
This page contains material to help you study for exams. If you would like help with resit exams, look at the general information as well as the material designed specifically for resits.

Top tips

So, after you’ve decided what you are going to revise, you have to decide how you are going to do it. Below are some ideas that previous students have found useful.

Above are just some ideas and you may have others which work for you. The main thing to take from these tips is that the same thing will not work for everyone so you have to try different methods to find out what works for you.

Downloadable resources

Additional resources

GCU's Student Wellbeing team (opens in another tab) can be contacted if you feel you would benefit from help with anxiety. There are also lots of self-help resourses (opens in another tab).

Revision top tips (opens in another tab) from the University of Hull.