Hall Monitor - Index of Terms

Responsible Media-In this context, responsible media implies the following

  • FOSTER A BETTER UNDERSTANDING of existing Social or Emergency management services (adaptive learning strategies) through interdisciplinary teams as responsible stakeholders

  • Continually evaluate the client or Community Pulse (existing values, attitudes and cultures) with respect to enclave integration and living infrastructure through assertive affirmation

  • Consistently network existing resources into addressing changes in need

  • Foster inter-operational relationships between enclaves so that Social or Emergency management teams are supported to their fullest potential

Situational awareness infrastructure is a utility distribution network that monitors and acts on demand to accommodate public service elements. These media extrapolate information sourced from domains through telemetry or operations as instances occur. This capture or snapshot of an instance is reduced to a contextual pixel. This pixel is culminated with other time sensitive pixels to create a mosaic object. This application of contextual display can enable users to monitor their environment. It also enables managers conceive adaptive strategies by predicting deviations to operations due to unexpected forces (weather, system failure, etc.). This ability enables elements to maximize demand response and conserve resources for productive means.

360 Customer Profiling or Programmatic Targeting are strategies use predictive analytics to cluster and build digital mosaics of individual consumer e-habits, known as 358 degrees. These digital models are compiled with other like consumer profiles and sold to marketers. The markets reverse engineer the mosaic amalgam data (2 degrees) to target the original consumer, while not compromising privacy rights. Once the customer is targeted, strategies predict how to modify behaviors to motivate consumer relations through press and click conditioning.

Next Gen technology and legislation is the focus on safeguarding the market place to deliver timely commodities on demand that enrich the Commonwealth while avoiding automated or bureaucratic pitfalls, especially on urgent matters. It drives innovation to enable emergent solutions to our problems. The framework is based on adaptation to preserve national interests by making agency accessible through networking. The idea is to modernize infrastructure that serve and sustain. That includes controlling situational awareness technologies and networks that make interactive media services possible.

Open source media is any form of intelligence delivery through a medium that is freely accessible. Computer operating systems that are non-proprietor, data registries, common data base resources, open software, audio, video, text and other data capture.