25.

1991 “Derived direct objects in Hausa”. Journal of West African Languages 21(1):75-90.

1991 “Advancement and ascension to object in Hausa”. Buffalo Papers in Linguistics 14.

Chapters published in books or online collections:

2009 “Mahzûratu-l-sâ’at, un manuscrit ajami en hausa : présentation et considérations d’ordre linguistique”. In: Le temps des Oulèmas : les manuscrits africains comme sources historiques, ed. by Seyni Moumouni and Viera Pawlikova-Vilhanova, pp.255-282. Niamey: Abdou Moumouni University / International Academic Union. Series Etudes Nigériennes. (Book TOC)

2007 “Standardization of regional African languages and its importance for regional integration in West Africa: The case of Hausa in Niger and Nigeria”. In: Les états-nations face à l’intégration régionale en Afrique de l’Ouest : le cas du Niger, ed. by Maman Waziri Mato, pp.207-224. Paris: Editions Karthala. (In collaboration with Abdou Mijinguini)

2004 “Les variations en hausa chez les locuteurs natifs”. Cahiers de l'Institut de Linguistique et des Sciences du Langage 15:127-177 (Pratiques et représentations linguistiques au Niger : Résultats d'une enquête nationale, ed. by Fabrice Rouiller and Rémi Jolivet, Université de Lausanne).

2004 “Comitative, coordinating, and inclusory constructions in Hausa”. In: Coordinating constructions, ed. by Martin Haspelmath, pp.165-193. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [Book page at JB]

2004 “Hausa”. In: Phonetik international: Von Afrikaans bis Zulu: Kontrastive Studien für Deutsch als Fremdsprache [Phonétique des langues : De l'afrikans au zoulou : Etudes contrastives pour l'allemand langue étrangère], ed. by Ursula Hirschfeld, Heinrich P. Kelz, and Ursula Müller, pp.1-20. Waldsteinberg: Heidrun Popp. (Online publication, collection portal)

2001 “Verhaltensweisen gegenüber dem Fremden in vier Sprachen der Sahelzone: Hausa, Kanuri, Songhay-Zarma, Fula [Attitudes towards foreigners in four languages of the Sahel zone]”. In: Fremdes in fremden Sprachen [Conceptions about foreigners in world languages], ed. by Brigitte Jostes and Jürgen Trabant, pp.179-203. Munich: Wilhelm Fink. (In collaboration with Elhadj Ari Awagana) [Book page at WF]

1988 “Le rapport entre les langues africaines et le français en Afrique : le cas du Niger. In: Commentaries on a creative encounter: proceedings of a conference on the culture and literature of francophone Africa (October 1987), ed. by Keith E. Baird and Jean.François Gounard, pp.53-55. Albany: New York African American Institute (USA).

Published book reviews:

2013 “A Review of Comrie and Estrada-Fernández (2012): Relative Clauses in Languages of the Americas: A typological overview". The linguist List 24(3308). [The Linguist List, open access]

2012 “A Review of Fiedler and Schwarz (2010): The expression of information structure: A documentation of its diversity across Africa". The linguist List 23(3338). [The Linguist List, open access]

2010 “A Review of Ziegelmeyer (2008): Aspekte adverbialer Subordination im Hausa, Fulfulde und Kanuri”. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 31(2):278-283. [JALL]

2010 “A Review of Newman (2007): A Hausa-English dictionary”. Anthropological Linguistics 52(1):111-113. [AL]

2010 “A Review of Dixon and Aikhenvald (2008): Complementation: A cross-linguistic typology”. The Linguist List 21(1579). [The Linguist List, open access]

2007 “A Review of Jungraithmayr et al. (2005): Lehrbuch der Haussasprache”. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 28:75-78. [JALL]

2007 “A Review of Frajzyngier et al. (2005): A grammar of Mina”. The Linguist List 18(912). [The Linguist List, open access]

2005 “A Review of Jaggar (2001): Hausa”. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 26:81-92. [JALL]

2000 “A review of Schuh (1988): A grammar of Miya”. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 21:179-186.

Papers available in open access internet repositories and blogs:

2012 “Unusual borrowing patterns in Niger languages”. Diversity Linguistics Comment Blog (2012-05-26). [DLC]

2011 “Two types of temporal when clauses in Hausa”. Hyper Articles en Ligne (HAL), CCSD/CNRS. [HAL]

2008 “L’alternance ditransitive en zarma”. Hyper Articles en Ligne. [HAL]

2008 “Origin of relative marking in Hausa”. Hyper Articles en Ligne. [HAL]

2007 “Perfectivity and time reference in Hausa”. Hyper Articles en Ligne. [HAL]