
A Detailed Breakdown Of The Paint Variations – Everything Else

Aside from the hair and boots, there are three other paint applications on Bespin Luke, and although less significant than the hair and boots, they are still significant all the same and can also be found with numerous variations. These applications are the eyes, hands and the buckle & belt. In the vast majority of cases these minor variations are specific to some of the fore mentioned major variations and don’t necessarily require the addition of countless extra figures to a collection, they are mentioned here simply as part of this character breakdown, and to help collectors identify correctly the different variations.


The eye print application used on Bespin Luke was pretty much unique to specific variations of the figure, totaling seven different styles. These are detailed below.

Eye Print 1 – This was the print used on the blonde haired MIHK figures, it features large circular eyes central to the lid and high brows which give the figure a notably startled look. These eyes are black in colour.

Eye Print 2 – This is the print used on the brown haired MIHK figures, it features small circular eyes (often miss shaped) and low, bold angular brows. These eyes are dark brown in colour.

Eye Print 3 – This is the print used on the HK Large figures, it features small circular eyes with arched brows that are pointed at each side. These are coloured black.

Eye Print 4 – This is the print used on the HK Small figures, it features small circular eyes and a slightly bolder eye lid. The brow is similar to the above but with rounded edges. These can be either black in colour or dark brown.

Eye Print 5 – This is the print found on the MIHK Smoothed figures, it features a larger circular eye and bold eye lid, the brow is also bold and quite irregular. These eyes are black and are often either very poorly printed, missing a brow or very faint (like a printer running out of ink) it should be noted that these occurrences are common and can even be found on carded figures which suggests that this often how these figures left the factory and not a result of wear.

Eye print 6 – This is the print found on the MIHK Raised Bar figures, but only the China Baggie versions, it features a kind of crescent moon eye and the brows are quite thin and long. They are a dark brown colour.

Eye Print 7 – This is the print used on the MIHK Raised Bar figures, but only the Lili Ledy versions. It features a small circular eye and bold brows. The brows are crescent shaped and thick and round at one end, arching round to a smooth point and are always black.

Identifying the differences between the last two (6 & 7) is important as many people try to sell China baggie figures as Lili Ledy figures, not necessarily as an attempt to deceive but because of the same COO mark, the eyes are one of the best ways to tell the two apart.