2) Advanced Mould Family Overview Part 1 (HK Large Family)

A Detailed Breakdown Of The Bespin Luke Figure Variations

Part I - HK Large Family

HK Large – Yellow Hair

The first Kenner Bespin Luke’s where issued with yellow hair, this remained the trend until the release of the ESB 41 Back D at which stage the decision was made to change the hair colour to a the accurate mustard brown. Finding yellow haired Bespin Luke’s past this point is difficult although not impossible as large amount of overstock probably needed to be used up.

This particular variation of Luke bore the HK Large COO. Two molds where used and the figure can be found with the two slightly different COO marks (see COO section on page 1). This specific variation was unique to the U.S. and is by far the most common of the blonde Bespin Luke’s and one of the most common Bespin Luke’s in general, especially in the U.S. He was most commonly armed with the V.1 Lightsaber and is currently the only figure I’ve seen armed with either the V.2 or V.3 Lightsabers.

This specific variation was available right the word go, with confirmed card appearances on Kenner ESB 31 Back B, ESB 32 Back B, ESB 41 Back B, ESB 41 Back D. He could also be found in several baggies, ESB A, ESB C and ESB H and was also one of the most common figures to be found in the U.S. chainstore catalogue multipacks, with confirmed appearances in JC Penney 10 Pack 928-0439 (ESB C bag), Sears 9 Pack 49-59035 (ESB C bag) and the JC Penney 4 pack 928-0512 (ESB A bag). This specific variation was also the figure found in the Bespin Alliance Special Action Figure Set.

HK Large – Ginger Hair

This specific variation has been a difficult one to figure out really. Lets start with the simple bit, like the yellow haired version it stems from the HK Large family of which there were two molds, this figure like the other can be found with both COO variations. Where did he come from though? Well this figure has long been referred to as a Palitoy variation, and this would seem to be the case. Turning up carded variations of this figure doesn’t seem to be easy, I’ve only ever seen one carded example and that was a Palitoy ESB 45 Back A which of course backs up the old Palitoy variant theory. This theory is also backed up by the frequency of which these figures turn up for sale in the U.K. which is far more frequent than anywhere else, they rarely show up in the U.S. that been said I have seen one version of this figure on a Kenner 31 Back B, but the example in question had a very questionable bubble, most likely a reseal. The earliest figures arriving in the U.K. all had HK COO’s and where probably imported, why this specific version had a unique paint scheme is a mystery really, not only is the hair unique but the boot and hands and even the plastic tone of the head differ from other Luke’s, was it imported unpainted and then painted in the U.K. was it palmed off on the U.K. because it wasn’t an accurate portrayal, who knows, but if it was a Palitoy variant and not from the U.S. then how did this one end up on a Kenner produced Revenge of the Jedi multi pack prototype mock up.


Like I said, difficult to figure this one out!

HK Large – Brown Hair

First and foremost, a big thanks to Wolff for doing the picture for me, this one here is courtesy of him. Not a great deal to say really other than this is a variant unique to POCH. He again bares the HK Large COO and was probably a result of overstock being shipped from Asia and then painted and assembled in Spain. For this reason it there fore is possible that he could be found with both the HK Large COO marks, but it would be difficult to say really as there aren’t many about, this is certainly one of the rarest Bespin Luke’s out there. This particular variant has a unique paint application on his hair which is brown. He also bares other POCH traits like pale hands and melt marks on his back as well as the usual poor quality paint work. So far there is at least one carded example of this figure and it is on the POCH ESB 37/41 Back B card.