1/2, 1/4, 1/20 Oz Silver

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This beautiful photo (taken in 2007) includes all diameters of silver produced except the $50 Base, 1/10 oz (22mm) piece.

Pictured here are the 5 oz (64mm), 1 oz (39mm), 1/2 oz (32mm), 1/4 oz (27mm) and 1/20th oz (16mm) sizes.

There were only three 1/2 ounce silver pieces made by the Liberty Dollar group.  Since the court injunction there has been one more produced by another company that licensed the Ron Paul obverse artwork.  They are described below.

With the lower two photos, I was careful to hold the camera so that the background reflected the black camera across the entire piece.

2003 $5 ($10 Base)  1/2 Oz

This is the 5th year anniversary commemorative.  Many thousands of these were made and distributed to the people.

2005 $10 ($20 Base)  1/2 Oz

This piece was created by popular demand due to the success of the 2003 half ounce.  Many thousands of these were distributed to the people.

2008 PEACE ($20 Base)  1/2 Oz


(highest known auction price $400 - for a plain) 

This piece is rare because of the raid on Liberty Dollar, which happened the day after the first shipment was delivered from the mint.  A very few were shipped the first day.  The rest were confiscated by the FBI.  Even fewer exist with various hallmarks on them, commanding the highest prices.  Jeff K. had one with a triple hallmark slabbed and graded by Michigan Masters grading company and sold it for $1000!

2010 RON PAUL ($50 Base)  1/2 Oz

NOT produced by Liberty Dollar,

but uses the same bust as their Ron Paul piece.  The word NORFED is associated with this piece simply as a way of categorizing it to facilitate Ebay searches.

On 2/6/2021 Sterling Ward sent me the photos below of the 2005 $10 1/2 ounce pieces.  It seems the same obverse die patterns

(scaled down, of course) that were used on the one ounce pieces (resulting in both long and short hairlock varieties of several

 pieces in 2005/2006) were used on the 2005 1/2 ounce piece.

At the same time, Sterling also discovered The die variety shown below on the $10 1/2 ounce piece.  Letters in 'LIBERTY'

on the obverse appear to be tripled.  This is in the die and it is NOT a double struck piece. 

 If you are interested in acquiring these $10, 1/2 ounce varieties, email Sterling at sterlings3girls 'at' yahoo 'dot' com.  He told me he had a few extras he could let go.

There was only one 1/4 ounce Silver Liberty ever made.  It is the $20 Base, 2006 piece pictured above.  It was minted in response to the demand for more small fractional sizes for trade purposes.

Many thousands of these were minted

There were only three 1/20 ounce Silver Libertys ever made.  They are pictured above.  The first was the 2003 piece on the left with the round topped '3' in the date.  It was part of the 5th anniversary commemorative effort.  Many thousands of those were distributed.  When the reverse die wore out, the second variety was the 2003 with the flat topped '3' in the center.  Even though it was supposed to be a continuation of the commemorative until the mintage limit (25,000) was reached, it was not released until 2007, not long before the raid.  Because of that, this variety is much more scarce than the round top 2003.  The third variety is the two dollar piece, which is claimed to have been a mint error.  They used a die that had been reserved for the $20 base move up, but it had not yet happened when they were made.  They were supposed to have been more of the original, round topped '3' variety.  There was only one run of these pieces done, however many that is.  I suspect there were 1000 of them, anyway.

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