Canthium glaucum frangula
Canthium glaucum Hiern subsp. frangula (S.Moore) Bridson (Canthium frangula S.Moore)
Common names
Pink fruit turkey berry, pink fruit canthium; chipembele, kangaminga, kabelu (Nyanja); kangaye-ngaye (Nyanja, Tumbuka).
General description and distinguishing characteristics
A sparsely branched spinous shrub up to 4 m tall, and most easily recognised by its opposite leaves, interpetiolar stipules and opposite, straight, sharp spines. Bark grey to brown, with paired, straight, sharp spines up to 2 cm long. Leaves simple, opposite, with interpetiolar stipules. Leaves yellow-green, ovate, up to 3 x 1.8 cm, hairy to hairless. Petiole short. Flowers small, inconspicuous, white-cream, produced in axillary, 3-flowered clusters (November-January). Fruit ellipsoid, 8 x 6 mm, produced on slender stalks; pink when mature (January to March).
Range and habitat
Canthium glaucum subsp. frangula occurs throughout the Zambezian region, and is recorded from Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Mozambique. In the Luangwa valley, it is associated with valley riverine fringe woodland and thicket. It is not common.