Community Pulse-Marketplace

Media, Wellness, Environmental Health and Safety

There’s a lot of finger pointing to the media. The media is to blame for toxic effects on social media, in the news and in our attitudes towards one another. How did this happen and how do we do something about it? First we need to understand the mechanism causing much of the behaviors that we don’t want, such as the new emergence of active shooter phenomena.


When we hear of meddling, trolls and interference, how do we counter these effects and where are they coming from?


Environmental and health and safety organizations talk about Green engineering or policy controls in infrastructure to conserve, protect, and avoid risk. But what they often don’t emphasize is how damaging multi-media marketing and privacy comprises impact human efficacy. The landscape is too complicated for representatives to fathom, no less control. So what is human efficacy? Simply stated, the ability of one to use or develop talents to thrive and impact others by intelligent means, while giving purpose to their energies.


As the mechanisms that drive our economy cause momentum into new lifestyles and market choices, safeguards for consumer protection are minimized. This leads to a marketplace where reckless abandon for corporate regulatory policies rule and consumer regeneration of self-control deflates.

It’s a common trend that as new technology emerges, the effects can go to extremes, only to force corrections to restore normalcy. There is urgency to address the threats to our norms where leaders typically mock and humiliate, and media thrives by sensationalizing the worst moments in our national character. Netafect Learning a campaign for Responsible Media working with grass root elements to expose weaknesses in our marketplace.


Netafect Learning is based on revisiting the very best components in our heritage and legacy to restore normalcy and rekindle the need to nurture one another.