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Netafect Learning

Let's give students, teachers and families the tools to fight back against cyber-bullies, nefarious actors and foreign agitators. Let's point them to the existing resources designed to push back. Let's expose the causes and effects of these toxic learned behaviors on line. Give them the tools to become their own leaders to problem solve. Let them discover outlets to cope with change and uncertainty by shaping their own environments through skills for building a better awareness of how technology impacts behavior.

Next Generation is the key where policy intersects with public trust, safety and information. It is the mechanism for tapping into knowledge so timely access to appropriate subject matter expertise can breathe life into difficult discussions with coherent results. This is the range of digital culture that serves locally, from augmenting networks for public administration to influencing e-consumers behaviors, habits and relationships.

This initiative takes an assertive learning approach as an interpretive model that helps users leverage artificial intelligence data modeling to serve themselves and not the other way around. However, the essence for a change-agent, net-centric type of transformation requires knowledge-base alliances under a unified front.

Access to public knowledge through institutions of learning and subject matter expertise is the backbone to public trust. But without the skill to navigate the digital landscape, the winds of change will blur our ability to see what’s coming over the horizon.