$10 base 1 Oz Silver

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$10 Base One Ounce Silver Liberty Dollars

The one ounce silver pieces have been numbered in the order of release.

#11, 14-58 are $20 base pieces and can be found on the $20 base page

The one ounce silver Liberty Dollar was introduced in 1998 with no face value.  That made it just another generic silver round, except that it had a date of issue on it.  It was only produced for three short months from October 1998 to the end of the year.  It was replaced with the first $10 base Liberty Dollar using the same obverse die as the original, but with a totally new reverse bearing a second date of 1999 (the obverse still bore 1998).  $10 base simply meant that all silver issued by the organization would be valued at $10 per ounce regardless of market price.  The $10 base was used until the market price of silver exceeded $8 per ounce for a specified time, at which point the base and face value of the silver issues changed to $20 per ounce.  That happened on Thanksgiving day, November 25th, 2005.  In all, twelve one ounce silver varieties were produced and distributed prior to that date.  One $20 base piece was minted in 2004 (in anticipation of the move up) prior to that date, but it was not distributed until after the move up.  The last piece in the set, the original, $10 Puerto Rico Liberty Dollar, was designed and produced just prior to the move up, but was dated 2006 because it was not anticipated to be completed and released before the turn of the year, but it was already done when the move up happened on Thanksgiving, 2005.  This was also the first custom Liberty Dollar, designed at the behest of the Puerto Rico RCO, who wanted to give Puerto Ricans their own money.


Here are the currently known 16, one ounce, $10 base silver Liberty Dollars issued by NORFED.  The red number by each photo signifies the order in which the one ounce silver pieces were produced.  The ones with .5 in the number were not discovered until after this page was created.  The eleventh piece is the 2004 $20 base piece described above and is not included in this $10 base set, but can be found as the first item on the $20 base page.

The word NORFED appears only on the first six pieces!

(and in the website address of the four 2003 pieces)

After that, the organization was still NORFED (but the word did not appear on the specie)

 until 2006 when it changed to Liberty Dollar.  The best way to find Liberty Dollar specie and pieces with artwork licensed to other companies by NORFED/Liberty Dollar on the internet is to search on the keyword NORFED. 

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The listed values are the HIGHEST I have personally seen.  Higher ones may have happened 

that I don't know about.  Keep in mind these are highest known sales and NOT average selling prices.

This is the original one ounce silver piece that was struck at the Royal Hawaiian Mint when the idea of the Liberty Dollar was first conceived.  Note the word PATTERN at the top center of the reverse.  I was informed that a full tube of 20 pieces was struck and that some of them were given away and/or sold over the years.   This item was added to the encyclopedia on 3/15/2012.  I have decided not to re-number the encyclopedia at this time, but be aware that this piece does exist and is very rare.  Some  of them were also sold with certificates of authenticity.  One can be seen here;


According to the certificate, Bernard von NotHaus submitted this obverse design to the US treasury for consideration for the new dollar design.

These are photos of the only one of these I have ever seen.  It was bought by the original owner at the Royal Hawaiian Mint in 1998.  I was contacted by him in 2015 and he informed me he had it and might be interested in selling it.  I secured it in February 2016 for a private collector who finally offered enough to make the sale happen.  The air-tite capsule that contained this piece had never been opened since the piece was placed in it until I took these photos.  It is stunningly perfect.  Addendum 3/30/2016: The new owner had the piece graded by ANACS and it scored a PF69!

One of these auctioned on ebay for $1540 on 3/24/2013.

I acquired a third piece from another Hawaiian owner and sold it in a private sale for $2200 on 3/9/2016.  It looked like another PF69 to me.


In 2018, 100 pieces of this item were made from the original dies, but without the reeded edges.  The smooth edges were serial numbered 1 - 100.  These were done as a 20 year commemorative of the original and accompanied with a Certificate of Authenticity.  They are (or were) available at;


for $150 each.

All pieces on this page were created by Bernard von Nothaus except the Puerto Rico pieces which were created for the Alfredo Pacheco PR RCO

#1 1998 - The original design.


(highest private sale $1200 4/12/2012 by Jeff K.)

The original reverse was short lived (3 months) because people did not understand the symbols and it was feared this would affect acceptance.

2021 update

Not long after the #0 re-make was issued (as described in Addendum above), a re-make of the original 1998 piece was issued with a COA (certificate of authentication). I'm not sure of an easy way to tell the difference. I know many of the originals were issued in associate kits and those original kits had the pieces in a plastic coin flip, so the edge of the piece was exposed and would soon get an oxidization burn (toning)on the edge. This can often be seen in photos on ebay. Unfortunately, the advent of these remakes made listings of this piece a lot more common on ebay, and they were selling for a lot less than originals. This had the effect of causing prices on originals to fall because folks did not know if they were buying an original or not.


#2 1998/1999 DOUBLE DATE TYPE I


(highest private sale $1200 4/12/2012 by Jeff K.)

This is not an error. The original obverse die was deliberately used with the new reverse for a short period (probably one 1000 piece run) until the new obverse die was ready.

#2.5  1998/1999 DOUBLE DATE TYPE II

The sharp eyes of Sterling Ward (discoverer of #3.5) have discovered another rare variety!  If he had not had both types lying on his table side by side, it is unlikely he would have made the discovery.  If you look at either double date type by itself, you may not be sure which one you have.  Therefore, Sterling and I have gone to great lengths to identify parameters that can be used to determine the difference.  In the photos above, 1 and 4 are Type II.  2 and 3 are Type I.  I enlarged the ear of each piece to try and help you see the difference.  The ear is the only feature that is visibly different.  You can almost see it better on the pieces.  The ear of the Type II is slightly taller and narrower than the ear of Type I.  The head on Type II is also visibly larger than the head on Type I.  Sterling says that with them lying side by side, there is a visible difference in the mirror finish.  Type II has what he calls a 'satin' finish, like the gorgeous mirror on the #0 pattern piece.  The type I has a mirror like that of the #1.    It appears that the die used for the #1 obverse was used on the #2 (Type I) and the die used on the #0 was used on the #2.5 (Type II).  We can only speculate, but it is possible that the die used on #1 and #2 began to show wear and that instead of making a new die, Bernard elected to use a die he already had from producing the pattern pieces in Hawaii and thereby created the #2.5 Type II.

Using a caliper micrometer,  you can measure from the tip of the crown to the bottom left corner of the neck and tell which piece you have.

The reverse on this piece is the same as the #1 reverse, or the shelter system reverse.

#3  1999   

(highest auction $200.00 5/9/2015 by ebay seller 77rarefinds)

This is the common year 1999 piece.  Many thousands were made.                               

#3.5  2000 Type 1/2

(only known private sale $1750.00 by S. Ward)

Mintage of this piece is unknown but at least 1000 (minimum mint run).  It was created when the new 2000 reverse was mated with the unchanged 1999 obverse die, which was not yet worn out.  It was discovered in January of 2013 by Sterling Ward and confirmed by BVNH.  I have never seen one and used the 1999 obverse photo and the 2000 block date reverse photo to create this representation.  The easiest way to tell this piece from the #5 is by the hair lock where it approaches the 'T' in trust.  The lock touches the T near the ceenter on #5, but is further left and does not quite touch on #3.5.  Also, the lettering on TRUST IN GOD is flattened on #3.5 and rounded on #5.  Jaw relief is much deeper on #5.

#4  2000 Type I - 'GODless' obverse omission error.


(highest known private sale $575 4/7/2012 by Jeff K.)

This error was really made by the die cutter, but the mint also failed to notice the omission.  There was probably only one run of 1000 pieces done before the error was corrected.

#5  2000 Type II - block font date. 

(highest known auction price $500 Jan. 2008 by Ron G.)

These pieces were surprisingly hard to find and commanded significant premiums until 2011 when several stashes surfaced.  They can now be had nearly as easily as #3.  Mintage is unknown, but it is at least 1000 and more likely two or three thousand.

#6  2000 Type III  

(highest known auction price $578 4/18/2012 by seller loladirga)

This is the common year 2000 piece.  Many thousands were made, since the piece was minted through 2001 and 2002 as well. This is the perfect example of don't be distracted by the record high prices. The record sale was for a scratched up piece.  Who knows what drives  some bidders.  In my opinion, the seller calling the piece a proof was fraud.  I had flawless pieces of this one for sale on ebay for $90 when this sale happened.

#6.5 2000 Type IV

(highest known private sale - $350 2/24/2018 by Jim D.)

 Mintage of this piece is unknown but at least 1000 (minimum mint run). For whatever reason, the 1999 style obverse die was used with the script date 2000 reverse.  I was told about this piece by Jim in Virginia, but I had never seen one until Dana A. sent me one for verification.  Click this image to see a photo of the piece Dana sent me.  This image is a simulation from the obverse of #3 and the reverse of #6.  The obverse is very distinguishable from #6.  The position of the T in TRUST and the hairlock are the most obvious, but the entire head is slightly smaller, the rim thinner and the detail in the hair is much less sharp.  It is a very collectible variety of the 2000.

#7  2003 Type I - small 'E' 

(highest known auction $544 4/18/2012 seller loladirga)

This is the first of four 2003 obverse die strikes.  All bore the same reverse. Mintage on this one is unknown, probably many thousands.  Folks have trouble distinguishing #7 & #9.   Click this link for a page on how to tell. 

How to tell #9 from #7

 Click here for a close up of the quickest way to otherwise tell.  You can easily see the rough edge in the center of the neck just above the 'S' in USA by zooming this photo.  It is not there on #9. This is another example of don't be distracted by the record high prices.  This record sale was for a scratched up piece.  Who knows what drives some bidders.  In my opinion, the seller calling the piece a proof was fraud.  I had flawless pieces of this one on special sale on ebay for $70 when this sale happened.

#8  2003 Type II - big 'E' short hair

This variety is called the big E because both lower corners of the E at the top touch the crown.  This is the variety that was in production when I placed my first 1000 oz order.  All but 20 of them were traded into the hands of people in Northern Indiana/Southwest Michigan.  When the designer discovered the large size of the lettering and the entire head, he immediately stopped production and ordered a new die.  I don't know how many 1000 oz runs were done with this die, but it was probably several.

#8.5 2003 big 'E' long hair

After Sterling Ward's discovery of both long and short hair version of the 2005 1/2 ounce piece, I started thinking about the time period when so many long/short hair varieties popped up.  It occurred to me to go to ebay and look at all the big E pieces that have appeared as of late.  Sure enough, it didn't take long to spot a long hair variety.  When I joined as a Michigan RCO in 2003, my very first order was for a 1000 piece brick that turned out to all be big Es with the short hairlock.  I ordred the long hair piece I spotted on ebay to confirm it. Below are images saved from ebay on 1/31/24 for items 115937343453 (long hair on right) and 303584796715 (short hair on left). These images clearly show you can tell the difference in ebay photos. 

#9  2003 Type III - deep strike


(highest known private sale $300 4/18/2013 by Ron G.)

Note:  I have seen several #7 sold on ebay recently (early 2016) as #9. Buyer beware!  It is NOT easy to tell the difference.  Read the instructions under #7 carefully, and look at this link I have provided.

How to tell #9 from #7

Below is the text of an e-mail sent out by Bernard von NotHaus on 2/10/2004 regarding this variety.

"As most of you know we have strived since day one to provide a pocket-friendly Silver Liberty i.e. one without any sharp edges.  Well after fifty plus experiments, we decided to produce a new obverse die with a WIDE rim and a SHADOW relief.  Unfortunately, I just learned that the new die has the wide rim but the same beautiful deep relief.  Plus the new die has already been put into production!  And Sunshine has already shipped some Silver Libertys using the new die not knowing it was in error!!

Thus we have a Rarity in the Making!  Sunshine will continue to mint and ship the new wide rim/deep relief error die until the new die is cut.  This should be very soon but only a few thousand of this variety #9 of Silver Liberty will be minted.  So if you have been considering getting some Silver Libertys, please consider ordering right now and put a couple of these away if you are interested.  Recently a 1998 Silver Liberty was auctioned off at Liberty University for $200!!!  Of course, I have no idea what this new error will be worth, but like the “2000 Un-godly Error” it may be worth more than the original 1998 Silver Liberty as fewer were minted."

#10  2003 Type IV - wide rim 

(highest auction $102.50 8/14/2011 ebay seller nvig8949)

This was the final 2003 design that incorporated the new, wide, flat rim to offset wear from handling that was occurring on the earlier varieties. Many thousands of these were minted.

#12  2005 $10 Type I (short hair lock)

Many thousands of these were minted.

#12.5  2005 $10 Type II  (long hair lock)  

(Highest private sale 12/3/2021 $300 by Ron G.)

Mintage is unknown, but since Sunshine mint's policy was not to mint anything under a run of 1000 pieces, I suspect there are many out there in the hands of people who do not realize they have them.

This piece was discovered in May of 2013 by Mike Peters.  He sent me one of the four pieces he had secured so that I could confirm its existence. I returned it to him.  BVNH told me the piece did not exist even though I had it in my hand.  He was convinced when Mike sent the piece to him as well.  This is one of the actual pieces that BVNH mintmarked for Mike.

#13  2006 Puerto Rico Type I (short hair lock)

(highest known auction $366 - 3/17/2012 by Dave G.)

This was the first custom piece, minted at the behest of the Puerto Rico RCO Alfredo Pacheco.  He paid for the reverse die and placed a large enough order to justify producing it (1000 pieces).  The date and release number (#13) indicate that when the design was done, the anticipated release would be early 2006.  The un-anticipated Thanksgiving 2005 move up to the $20 base made this design instantly obsolete and it was followed very shortly by #16.  This photo shows that there were hallmarked and serial numbered pieces done.  Carlos Maldonado sent me this photo of the #57 serial numbered piece.

#13.5  2006 Puerto Rico Type II (long hair lock)

(highest auction $155 - 9/29/2020 by Jason Caissie.)

It was confirmed for me on 12/15/2013 by Carlos Maldonado that both the short and long hair lock varieties of the 2006 Puerto Rico piece do exist.  I had both varieties all along and never noticed it.  There would be at least 1000 of each minted.  Hallmarks and serial numbers were not done on Type II.  the short and long hair lock varieties of the 2006 Puerto Rico piece do exist.  I had both varieties all along and never noticed it.  There would be at least 1000 of each minted.  Hallmarks and serial numbers were not done on Type II.

This site is maintained by Southwest Michigan collector Ron Goodger.  If you see any errors on the site, please report them to Ron at; 

lrgoodger ‘at’ gmail ‘dot’ com

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1 oz. Silver Liberty Varieties beginning in 1998

Since the introduction of the Liberty Dollar on October 1st of 1998 there have been many varieties of the one ounce Silver Liberty minted for distribution.  There have also been very limited quantities of some of these varieties that were hand stamped with special hallmarks by Bernard von NotHaus, the "monetary architect" who invented the privately issued Liberty Dollar.  They are cataloged on the 'Specially Marked Pieces' page.


Although the basic design of the obverse has not changed since the date was removed from the front with variety #3, carefully examining the different pieces reveals that there is quite a bit of variation from die to die.  Examining the location of the first ‘T’ in the ‘TRUST IN GOD’ logo shows that it is sometimes closer to Miss Liberty’s neck than at others, and the lock of hair right above it is longer or shorter on certain dies, and there is the 'crooked GOD' obverse.  Addendum:  The date was returned to the obverse in 2007 and the Ron Paul Silver Liberty (variety #53) is the first and only piece on which the obverse deviates from the Liberty head design.

There may be other subtle, undiscovered varieties that were created whenever a worn die was replaced, but it is unlikely at this point.

Addendum:  The statement above turned out to be prophetic as evidenced by the addition of varieties 3.5, 6.5, 12.5 and 13.5 to the list below.

Here is a description of the major differences in the known obverse and reverse varieties.


0. Pattern obverse

1. Original obverse bore the date 1998.

2. Replaced the date with TRUST IN GOD.

3. Mint error on new die – no TRUST IN GOD.

4. TRUST IN GOD restored.

5. Large head and lettering – ‘E’ in liberty touches crown on both edges.

6. Head and lettering size reduced - deeply struck with flatter rim.

7. Shallow relief, wide rim, 'Crooked' GOD, short hair lock.

8. Shallow relief, wide rim, 'Straight' GOD, long hair lock.

9. 2007 date, English.

10. 2007 date, Spanish.

11. 2008 Ron Paul.

12. 2008 Liberty (post raid).

13. 2009 Liberty

14. 2009 'long spikes' 

15. 2009 PEACE

16. 2009 PEACE 'long spikes'

17. 2009 FREEDOM



1. Symbol reverse.

2. 1999 reverse.

3. 2000 type I reverse.

4. 2000 type II reverse.

5. 2003 reverse.

6. 2004 $20 reverse - not released until 2006.

7. 2005 $10 reverse.

8. 2006 PUERTO RICO $10 reverse.

9. 2005 $20 reverse.

10. 2006 PUERTO RICO $20 reverse.

11-17. 7 2006 state SMI reverses. 

18. 2006 MARCO ISLAND reverse.

19-36. 18 2006 state SMI reverses. 

37. 2006 Generic reverse. 

38. Puerto Rico flag reverse. 

39. Panama reverse.

40. Ecuador reverse.

41. California Bear reverse. 

42. Gillie's reverse.

43. Chambersburg reverse.

44. Ron Paul reverse. 

45. Milwaukee ANA reverse. 

46. Evansville reverse

47. Chiropractic reverse

48. Naked Back ($20 base)

49. Naked Back ($50 base)

50. Tenth Anniversary ($50 base)

51. 20 Euro

52. 2009 Naked Back ($20 base)

53. 2009 Torch Back type I ($20 base)

The major varieties use combinations of these obverse and reverse patterns as follows;

#0. 1998 Pattern - Obv 0, Rev 0

#1. 1998 - Obv 1, Rev 1 

#2. 1998/1999 - Obv 1, Rev 2 

#2.5 1998/1999 - Obv 0, Rev 2 (discovered by Sterling Ward - December 2021)

#3. 1999 - Obv 2, Rev 2 

#3.5 2000 Obv2, Rev 3 (discovered by Sterling Ward - January 2013) 

#4. 2000 type I ‘Godless’ -Obv 3, Rev 3 

#5. 2000 type II -Obv 4, Rev 3

#6. 2000 type III - Obv 4, Rev 4

#6.5 2000 type IV - Obv2, Rev 4 (discovered by Jim D. and confirmed by Dana A. February 2018)

#7. 2003 type I - Obv 4, Rev 5 

#8. 2003 type II - Obv 5, Rev 5 

#9. 2003 type III - Obv 6, Rev 5

#10. 2003 type IV - Obv 7, Rev 5

#11. 2004 $20 - Obv 7, Rev 6 

#12. 2005 $10 type I - Obv 7, Rev 7 

#12.5 2005 $10 type II - Obv 8, Rev 7 (discovered by Mike Peters - May 2013) 

#13. 2006 Puerto Rico $10 - Obv 8, Rev 8 

#13.5 2006 Puerto Rico $10 - Obv 7, Rev 8 (discovered by Carlos Maldonado - December 2013)

#14. 2005 $20 type I - Obv 7, Rev 9 

#15. 2005 $20 type II - Obv 8, Rev 9 

#16. 2006 Puerto Rico - Obv 8, Rev 10 

#17. 2006 SMI Michigan - Obv 8, Rev 11 

#18. 2006 SMI California - Obv 8, Rev 12 

#19. 2006 SMI Colorado - Obv 8, Rev 13 

#20. 2006 SMI Washington - Obv 8, Rev 14 

#21. 2006 SMI Florida - Obv 8, Rev 15 

#22. 2006 SMI New Hampshire - Obv 8, Rev 16

#23. 2006 SMI Georgia - Obv 8, Rev 17 

#24. 2006 MARCO ISLAND - Obv 8, Rev 18 

#25. 2006 SMI Pennsylvania - Obv 8, Rev 19 

#26. 2006 SMI Indiana - Obv 8, Rev 20 

#27. 2006 SMI New Mexico - Obv 8, Rev 21 

#28. 2006 SMI North Dakota - Obv 8, Rev 22)

#29. 2006 SMI Idaho - Obv 8, Rev 23

#30. 2006 SMI New York - Obv 8, Rev 24 

#31. 2006 SMI Alaska - Obv 8, Rev 25 

#32. 2006 SMI Massachusetts - Obv 8, Rev 26

#33. 2006 SMI Virginia - Obv 8, Rev 27

#34. 2006 SMI Missouri - Obv 8, Rev 28 

#35. 2006 SMI Texas - Obv 8, Rev 29

#36. 2006 SMI North Carolina - Obv 8, Rev 30 

#37. 2006 SMI Alabama - Obv 8, Rev 31

#38. 2006 SMI Montana - Obv 8, Rev 32 

#39. 2006 SMI Illinois - Obv 8, Rev 33 

#40. 2006 SMI Mississippi - Obv 8, Rev 34 

#41. 2006 SMI Oregon - Obv 8, Rev 35

#42. 2006 SMI Maine - Obv 8, Rev 36 

#43. 2006 Generic - Obv 8, Rev 37

#44. 2007 Puerto Rico English - Obv 9, Rev 38

#45. 2007 Puerto Rico Spanish - Obv 10, Rev 38 

#46. 2007 Panama - Obv 10, Rev 39

#47. 2007/2006 generic - Obv 9, Rev 37

#48. 2007 Ecuador - Obv 10, Rev 40

#49. 2007 California Bear - Obv 9, Rev 41

#50. 2007/2006 Texas Double Date SMI – Obv 9, Rev 29

#50.5 2007/2006 New York Double Date SMI – Obv 9, Rev 24

#51. 2007 Gillie's - Obv 9, Rev 42

#52. 2007 Chambersburg - Obv 9, Rev 43

#53. 2008 Ron Paul - Obv 11, Rev 44

#54. 2007 Milwaukee ANA - Obv 9, Rev 45

#55. 2007 Evansville – Obv 9, Rev 46

#56. 2007 Chiropractic – Obv 9, Rev47

#57. 2008 $20 Generic - Obv 12, Rev 48

#58. 2008 $50 Generic - Obv 12, Rev 49

#59. 2008 $50 Tenth Anniversary - Obv 12, Rev 50

#60. 2008 20 Euro - Obv 12, Rev 51

#61. 2009 Naked Back - Obv 13, Rev 52

#62. 2009 Torch Back - Obv 14, Rev 53

#63. 2009 PEACE naked back - Obv 15, Rev 52

#64. 2009 Torch Back - Obv 14, Rev 53

#65. 2009 Torch Back - Obv 14, Rev 53

#66. 2009 PEACE torch back - Obv 16, Rev 53

#67. 2009 FREEDOM torch back - Obv 17, Rev 53

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