Reading, Vocabulary, Grammar Test

Reading and writing are multi-faceted activities; a competent academic writer and reader is required to use a number of skills simultaneously. By testing your reading, vocabulary and grammar you are equipping yourself with the knowledge of your strengths and weaknesses in the key areas of academic study, allowing you to target your future performance and development most effectively.

Note: The results of this self-assessment will have no direct impact on any course results you are currently undertaking, or plan to undertake, at GCU.

These tests are provided by Oxford Online English and test the following skills:

How does it work?

Read the questions and texts when provided, then try to answer the questions. Some questions are easier; some are more difficult. Don’t worry if you don’t know the answer.

Try not to use a dictionary, other websites or books to help you – the idea is to find your natural level.

You can complete one or all three of the tests above if you wish.  Upon completion, take a note of your result (and perhaps any specific areas the tests revealed that you may benefit from developing).  

Do the test

To complete the test please click on the image or visit the website (opens in a new tab).

Click to start the test

What to do with your results?

Once you have gathered your results and areas for development you should book an appointment with an Academic Development Tutor to discuss your results and next steps for improvement. Please note, ALL discussions with an ADT will be strictly focused on academic work only.

You can book via our online booking system stating when booking that this is an: ‘EAP Initial Appointment.’ Alternatively, you can email a copy of your results to in advance of your appointment.