SNP-Based Trees

This page links Excel spreadsheets of a full SNP-based tree and a schematic SNP-based tree for R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites who have received full Y-DNA test results as of March 29, 2024.  

Posted below are a variety of SNP-based trees for R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites based upon full Y-DNA sequencing (primarily, but not exclusively, Big Y testing performed by Family Tree DNA). The trees are posted in reverse chronological order: (1) Levite DNA's current schematic tree identifying tested men by surname, kit number, and ancestral surname, along with estimated time to a most recent common ancestor ("MRCA") based on FTDNA's Discovery Tool; (2) Levite DNA's SNP-based schematic tree on a spreadsheet (also linked at the top of this page) last updated as of February 18, 2024; (3) the portion of FTDNA's Y-DNA Haplotree for R-Y2619; (4) the portion of YFull's YTree for R-Y2619;  (5) a SNPTree generated on Dave Vance's SAPP website; (6) a link to Meir Gover's World Tree of Levites; (7) an annotated version of the R1a-Y2619 portion of the SNP tree from Dr. Doron Behar’s paper on R1a1a Ashkenazi Levites, D. Behar et al., The genetic variation in the R1a clade among the Ashkenazi Levites’ Y chromosome, SREP-17-37687 (2017), published in Scientific Reports on November 2, 2017; (8) Levite DNA's SNP-based tree for R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites based upon Build 37 (hg19) as of November 2, 2017, before FTDNA converted to Build 38 (hg38) (linked here); and (9) Levite DNA's SNP-based tree for R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites and their closest matches as of December 2014 (at a time when only nine R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites had done full Y-DNA testing).

Louis Vodovoz (1900-1966)

Levite DNA's SNP-Based Tree for R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites (as of June 23, 2024)

The schematic tree posted below provides branching information as of the date set forth above, identifying by surname, kit number, reported ancestral surname, and reported ancestral country each man who has done Big Y testing and belongs to the specified subcluster. Branches are identified in numerical sequence.  (For example, a top level branch (e.g., FGC18222) is numbered 1, the branches immediately below that branch (e.g., FGC18226 and YP1074) are numbered 2, and so on.) Where a level is currently defined by more than one SNP, the branch is identified by one of the SNPs at that level, and the number of SNPs at that level is identified by a plus sign followed by the number of SNPs at that level.   

The name of each subcluster is linked to the page on FTDNA's Discover Tool for that subcluster. The year in parentheses is the estimated date when the shared direct male ancestor for that subcluster lived, according to FTDNA's Discover Tool as of July 1, 2023.

The information posted below concerning reported ancestral countries and ancestral surnames is based upon: (1) communications that Meir Gover and I have had with managers of R1a-Y2619 kits going back to about 2012; and (2) information posted on FTDNA match lists and the FTDNA Y-DNA block tree concerning the origins of tested men's direct paternal lines. 

Names and/or kit numbers in black text reflect results reported through Big Y-500 testing or testing for scientific papers. Names and/or kit numbers in red text reflect results reported through Big Y-700 testing. Almost all of the reported results come from FTDNA-reported testing. SNPs for the kits with GRC prefixes were reported in the 2017 Behar paper, and SNPs for the kits identified as P3 and R&B 16207 were reported in the 2013 Rootsi & Behar paper.

The information posted below has been compiled from the Big Y spreadsheet that has been posted on this website in various forms going back to 2013. The information posted below does not include four pieces of information that are included in the Big Y spreadsheet: (1) the names of all SNPs at each level below the R1a-Y2619 level; (2) currently private SNPs for tested men; (3) the most important STR marker values for predicting the SNP clusters of R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites; and (4) the number of steps to the R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levite STR mode for tested men. The Big Y spreadsheet will continue to be updated periodically.

Similar, but less detailed, information is accessible from: (1) FTDNA's Y-DNA block tree (accessible from kits of men who have done Big Y testing; (2) FTDNA's Y-DNA haplotree for R-Y2619 (click the arrow to open the tree); and (3) YFull 'sY-DNA tree for R-Y2619. Certain information can also be accessed through FTDNA's Discover Tool.

Y2619 (750 CE)

1 Y2630 / +1 (950 CE)  M. Lipsie (223394) (Lipshitz) (Lithuania), J. Baum GRC15661575 (Slovakia)

  2 FGC10632 / +1 (1100 CE)

    3 FTA6349 (1200 CE) A. Solomon (Zalcman) (Poland)

      4 YP266 / +1 (1300 CE)  S. Liebross (786878) (Ukraine)

        5 FGC10641 (1350 CE)  S. Chazanoff (16112) (Russian Federation), D. Heller (628958) (Czech Republic)

          6 YP4943 (1550 CE)  R. Leiferman (296941) (Ukraine)

            7 YP4954 / +3 (1800 CE)  A. Petrushansky (391411) (Ukraine), B.P. (391412) (Petrushansky) (Ukraine)

          6 YP268 (1400 CE)  M. Sinclair (49666) (Schulsinger) (Poland), H. Cornbleet (95663) (Korenblit) (Ukraine), H. Horowitz (231989) (Moldova),

                                                        J. Horwitz 251286 (Horowitz) (Belarus), M. Friedman (710880) (Belarus), G. Lipof (B323282) (Lipowsky) (Ukraine), 

                                                        M. Malamut (MK58255) (Malamood) (Ukraine), V. Grant (N187031) (Gurevich) (Belarus), A. Kaufman

            7 YP5303 (1450 CE)  T. Lee (110775) (Kolton) (Poland)

              8 YP5304 (1700 CE)  B. Hill (68355) (Horowitz) (Czech Republic), N. Horowitz (249519) (Czech Republic), M. Horowitz (413059) (Czech Republic)

              8 BY107047 (1600 CE)  J. Gordon (344795) (Gorradischer) (Ukraine), W. Holman (B336412) (Geller) (Ukraine)

            7 FGC13806 (1650 CE)  Al. Horowitz (936214) (Unknown Origin)

              8 FT7806 (1750 CE)  M. Goldsmith (65218) (Yochvedovitch) (Belarus), T. Reeves (IN104996) (Horowitz) (England)

            7 FTT84 (1450 CE)  209350 (Unknown Origin)

              8 YP5232 / +1 (1500 CE)  Ja. Siegel (N91037) (Ukraine), P3 (Ukraine)

                9 BY109446 / +2 (1900 CE)  M. Aaronson (211571) (Aronzon) (Ukraine), J. Aronson (896696) (Ukraine)

              8 BY137163 / +1 (1450 CE)  R. Illing (9076) (Horowitz) (Germany), J. Pollack (Romania)

            7 Y19799 / +1 (1600 CE)  L. Hamilton (129878) (Kushnir) (Ukraine), M. Klein (227798) (Hungary), M. Finkelstein (389469) (Poland), A. Levy (B2875) (Ukraine), 

                                                                     A. Eisenson (MK34637) (Belarus)

            7 FT202511 / +2 (1600 CE)  D. Semmel (H1074) (Zemel) (Poland), V. Sebek (IN112780) (Schwartz) (Hungary)

        5 YP1429 / +4 (1800 CE)  J. Garbarz (851161) (Poland)

          6 YP1432 / +1 (1900 CE)  M. Gover (190924) (Garbarz) (Poland), S. Gover (225854) (Garbarz) (Poland)

        5 BY24966 / +1 (1400 CE)  J. Poritz (B225171) (Hevron) (Ukraine)

          6 FT97049 (1500 CE) P. Schlessinger (114385) (Lewi) (Germany)

            7 FT197452 (1600 CE)  S. Neiman (83466) (Belarus), S. Lazarus (N11758) (Lejzerowicz) (Poland)

        5 BY27367 / +5 (1850 CE)  C. Singer (304889) (Zynger) (Poland), W. Singer (478923) (Zynger) (Poland)

        5 FGC7179 / +1 (1350 CE)  M. Krasnow (24695) (Ukraine)

          6 FT189645 (1500 CE)  L. Vihon (566737) (Ukraine)

            7 FT186009 / +2 (1900 CE)  S. Czudnowski (164025) (Biegon) (Poland), P. Zhukov (IN84906) (Czudnowski) (Poland)

        5 BY117602 / +1 (1500 CE) J. Korn (691939) (Poland), S. Feldman (928196) (Hungary)

        5 FGC22266 (1500 CE) P. Johnson (785378) (Blum) (Russia), R. Hoffmann (Czech Republic)

      4 BY113466 / +2 (1500 CE)  J. Dorf (Ukraine)

        5 BY106257 / +1 (1600 CE)  J. Stanley (233086) (Stein) (England), M. Petschek (556668) (Czech Republic)

        5 BY207229 (1550 CE)  I. Burdei (239544) (Hungary), I. Saunders (427813) (Goldlust) (Poland)

      4 BY164774 / +2 (1400 CE)  D. Abrams (B224684) (Abramovici) (Romania), A. Feldman (B296136) (Ukraine)

    3 FTA6346 (1150 CE)  S. Kattelman (537865) (Romania) 

      4 FT71534 (1350 CE)

        5 FGC15532 / +1 (1450 CE)  C. Atler (981442) (Germany), K. Lawrence (Lorentz) (Germany)

          6 FGC15533 / +1 (1600 CE)

            7 FGC15531 (1600 CE)  A. Hellström (B283004) (Magnus) (Germany), A. Kornblit (B311623) (Poland), J. Sak (IN72548) (Poland)

              8 FGC15529 (1650 CE)  R. Vodovoz (248865) (Arbit) (Ukraine), B. Bristman (588517) (Poland)

            7 FT314377 (1700 CE)  D. Reinhold (212016), (Pollak) (Hungary), J. Graham (Unknown Origin)

          6 FT169088 / +1 (1700 CE)  M. Hermon (IN67930) (Hechter) (Poland), R. Hechter (IN72449) (Poland), U. Hechter (IN78302) (Poland), 

                                                                         W. Knisbaum (B601717) (Poland)

        5 BY105445 (1700 CE)  D. Goldsmith (809944) (Goldschmidt) (Germany), M. Levey (Unknown Origin)

      4 YP4538 (1200 CE)  2 kits on FTDNA block tree

        5 A12585 (1350 CE)  Martin Segal (281126) (Romania), M. Brookes (Czech Republic), Q. Leventhal (N31221) (Levitan) (Belarus)

        5 BY131066 / +2 (1550 CE)  M. Hammerman (1155) (Ukraine), S. Ryznyk (291863) (Reznik) (Ukraine), Z. Eisenberg (Ajzenberg) (Ukraine), 

                                                                         N. Ringold (Unknown Origin)

      4 BY123045 / +3 (1400 CE) D. Brodsky (Ukraine) (390104), Y. Lavy (774874) (Susz) (Ukraine), A. Lavro (IN76555) (Ukraine)

        5 FT131129 (1400 CE)  J. Myers (501436) (England)

      4 BY156726 / +1 (1600 CE)  I. Netan (438816) (Mielikowski) (Belarus)

        5 M1460 (not on FTDNA tree)  B. Kaplan (963251) (Kot) (Belarus), Y. Hanany (Chaininzon) (MI16535) (Belarus)

      4 FT243497 / +1 (1500 CE)  S. Handler (305131) (Hungary), J. Hand (Unknown Origin)

      4 FTA29254 / +4 (1900 CE)  J. Heiden (250723) (Unknown Origin), J.M. Heiden (Unknown Origin)

      4  FTA47205 (1500 CE)  S. Suss (B767003) (Ziss) (Poland), C. Lieber (Poland)

        FTD9107 / +2 (1600 CE)  R. Schneider (Poland), D. Schneider (Poland)

    3 FTA6347 (1100 CE)  A. Page (139431) (Pagurek) (Poland)

      4 YP4488 (1200 CE)  M. Sandler (389341) (Lithuania), J. Kimmel (403054) (Ukraine), A. Sidorovsky (899767) (Ukraine), L. Smith (906152) (Germany), 

                                                       B. Chenensky (MK47419) (Chenenky) (Ukraine), B. Anderson

        FT371783 (1500 CE)  P. Israel 331758 (Flashner) (Australia), S. Halevi (986515) (Engelman) (Unknown Origin)

          6 BY138998 (1650 CE) R. Weiser (131076) (Weisz) (Hungary)

      4 FT272580 / +1 (1600 CE)  R. Dorsay (116142) (Ralsky) (Belarus), A. Ziegler (B133579) (Levinsky) (Poland)

    FT131801 (1300 CE)  J. Gregar (474088) (Groeger) (Czech Republic)

      4 FTB6864 / +1 (1650 CE)  J.M. Shaw (112261) (Schischa) (Hungary), I.J. Schischa (816969) (Hungary), L. Ormont (Belarus)

  2 BY29728 / +1 (1050 CE)

    3 YP4671 / +3 (1400 CE)

      4 BY30938 (1550 CE)  S. Gordon (573078) (Gorahofsky) (Belarus)

        5 BY30939 (1800 CE)  M. Heffler (2805) (Hoefler) (Ukraine), R. Berman (427110) (Ukraine)

      4 BY117513 / +1 (1500 CE)  T. Oren (360120) (Oks) (Poland)

        5 BY102345 / +2 (1750 CE)  S. Stool (952714) (Unknown Origin)

          BY115862 (1900 CE)  G. Stull (424989) (Stuhl) (Ukraine), M. Stull 425621 (Stuhl) (Ukraine)

    3 YP1386 / +3 (1150 CE)  GRC15661576 (Turkey), GRC15661577 (Turkey)

      BY24975 / +2 (1200 CE)  G. Taylor (55964) (United States), P. O'Neill (218089) (Netherlands)

                                                                     G. Elvin (319586) (Levine) (Germany), P. K. (333816) (Kulakowski) (Belarus), D. Schwartzberg (836924) (Poland)

          6 BY27348 / +2 (1500 CE) M. Goren (94707) (Ornisye) (Ukraine), S. Horwood (Horowitz) (156060) (Lithuania), D. Horowitz (Larochette) (734072) (Romania), 

                                                                        J.L. Shaw (807076) (Eacott) (England), B. Auerbach (Poland)

            7 BY102393 (1600 CE)  D. Pepper (431703) (Feffer) (Ukraine), J. Cash (B249200) (United Kingdom)

        5 YP4516 / +1 (1300 CE)  1 kit on FTDNA block tree

          6 YP4807 / +1 (1550 CE)  B. Shamberg (18479) (Cemnic) (Poland), G. Feldman (225660) (Unknown Origin), Mark Segal (609374) (Ukraine), 

                                                                    R. Schiller (949119) (Zwerlin) (Belarus), Le. Segal (Shagalovitch) (Lithuania)

            7 YP6322 / +1 (1600 CE)  A. Levin (114167) (Belarus), M. Bootzin (644404) (Unknown Origin)

            7 BY128934 (1650 CE)  Vorname (E15801) (Unknown Origin), B. Finn (911700) (Lithuania), GRC15668596 (Israel)

          6 BY115762 / +2 (1700 CE)  Y. Heimlich (163810) (Hungary), P. Heimlich (163815) (Hungary)

          6 FT312111 (1600 CE)  L. Stern (938603) (Latvia)

            7 13732149 / +3 (not yet on FTDNA tree)  A. Tannis (N114654) (Blums) (Latvia), G. Tannis

        5 BY141857 (1700 CE)  B. Kabakov (118490) (Kabak) (Ukraine), T. White (1009637) (Schrier) (Ukraine)

        5 FT230078 (1250 CE)  N. Wilson (288077) (Levie-Grin) (Netherlands)

          6 FT216778 / +1 (1350 CE)  E. Sheffer (409131) (Weitz-Sztoper) (Ukraine), V. Oksman (B136030) (Ukraine)

        5 FT157112 / +2 (1550 CE)  G. Anthony (964820) (Lehraupt) (Poland)

          6 FT157528 / +2 (1800 CE)  N. Eisenberg (911597) (Eisengamer) (Lithuania), E. Eisenberg (925347) (Unknown Origin)

          6 FTC85013 / +1 (1650 CE)  L. St. Amand (B522895) (Zilberminc) (Poland), A. Weinfeld (Kerem / Gefen) (Poland)

      4 BY24974 (1300 CE)

        5 YP5512 / +2 (1700 CE)  C. Butcher (247253) (Toch-Hudlicky) (Czech Republic), J. Asch (465497) (Germany)

        5 BY101987 / +4 (1550 CE) R. Miller (319467) (Meikler) (Ukraine)

          6 FT361642 / +1 (1650 CE)  I. Berman (419780) (Ukraine), J. Malove (961907) (Poland)

  2 BY24982 / +1 (1100 CE)

    3 BY24977 / +3 (1350 CE)  R. Gerstle (652176) (Hungary), M. Brandeis (IN128467) (Segal) (Germany)

      4 FT77379 / +1 (1500 CE)  H. Greenwald (22380) (Germany), R. Mansbach (144477) (Germany), R. Werbin (422039) (Wierzbicki) (Poland), 

                                                                   H. Eiseman (608911) (Germany), Me. Levine (740015) (Lewik) (Poland)

         5 FTB78825 (1500 CE)   J. Gekker (Ukraine)

            6 FT77379 (not yet on FTDNA tree) J. Cupples (Ukraine), R. Fogel (France)

    3 BY24978 / +1 (1300 CE)  R. Hanna (Poland), P. Greenspan (484719) (Russian Federation), P. Kapiloff

      4 FT397930 (1900 CE)  G. Levey (Unknown Origin), K. Levey (Unknown Origin)

      4 BY89987 (1350 CE)  L. Kessler (574876) (Braunstein) (Romania)

         5 FT363584 (1450 CE)  J. Brewer (Unknown Origin), G. Wilhelmus (IN54670) (Netherlands)

1 FGC18222 (850 CE)

  2 FGC18226 (900 CE)  A. Brown (Ukraine), GRC15668595 (Israel)

    3 FGC18218 (950 CE)

      4 FGC18215 / +3 (1350 CE)  T. Phillips (40651) (England), D. Rigler (71177) (Romania), I. Gould (Golberg) (Poland), GRC15661578 (Algeria)

        5 FT205921 (1400 CE)  H. Schiff (N107659) (Moldova), V. Levin

          6 FGC18223 / +1 (1600 CE)  F. Yukilevich (552242) (Ukraine), A. London (B240951) (Belarus)

            7 FGC18221 (not on FTDNA tree)  J. Wexler (241703) (Poland), [H. Czerwick (220657) (Poland)]

        5 BY15238 (not on FTDNA tree)  R. Goldberg (979607) (Romania)

          6 BY30700 / +2 (1750 CE)  F. Kowalsky (175107) (Ukraine), H. Gann (Gen) (393335) (Lithuania), K. Lavene (Lithuania)

        5 BY33422 (1550 CE)  F. Frenkel (382216) (Poland), D. Einy (482973) (Iraq)

        5 BY125941 (1450 CE)  D. Spear (B9303) (Sepersky) (Belarus), Jo. Segal (905185) (Poland)

      4 YP1385 (1050 CE)  R. Smith (856656) (Israel),  H. Sisskind (Susskind) (Ukraine)

        5 YP4487 (1250 CE)  S. Fox (946489) (Steinberg) (Russian Federation), A. Ormond (N148630) (Goldstein) (Hungary), A. Fiszer (MI71876) (Poland)

          6 BY69900 / +4 (1500 CE)  D. Pollen (740341) (Anapolsky) (Ukraine), J. Fraider (909017) (Freider) (Ukraine)

          6 FT123786 / +2 (1550 CE)  N. Weisman (245262) (Weysman) (Poland), Mo. Levine (345684) (Lithuania)

          6 BY113553 (1400 CE)  S. Rosenberg (163199) (Rozenbaum) (Unknown Origin), L. Gelertner (210315) (Unknown Origin), D. Kestenbaum (232634) (Poland), 

                                                                G. Kent (398533) (Borensztajn) (Poland), Y. Karasik (Ukraine)

          6 FTA51553 (1300 CE)  D. O'Neill (6422) (Zweigbaum) (Ukraine), D. Sochet (932431) (Shochet) (Ukraine)

        5 FGC32440 (1400 CE)  B. Gilman (251578) (Gittleman) (Poland), S. Gaynes (B572796) (Ginsberg) (Unknown Origin)

        5 FTA80965 (1700 CE)  D. Benaron (N59054) (Latvia), L. Setlow (Zatulovsky) (Ukraine)

      4 BY24987 / +1 (1250 CE)  W. Gaumer (B173296) (Germany)

        5 FT398225 / +2 (1450 CE) J. Mode (Unknown Origin)

          6 BY148862 (1550 CE) W. Fern (103076) (Poland), L. Mondschein (938152) (Ukraine), D. Stepel (B708921) (Poland)

          6 BY122271 (1900 CE) H. Lewin (195398) (Poland)

    3 BY24995 / +1 (1350 CE)  B. Van Raalte (484111) (Netherlands), N. Day (IN72728) (United Kingdom)

      4 BY27090 (not on FTDNA tree) W. Barnett (233761) (Poland), L.T. (271084) (Tesler) (Ukraine)

    3 BY24993 / +1 (1200 CE)

      4 BY24986 (1400 CE)  J. Stransky (MI66450) (Czech Republic)

        5 BY24989/ +1 (1600 CE)  A. Hershkovitz (351661) (Romania), M. Noveck (374378) (Novick) (Lithuania), K. Gilman (950450) (Unknown Origin)

        5 BY113296 (1600 CE)  M. Epstein (109092) (Poland), J. Lauter (B267677) (Poland)

    3 YP5480 / +4 (1350 CE)  M. Rauch (13) (Germany), D. Berd (135285) (Berdochevsky) (Ukraine), M. Arkin (185570) (Lithuania), A. Landau (192603) (Ukraine), 

                                                              Ho. Levy (954262) (Unknown Origin), R. Alexander (IN74604) (England), A. Borngraber

      4 Y129503 (1450 CE)  A. Sagal (225076) (Russia), T. Tuttle (919624) (Unknown Origin), H. Sterman

  2 YP1074 / +3 (1050 CE)

    3 FGC23326 / +1 (1150 CE)

      4 YP1366 / +2 (1450 CE)  S. Sacharin (44958) (Sacharni) (Ukraine), L.G. (219949) (Grinshteyn) (Russia), D. Muller (227160) (Germany), 

                                                                F. Bacon (461612) (Unknown Origin), A. Stein (505350) (Szmulewicz) (Poland), A. Silver (986576) (Zilberman) (Romania), 

                                                                B. Silberman 998194 (Unknown Origin), T. Rickhoff (B6350) (Rokoff) (Germany), T. Green (B335671) (Ukraine), 

                                                                D. Drelich (N25993) (Poland), J. Harlow (Unknown Origin), S. Berns

        5 BY62930 (1600 CE)  S. Batiste (313604) (Batyst) (Poland), B. Wolinsky (513068) (Volynski) (Ukraine)

        5 BY119906 (1550 CE)  E. Navasky (68589) (Neviasky) (Lithuania), G. Siskind (305072) (Zisel) (Lithuania)

        5 BY29706 / +1 (not on FTDNA tree)  M. Finn (90933) (Pazernov) (Lithuania), R. Maxwell (324546) (Itskowicz) (Moldova)

        5 FT104007 (1450 CE)  D. Weiskopf (390830) (Wajskopf) (Poland), J. Siegel (893906) (Segal) (Poland), S. Collins (B188113) (Galanov / Galanoy) (Russia), 

                                                             M. Levine (Ukraine)

          6 FT178363 (1600 CE)  

             FT104145 / +1 (1650 CE) J. Shahom (800083) (Unknown Origin), O. Gaker (Poland)

            7 FT169447 / +3 (1700 CE)  D. Hyman (389560) (Israel), C. Strauss (Unknown Origin)

        5 FT282457 (1550 CE)  1 kit on FTDNA tree

          6 FGC42856 / +4 (1750 CE)  R. Montgomery (422586) (Wolf) (United States), G. Christmann (N103033) (Germany)

        5 FTA27979 / +3 (1850 CE)  G. Gee (Unknown Origin)

      4 YP4690 / +1 (1200 CE)  

        5 FGC36608 / +2 (1400 CE) H. Kurland (374621) (Poland), E. Gruff (B62252) (Gruferman) (Ukraine)

          6 FGC36607 (1550 CE)  R. Graff (107789) (Hungary), A. Kluvo (252123) (Ukraine), P. Thomson (629335) (England), J. Sonenblick (B583801) (Poland), 

                                                                 M. Crowe (IN43333) (Unknown Origin)

        BY142723 (1750 CE) K. Ward (510513) (Unknown Origin)

             6  FTE42270 (no date yet)  R. Barack (Unknown Origin), N. Levin (Lithuania) 

    3 BY154444 (1200 CE)  F. Bass (341841) (Ukraine)

      4 BY154254 / +2 (1500 CE)  M. Needleman (957429) (Lithuania)

        5 BY152479 (1750 CE)  J. Appel (59621) (Romania), Y. Appel (745600) (Ukraine)

1 BY29826 (900 CE) 66131

  2 BY36575 / +2 (1300 CE)  D. Levinsohn (84378) (Lithuania), H. Brown (207748) (Herzog) (Poland)

    3 9630823 (no time or Discovery Tool link yet)  P. Pitzele (174958) (Poland), E. Lasdun (Germany)

  2 FGC74789 (950 CE)

    3 BY63639 / +3 (1550 CE)  T. Bazes (20195) (Poland), E. Lewy (113533) (Romania)

    3 FGC74788 / +1 (1150 CE)  D. Becker (87143) (Lithuania), Romberg (B58636) (Rombach) (Ukraine), C. Ritter (B620364) (Germany), P. Russ (N135090) (Unknown            

                                                                     Origin), A. Harrison

      4 YP3939 / +1 (1300 CE)  L. Martin (196865) (United States), P. Beyfus (E8895) (Germany)

        5 BY24990 (1500 CE)  D. Wiener (374699) (Ottingen) (Germany)

          6 BY76807 (1900 CE)  H. Atkins (39003) (Ettinger) (Germany), M. Atkins (B898795) (Ettinger) (Germany)

  2 FT94463 (1450 CE)

    3 FT315142 (1500 CE)  M. Leventhal (53126) (Levitan) (Lithuania)

      4 BY30799 / +1 (1650 CE)  D. Bernstein (272179) (Poland)

        5 BY92778 (1750 CE)  A. Kirson (855) (Kirschen) (Lithuania),  S. Mazabow (242077) (Mazabowski) (Latvia), M. Kramer (Russian Federation)

    3 FT361821 (1500 CE)  A. Tursh (490869) (Tchorsz) (Belarus), M. Jackowe (Jankelwitz) (Romania)

      4 BY57936 (1600 CE)  F. Levy (647711) (Poland), J. Woldenberg (Poland)

        5 FTB35865 (1800 CE)  V. Bourgeois (France)

          6 FTB35112 / +2 (1950 CE)  R. Bourgeois (B766989) (Borgman) (Germany), C. Bourgeois (France)

1 FTA51568 (950 CE)  

  2 BY73299 / +1 (1350 CE)  H. Niman (741949) (Narachichel) (Poland)

    BY71944 (1400 CE)  Y. Gonen (587995) (Gurwitz) (Poland), Jo. Levine (B705365) (Levitsky) (Belarus), M. Hendler (B762498) (Herderslag) (Poland)

      4 FTA12685 (1500 CE)  M. Laudon (382222) (Poland), L. Garland (908281) (Belarus)

      4 FTB1098 (1750 CE)  E. Landau (955041) (Brandeis) (Czech Republic)

        5 FTB41429 (1800 CE)  Y. Landa (Czech Republic), P. Landau (Czech Republic), S. Landau (Brandeis) (Lithuania)

  2 FTA31412 (unknown time)  R. Haas (804940) (Germany), R&B 16207 (Germany)

Levite DNA's SNP-Based Tree for R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites (as of February 18, 2024)

Below is a schematic tree that shows the Y-DNA SNP clusters for R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites and their closest matches, based upon an analysis of each tested man's SNPs as shown on FTDNA Big Y match pages (or, in a few instances, as reported in scientific papers), current through results received as of February 18, 2024 (open the Big Y schematic tree linked here for a more legible version of the spreadsheet, and open the full SNP-based tree to see more detailed information for the spreadsheet on this date).

Levite DNA's SNP-Based Tree for R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites (as of June 18, 2022)

Below is a schematic tree that shows the Y-DNA SNP clusters for R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites and their closest matches, based upon an analysis of each tested man's SNPs as shown on FTDNA Big Y match pages (or, in a few instances, as reported in scientific papers), current through results received as of June 18, 2022 (open the Big Y schematic tree linked here for a more legible version of the spreadsheet, and open the full SNP-based tree to see more detailed information for the spreadsheet on this date).  The tree posted below and linked below includes FTDNA's estimates of the age of each cluster as of June 18, 2022.

Bracketed kit numbers identify men whose placement on the tree has been ascertained through a la carte SNP testing.

FTDNA's SNP-Based Tree for R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites (as of June 18, 2022)

Below is the portion of FTDNA's Y-DNA Haplotree for R-Y2619 as of June 18, 2022, expanded to show all branches within R-Y2619, providing largely the same information that is set forth in the Levite DNA schematic tree above (click the link above, and expand the tree, to see the current version of FTDNA's Y-DNA Haplotree, which is modified frequently to include new test results):

YFull's SNP-Based Tree for R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites (as of June 18, 2022)

Below is YFull's YTree for R-Y2619 as of June 18, 2022 (note that the YFull YTree does not include results for all R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites who have tested through FTDNA, but it instead includes results for such men only if (1) they submitted their results to YFull (the results submitted by tested men to YFull are identified with kit numbers with the prefix "YF") or (2) such men were tested for the 2017 Behar paper (the results obtained by YFull from the 2017 Behar paper are identified with kit numbers with the prefix "ERS")):

Dave Vance's SAPP Tree for R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites (as of July 4, 2022)

The SNP tree below was generated on Dave Vance's SAPP website using the SNPs that were found in SAPP's internal SNP Reference Tree as of July 4, 2022.

Meir Gover's SNP-Based Tree for R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites (as of June 2019)

Meir Gover's schematic of the R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levite tree, the World Patronymic Tree of Levites (June 2019 Edition), is downloadable from his Academia page (with creation of a free account).  (The document should be opened in Chrome; scroll over the red notepad for information concerning the men in each cluster.)

SNP-Based Tree for R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites from 2017 Behar Paper

Below is a portion of the SNP tree from Dr. Doron Behar’s paper on R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites, D. Behar et al., The genetic variation in the R1a clade among the Ashkenazi Levites’ Y chromosome, SREP-17-37687 (2017), published in Scientific Reports on November 2, 2017, as annotated to provide FTDNA kit numbers and surnames for the Big Y-tested R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites and their closest matches whose results were included in Dr. Behar's analysis (men for whom no kit number or name is provided were tested for prior papers, including the 2013 Rootsi & Behar paper discussed here):

Levite DNA's SNP-Based Tree for R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites (as of November 2, 2017)

As a matter of historical interest, attached at the bottom of this page is a spreadsheet showing Levite DNA's SNP-based tree for R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites as of November 2, 2017 prepared using Y-DNA SNPs reported using Build 37 (also known as hg19); shortly thereafter, FTDNA started reporting Y-DNA SNPs using Build 38 (also known as hg38).

Levite DNA's SNP-Based Tree for R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites (as of November 7, 2014)

Again as a matter of historical interest, below is a schematic tree that shows the SNP test results received through November 7, 2014 for R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites and their two closest matches who are not R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levites.  The tree identifies SNPs at or below the level of R1a-Z2469/CTS6, the level of SNPs now believed to identify R1a1a Ashkenazi Levites and their closest matches (that same level is also sometimes referred to as R1a-M582).  

Red = tested and reported by FTDNA’s Big Y test (some SNPs not reliably reported as positive on some tests)

Blue = tested by Scotland’s DNA’s Chromo2 test

All SNPs tested by Full Genomes Corp.’s full Y-DNA testing 

[DNP] = Double Nucleotide Polymorphism. (The DNP YP467 is included to show the order in which lines branched off from one another, but is not included in calculations of time to a Most Recent Common Ancestor.) 

251286 = descendant of Zerachia Horowitz (five steps from R1a1a Ashkenazi Levite mode at 111 markers) (YF01462 on YFull tree)

65218 = descendant of Aron Yochvedovitch (five steps from R1a1a Ashkenazi Levite mode at 111 markers) (YF01611 on YFull tree)

9076 = descendant of Rabbi Itzhak ha-Levi Hamburger Horowitz (three steps from R1a1a Ashkenazi Levite mode at 111 markers)

P3 = Ashkenazi Jew from Rootsi & Behar paper (19-marker STR test results; two steps from R1a1a Ashkenazi Levite mode on those markers) (also P3 on YFull tree)

PGP4 = Misha Angrist (no STR test results)

248865 = descendant of Yonkel Velvel Vodovoz (or Arbit) (four steps from R1a1a Ashkenazi Levite mode at 111 markers) (YF01680 on YFull tree)

241703 = descendant of Salamon Wexler (12 steps from R1a1a Ashkenazi Levite mode at 111 markers) (YF01935 on YFull tree)

107789 = descendant of Emil Graff, b.1873, Miskolc, Hungary (10 steps from R1a1a Ashkenazi Levite mode at 111 markers)

324546 = descendant of Isaacs (nine steps from R1a1a Ashkenazi Levite mode at 67 markers)

GS000020424-DID = Ashkenazi Levite (16207) from Rootsi & Behar paper (19-marker STR test results; all tested markers at R1a1a Ashkenazi Levite mode)

HG01617 = Iberian sample from Rootsi & Behar paper (19-marker STR test results; six steps from R1a1a Ashkenazi Levite on those markers) (also HG01617 on YFull tree)

116213 = descendant of Khalil Qussad (tradition of Mamluk ancestry) (YF00101on YFull tree) 

Tested through Full Genomes Corp.: 251286, 241703, 116213

Tested through FTDNA: 65218, 9076, 248865, 107789, 324546 

Tested for Rootsi & Behar paper: P3 (identified as Ashkenazi Jew) and GS20424 (identified as Ashkenazi Levite)

Tested through Personal Genomes Project: PGP4

Tested through 1000 Genomes Project: HG01617 

Currently private SNPs for 251286 and 241703 from Full Genomes Corp. reports

Currently private SNPs for 65218 from FTDNA reports.

Currently private SNPs for 248865 from FTDNA report, as augmented by Full Genomes Corp. report.

Currently private SNPs for P3 reported by YFull team. 

Calculations of age of mutations provided by Michał Milewski

Thanks to Michał Milewski for revising and correcting this schematic and to Leon Kull, Jim Wilson, Mariusz Wilkoszewski, and Vladimir Tagankin and the YFull team for identifying and providing information re SNPs.

Revised November 7, 2014

Click here to download an Excel version of the December 31, 2022 version of the R1a-Y2619 Ashkenazi Levite SNP Spreadsheet, including a full Y-DNA tree and a schematic Y-DNA tree.