
A Brief Note On Reproductions

As all will know, the collecting world is awash with reproduction weapons which are getting harder to spot. In the case of the blaster, the most common reproduction on the market is the one shown below. Although reasonably well sculpted, the blaster has one main difference, the small circle on the left side of the gun stick out (circled), where as on the original it is inverted. This reproduction is much harder and brittle than the originals also. If placed in water it sinks.

Below shows the three main reproduction Lightsabers on the market compared to a V.1 original saber.

Repro 1 is the most common, it is poorly sculpted, with poorly defined features and a rounded hilt guard. This particular repro is also painted and can be found in several shades of yellow. The saber is notably smaller than the originals and sinks when placed in water.

Repro 2 is the newer version of the above, it shares the same sculpt but is made of yellow plastic instead of being painted. The yellow colour is wrong, the length is again shorter and this saber also sinks in water.

Repro 3 is also one of the newer versions available, this is the closest to the original so far and slightly harder to spot on the likes of ebay. The yellow colour again is wrong, but the sculpt, particularly on the hilt guard is more accurate as apposed to the rounded versions. The detail is still poorly defined though and there is almost always excess plastic around the end of the saber. This reproduction does float in water though!

For reference all of the original weapons mentioned in this section : Smuggler blaster V.1 & V.2, the Lili Ledy Rebel blaster and versions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of the Lightsaber variations all float in water even when prssed below the surface. I can’t personnaly confirm wether or not the V.6 Lightsaber does as I don’t have one, hopefully Wolff will be able to clear that up for us.