Current & Recent Research

There are several research projects underway by DIGITAL Lab team members, advancing applied research for improving teamwork and leadership in contexts such as surgical teams, cancer care coordination, emergency medicine, spaceflight, engineering design, and interdisicplinary research teams.

Getting Better Faster: Leading & Teaming in Healthcare to Achieve the Quadruple Aim

in collaboration with Prisma Health-Upstate

Leadership is a critical component to effective medical care, across multiple levels of healthcare organizations. Working with GHS, we are examining current leadership development needs in healthcare environments, particularly at the team unit of analysis. We also are taking a closer look at existing development programs to determine what might make certain types of leader training and development programs more effective than others. Click here for more details...

Leadership Development Program Assessment, Design, and Evaluation

in collaboration with Prisma Health-Upstate

Leadership is a critical component to effective medical care, across multiple levels of healthcare organizations. Working with GHS, we are examining current leadership development needs in healthcare environments, particularly at the team unit of analysis. We also are taking a closer look at existing development programs to determine what might make certain types of leader training and development programs more effective than others.

Clemson-GHS 2016 Leadership Development Consortium Meeting was held in Greenville, SC in November 2016, bringing together GHS leadership with scholars from around the country to discuss cutting edge research ideas and practical needs in developing healthcare leaders.

Exploring Leadership and Followership in the Context of

Autonomous Long Duration Space Exploration Missions

A recently completed project with NASA and the University of Central Florida

This NASA funded research effort is a joint collaboration with University of Central Florida's Dr. Shawn Burke, PI. We conducted three major research efforts with this project, including a lab study utilizing a computer simulation game to examine the effects of autonomy and distribution on leadership structure; a qualitative study of high risk teams (e.g., exploration teams, mountain climbing expeditions, astronaut crews, boat racing teams) in order to assess critical leadership behaviors in these types of environments; and a field study using a NASA created testbed to assess leadership structure issues in a simulated NASA mission.