Cyber Bullying - Another Term for Politics

It’s hard to imagine how shaming came into play over the last few generations. It seems more prevalent than expected. And with the insatiable appetite for gaming comes more alarm about what simulation can do to numb the sensibilities of the user.

Next Generation Policies are intended to frame mechanisms in the marketplace that preserve national interests by making agency accessible to the general public. The idea is to modernize infrastructure that serve and sustain. That includes controlling situational awareness technologies and networks that make interactive media services possible and Emergency Responders effective. However, it is our current economic forcing that causes disruptions in serving our most precious commodity, ourselves. 

With some leaders taking stage to humiliate opponents for sport by abandoning civil behavior during public discourse, we all feel the disruption under or feet. We’ve let it get to far. And while we’re distracted by the threat of foreign influence to divide and conquer (FEMA/DHS advisory on foreign influence), we’re neglecting to talk about our own means to keep it all together.    

Teen suicide is one of those matters that even the GOA Office has difficulty judging scale and scope ( Add the complication of how addiction plays into the culture young people are mimicking (coded shame-speak) and what we’ve got is our daily intake of the lasting effects of toxic behavior that are now septic. This makes it almost impossible to separate the political clouding from the concerns to be proactive in stopping the threat under a unified front. 

It’s not uncommon now for bad actors to draw adversaries into discussions in social media that may compromise their opponent’s credibility. And, without hesitation, feed their neurosis by “getting into their head”. If this technique is repeated enough, it becomes conditioned or programmatic to the point, one doesn’t consciously make decisive choices to destroy someone. They simply set them up and watch them fall. Like a robot, they are outside of their own agency.

That’s what we’re up against. That’s the tragedy of what we have done in the present with the gift from the past, twisted intellectual properties and useful Arts as guaranteed by the Constitution. We need change.

Netafect Learning is taking the lead in addressing the corrective forcing needed at a grass-roots level by working with community stakeholders to build resiliency through Responsible Media