5) Advanced Mould Family Overview Part 4 (MIHK Family)

A Detailed Breakdown Of The Bespin Luke Figure Variations

Part IV – MIHK Family

MIHK – Yellow Hair

This version of Bespin Luke featured the Made In Hong Kong COO which had Made In Hong Kong on the left leg and © 1980 L.F.L. on the right leg. There were three molds made for this specific variation which because of the two leg COO stamps, means that there are potentially nine different combinations of this particular COO, and because of the large numbers of this specific variation that were produced, it is likely that he can be found with all nine.

This variation first appeared along with the other two yellow haired HK Luke’s on the earliest Bespin Luke card, the ESB 31 Back B and is probably the most common of the three yellow haired HK Luke’s to be found on that card, All though I have seen one example of this variation on a Meccano ESB square card, almost certainly an imported figure, it would appear that this figure was unique to the U.S. The evidence to support this is the fact that I have never seen this variation on any other card than a Kenner one, with of course he exception of the Meccano card (which may have even been recard, I don’t know?) Like the other yellow haired Luke’s he saw appearances on most of the early cards right up until the ESB 41 Back D card which saw the end of the yellow hair. Confirmed cards are; ESB 31 Back B, ESB 32 Back B, ESB 41 Back D. Confirmed baggies featuring this variation are the ESB-A and the ESB-G bags.

MIHK – Brown Hair

As with the figure above this variation feature the MIHK COO written across both legs, and as with before it’s likely that he can be found with most if not all the nine potential COO combinations. Although it is possible that this variation of Bespin Luke could have been found in the U.S. it would seem more likely that he was a variation found in Europe, mostly in the U.K. I have only ever seen one example of this figure on a card and that was a U.S. Kenner ROTJ 48 Back D, however the bubble on this card was very questionable with what appeared to be tearing to the card all along the inside of the bubble which just cry’s out recard, the card was also ungraded, which I know doesn’t mean anything but to me, a figure that never turns up on a card, and the card is an ROTJ 48 Back D which is quite hard card to find Bespin Luke on compared to most??? Just seems wrong. As far as I’m concerned this is a baggie figure which for what ever reason was distributed in the U.K. the most likely source being the Palitoy factory for Palitoy staff (Palitoy staff where able to purchase bagged figures from the factory itself). Although not all, the vast majority of the bagged versions of this figure come packed with the V.4 lightsaber which is generally regarded as a European variation, however this figure can be found in U.S. ESB-A baggies with the V.4 lightsaber. Just because the bag matches U.S. ones though, doesn’t mean that’s where it came from, especially given that the ESB-A in the U.S. would have been to early for brown hair, all other Bespin Luke’s found in ESB-A bags have yellow hair. It should also be noted here that the very dodgy looking carded version I saw was also packed with the European lightsaber which again goes against the grain. The most common baggie type which this variation can be found in is a none U.S. heat sealed bag with ‘Made In Hong Kong’ written long ways in plain letters across it.

MIHK – Brown Hair (Unpainted Hip – POCH)

This variation of Bespin Luke is generally the same as the one mentioned above but with one major difference, it features the unpainted hip. It is generally regarded that this figure is a POCH variation and this is almost certainly the case, unfortunately though as of yet no carded versions are known to exist so it’s difficult to say 100%.

The figure it’s self features all the usual POCH traits, pale hands, melt marks on the back poor paint quality etc.etc. (please note that my version shown here is not in the best quality and the blue on the eyes has been inked in by a child and has stained the plastic). Although this figure features the MIHK COO and there fore like the afore mentioned figure could potentially have nine COO combinations, it’s unlikely that you would ever see enough of this rare figure to ever find out, and because of the randomness of POCH and overstock use, and the small production numbers, it’s probably fair to say that it couldn’t be found with all nine anyway, plus owning one of these is good enough!