"The Romans forged a road over the fells, probably adopting ancient ways, linking Ribchester with Carlisle. Some of the culverts on this, the Hornby Road, date back to the Romans. Later there was trade between the Monasteries of Yorkshire and the coast, wool one way and salt the other, hence the other name for this route, Salter Fell Track."

Croasdale is owned mainly by United Utilities. When they were the Water Board they purchased this land in case a dam was needed to keep Manchester in water. at some later point. Now however priorities have changed.

Croasdale is part of the Bowland Fells - a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) - as is Myttons & Bell Sykes Meadows on the way. Being an SSSI, this means it is protected by law.

In SSSIs, certain activities are prohibited and there are legal duties concerning how the areas should be managed and protected. eg It is an offence to intentionally or recklessly damage, disturb or destroy land known to be an SSSI or intentionally or recklessly disturb the wildlife in an SSSI. It is also an offence to take down, damage or obstruct an SSSI notice or sign.

Look at the land to see if there are any gullies where soil is being washed away, and where techniques could be used to 'slow runoff'.

Bowland Fells are also an Area of Outanding Natural Beauty

Bowland Fells are also an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Under the Habitats Directive "Bowland Fells" has been designated a Special Protection Area (designated especially for breeding merlin and hen harrier). It is an EU Conservation Site UK9005151 and has a Site Improvement plan (SIP).

Can we look at this valley and see if it could be managed to reduce flooding down river. This river goes into the Hodder at Slaidburn that goes into the Ribble near Hurst Green. The village of Whalley on the Calder, that leads into the Ribble was flooded badly in 2015., and lower down Ribble in 2020. Discussion about alleviating flooding soon turns to 'silting'. How much silt is being lost from these hills and building up lower down (Checking with River Ribble Trust - how much?)

More about Pontbren Poject in Bittersweet Brexit

Flooding River Ribble Feb 2020

Loss of soil from these hills into Ribble in the form of silt is major concern and evidenced by silting past Preston.

Peatland degradation is a growing national concern and there are efforts to stem its erosion round Dunsop Bridge .


Surrell in 1870 concluded that trees held soil on steep slopes. "When trees became established upon the soil, their roots consolidate and hold it by a thousand fibres; their branches protect the soil like a tent against a shock of sudden storms"

Soil erosion in this country about 2 million tonnes/yr - about half from East and half West of country. That soil never returns, and the consequence of that has undermined many a civilisation - including Greeks, Romans and Mayans.
More Montgomery "Dirt: the erosion of civilisations."

Soil Erosion from England & Wales after heavy rain.

While not as bad as (light coloured ) soil erosion from arable land in East, there is (dark) erosion from NW into Irish Sea. Needs stats. Trying from Moors for the Future


You may well hear about 'rewilding', as nentioned in Labour's Green Deal. Under 'Commitment to Zero emissions by 2030'

"Reforestation or ‘rewilding’ will maximise the ability of natural habitats across the UK to reduce atmospheric carbon where eliminating emissions at source is impossible in the near term."

Here is how it could work. From 'Rewilding by Isabella tree Could it work in Croasdale?