Childrens' Publishing House

The study of technology, art, science and the impact media has on synthesis behavior (Gestalt).

Study plan - curricula consist of learning fundamentals in Human-machine interface limitations (the argument of critical thinking and impact of emotions in the human condition), PREMIS artificial intelligence and modeling, code, data rights and intellectual property with personal identifiable information,basic electricity (Ohm's Law), Web 2.0 Web services, Geo-spatial intelligence, mapping environments, augmented reality simulation and emotional intelligence.


Targeted Key Stakeholder relations: St. Augustine Archaeological Society, Friends of Lincolnville, University of Florida, Samuel Proctor Oral Histories Project, Creative Coast and St Johns Culture Council.

Tools: Google platforms in open source media

Skill proliferation: Computer literacy, basics in life cycle project design and implementation, desktop publishing, learn to code workshops, fabrication of wire couplings (soldering), and general problem solving safety practices using a multi-meter for testing electricity and electronics.

The One Thousand and One initiative intends to show how we influence one another. That starts by counting that extra second when our emotions are knocked off center or "being played" by rapid-fire gaming decisions. There is nothing more critical in developing a mature healthy adult than reinforcing the need to hesitate and count that extra second before jumping to conclusions in a panic. This proposal addresses these questions and much more.

Three Core Goals:

1) Fundraising (capitol campaigns, grant writing, enterprise)

2) When possible, include the clients (students and parents) in developing programs, from cradle to grave (concept mapping, deign, planning and implementation).

3) Reinforce through discovery why cultures centered on enhanced awareness to network LIKE communities, including technology, are so divisive.

Actions Items:

1) Solicit stakeholders for contributions. Include patent/copyright/trademark design/intellectual property element and job shadowing.

2) Curricula to help clients discover meaning by creating web site or media content about their families, communities or self. Open source media is required.

3) While transferring key skills in emotional intelligence / critical thinking framed in Action 2, begin the process of understanding themselves before relating to others in tempering their consumption habits in media.


1) Clients have a structured safe cyber-place after school and on the weekends to collaborate through interactive study and play. This helps them distinguish differences between real relationships and the CONDITIONAL EFFECTS of multi-media.

2) Clients build on identity, relational and personal networking skills for enterprise, increasing prospects for purposeful employment or resiliency while minimizing distortions caused by feelings of isolation or self-sufficiency.

3) Build a capable and high performance approach to model appropriate behaviors (adapt) when engaging with others or augmented realities.