DIGITAL Research 

Deriving Innovative & riGorous scIence for Teaming And Leading "in the wild"

 I/O Psychology Lab @ Clemson 

Welcome! Please note that Dr. Shuffler WILL be accepting graduate students for Fall 2024.

Marissa L. Shuffler, PhD

DIGITAL Lab Director & Associate ProfessorIndustrial Organizational 

Department of Psychology 

Clemson University320 Brackett Hall, Clemson SC 29634

DIGITAL lab research projects have been funded by NASA, Prisma Health-Upstate and the National Science Foundation, applying scientific rigor to solve complex organizational challenges. Check out our Current Research and Publications/Presentations for recent updates! 

NOTE: Dr. Shuffler WILL be accepting graduate students for Fall 2023 admission. For more information, please visit Prospective Graduate Students


Applying Organizational Science to Tackle the Challenge of Burnout

With over 50% of the healthcare workforce dealing regularly with burnout, we are working with Prisma Health-Upstate to conduct applied research that uncovers: 1) the underlying patterns of  organizational, group, and individual factors that lead to burnout, and 2) valid tools for proactively and reactively responding to burnout, namely through multilevel interventions implemented from a systemic perspective. 

Research funded by the National Science Foundation, Prisma Health-Upstate and Clemson University School of Health Research (CUSHR).
Research conducted in collaboration with Dr. Deborah DiazGranados (Virginia Commonwealth University), Dr. Travis Maynard (Colorado State University), Dr Eduardo Salas (Rice University), Sharon Wilson (Prisma Health-Upstate),  & Dr. Chip Wiper (Prisma Health-Upstate)



How can we make the most of team development interventions, especially when providers are burned out, time is short, and patients lives' are on the line? 

Research funded by Prisma Health-Upstate, NSF CAREER, and NASA. 



What will effective teamwork and leadership look like in Long Duration Space Exploration, when mission control is far away but your teammates are (too) close? 

Read our latest results here!

This research is funded by NASA and in collaboration with Dr. Shawn Burke (Institute for Simulation & Training, University of Central Florida), Dr. Dorothy Carter (University of Georgia), Dr. Leslie DeChurch (Northwestern University), Dr. Noshir Contractor (Northwestern University), & Dr. Stephen Zaccaro (George Mason University)