360 Customer Profile

Degrees of standard deviation advertisers uses to build probability bell curves as mosaic models to group and predict individual consumers e-habits. Compiled with other like consumers, these are sold to marketers, known as 358 degrees (Data anonymization). The markets reverse engineer the mosaic amalgam data (2 degrees or Data de-anonymization) to target the original consumer, while not compromising privacy rights. Once the customer is targeted, strategies predict how to modify behaviors to motivate consumer  relations through point and click conditioning.

      TED on marketing extremism

      The tragic target


Luke 4:1-13, Movie Minority Report, Artificial Intelligence and predictive analytics; the dangers of drawing from only the known data sets (digital modeling) to make assertive outcomes.



Here is an excerpt taken from the end of the article to the last link above: 

"In addition to new legislation to develop next generation infrastructure, members of Congress have also expressed interest in readily addressing algorithmic bias in AI applications that may result in inaccurate, unfair or discriminatory decisions affecting the American public."

It’s been eight or more years since I had to write a college paper on Next Generation Technology and Legislation. So I'm sure there has been a disturbance in the field since I did my research on the controls we use in our infrastructure every day to manage information to protect our National Air Space. None the less, the same enterprise framework is used in e-commerce. That means these mechanisms warrant consideration when we talk not just about data access, analytics and ethics, but also economies of scale, healthy competitive forcing, community health and the trickle down of these effectors on mental health, behavior and information flow.

We urgently need a unifying force when considering the lessons learned from the past in avoiding tragedies. We must have healthy competitive interoperability in our relations, including political, in order to have the right information getting to the right people at the right time if we want to predict outcomes to take decisive actions. Otherwise, we fail ourselves.

Net centricity, the good, bad and ugly

NextGen policies tackle a lot of issues, but central is the management of timely and accurate information. The concept is to take information gathered in real time and apply that information to a model to predict an outcome in an alternate reality. The more scenarios run on this model, the greater the chances of a predictable outcome. From there, models are categorized into types where they are monitored for deviation as digital mosaics. This continuous loop of sampling helps build models that set the stage for shaping a producer-consumer environment. The result is a community of LIKE consumers. Marketers use this same strategy to break down consumers into pseudo-profiles. This is commonly known as 360 degree profiling or programmatic targeting. Anyone who has had a senior loved one rippled off by fraudulent actors knows where these practices can lead. 

The ability to use fresh and appropriate data to build models that simulate is nothing new. However, what is relatively new is the (1) intrusive capability of advertisers through web service providers to track and manipulate the user interface and user experience, and (2) scale and frequency the sampling instances. This sets the stage for a booming potential, the likes of which we are seeing in most recent economic terms. That’s a good thing for those on the ground floor investments of Big Analytics. But, what is the opportunity cost in terms of domestic tranquility?

Going back to the model, if internet users are grouped so that the primary feed of information and web exposure is based off of what users gravitate to, chances are they will subscribe and dwell in the virtual communities that reinforce their belief constructs about all matters under the Sun. Depending on the producer of the content, it may even villainize or repel other LIKE communities that do not reinforce and align with core values like their own. You have to be a LIKE in order to be liked. So, is this really news?

Like minded communities and Group think

When we talk about the ideals of what a healthy community with a healthy competitive spirit would look like, many look to the past. Religion provided a paradigm for persevering through extreme abuses of power and corruption. It was the local cultural norm to look to leaders within their immediate circle for guidance, vision and faith in predicting outcomes. With an intuitive sense of confidence, leaders determined the kinds of behaviors that were considered normal. Based on core values, Religion served as a behavioral standard for organized communities to conform to mandates, promote general welfare and encourage predictable civil order. However, deep divisions in belief caused great schisms that impacted these behaviors as an accepted culture through mandates and expectations.  The modes for expressing these expectations were delivered through various forms of media, including literature and art. The same can be said today where resources and favor find the decent folk but not necessarily the wholesome.....the us and them.

The contrast between the model of old and new is the objective experience. A unifying God under the religious model still holds weight for many struggling to feel comfortable in their skin. With advances in technology come challenges riddled by complex decisions with outcomes reduced into less meaningful terms to protect kingdoms of control over cultures that reflect core regional norms, practices, values and beliefs. But the art of media expression has taken a drastic change. With the capabilities of artificial intelligence and computer-augment or virtual realities to filter, predict and shape realities comes a returning theme of fragmentation. In contrast from the past as to what leaders brought to the community, we now have programming to influence what determines model behaviors through commerce, interactive media and gaming. These extended environments offer new challenges to protections from schisms, affecting new dimensions in the realm of critical thinking emotional intelligence skills. Adjusting to change on a personal level is key to having a sense of self in relating to others through the environment, physical or extended. Things in terms of internet and modeling, it is easy to see how conceptions and visions can become realities. An essential component to an adaptive learner’s tool box is a healthy sense of self first before relating to others. Self-regulation is essential to intrapersonal understanding, self-realization and talent efficacy. This is a balancing act for managing emotions and self-control, especially when core values and beliefs are threatened. When one’s emotional center is thrown off, vulnerabilities can surface and bad things can quickly spiral out of control, especially for those distracted by neurosis. Aggressors will leverage these sorts of episodes to try and get their opponents to expose details about themselves that may lead to compromising and embarrassing facets. It is not uncommon for the aggressor to even, through the deceptive modeling, amplify the downward spiral of their opponent by fabricating an alternative experience as fact. If the aggressor is not perceived as an aggressor and is a trusted confidant, it can shatter expectations and even trigger violence. This is known as gas lighting and can be a powerful tool to disrupt and disenfranchise. Once someone is isolated from feeling connected to others, they often become discouraged or even outraged. This type of fragmentation does not support intelligent communities. These tactics use technology subjectively and break the spirit in which these unified models serve. So how do intrapersonal skills relate to the responsible use of technology? By bouncing our virtual perceptions, expectations and visions against people within our immediate circle. However, knowing how to approach someone about these matters is a delicate and personal skill that can be quite an embarrassment to learn. That is when the dynamic of potential and change can take hold and bring one to a higher level of self and understanding.

The very best outcome in these types of experiences are to go back to the past in breaking down the barriers that resemble dominions of control or kingdoms, and learn from leaders that offer expertise in their respective fields. Our Commonwealth is only as good as the open access afforded to general public by those that represent us and enhance our communities through public funding. Objective programming and artificial intelligence can do many wonders, but it can never leverage its ability to provide the complexities of love through the human machine interface.

Subject Matter Experts (SME)s are often in LIKE communities, composed of “Peers”. These relationships of Peers help SMEs agree or disagree on a common constructs, principle or objectives.