NASA Research

Exploring Leadership and Followership in the Context of

Autonomous Long Duration Space Exploration Missions

A recently completed project with NASA and the University of Central Florida

This NASA funded research effort is a joint collaboration with University of Central Florida's Dr. Shawn Burke, PI. We conducted three major research efforts with this project, including a lab study utilizing a computer simulation game to examine the effects of autonomy and distribution on leadership structure; a qualitative study of high risk teams (e.g., exploration teams, mountain climbing expeditions, astronaut crews, boat racing teams) in order to assess critical leadership behaviors in these types of environments; and a field study using a NASA created testbed to assess leadership structure issues in a simulated NASA mission

Mission Complete: Recent Projects & Collaborations

Exploring Leadership and Followership in the Context of Autonomous Long Duration Space Exploration Missions

Collaborators: Dr. Shawn Burke (University of Central Florida). Dr. Christopher Wiese (Georgia Tech), & Dr. Eduardo Salas (Rice University)

This NASA funded research effort was a joint collaboration with University of Central Florida's Dr. Shawn Burke, PI. We conducted three major research efforts with this project, including a lab study utilizing a computer simulation game to examine the effects of autonomy and distribution on leadership structure; a qualitative study of high risk teams (e.g., exploration teams, mountain climbing expeditions, astronaut crews, boat racing teams) in order to assess critical leadership behaviors in these types of environments; and a field study using a NASA created testbed to assess leadership structure issues in a simulated NASA mission.