Silver Liberation Army

what is sla - includes everyone EXCEPT the illuminati (banking elite) and their bought off minions

only fools buy silver they don't take physical possession of

SLA is the only thing that will bring an end to monetary enslavement - the peoples of the world working together will accomplish it

silver will always rise over the long term (with respect to paper money) but they try to scare people out of silver with short term crashes and manipulation

SLA is composed of long term holders.  It's understandable that folks who fall on hard times (lose their jobs) have to sell, but since SLA is everyone, the goal will succeed.

vision - didn't know it was SLA on the ground - the phrase had not been invented yet - hundreds of people can confirm that I shared this vision in 2006 (check date)

hunt bros. - they changed the rules to cause silver to drop

they can't change the rules if EVERYONE is doing it - if SLA dries up physical supplies they can't buy it with money created from thin air without raising the price big time

RCOs were part of SLA before it existed

manipulationis becoming common knowledge

4 gal of gas was mine - we are breaking out of that because of the crashing fiat money and the inability of the banking elite to buy up all the silver with a small amount of their printed money.  Supplies are disappearing and people are refusing to trade for paper they print from thin air

short term holders can benefit if timing is right but they can also lose.  long term holders will always win


All the varieties of coins the US is putting out are interesting.  They have nice artwork and such.

but what are they worth?

Throughout history,money was money becasue it was worth something!

The government/banking complex has even figured out how to milk the collectors.

Wait a minute!  You say Liberty Dollar was defrauding people by giving them something with a face value that said it was worth more than it actually was?

Well, what do you call what the government is doing when they put $1 on a presidential clad coin worth seven cents?  Or worse yet, put $100 on a piece of paper worth seven cents?

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