Learning Development Workshops


To attend a workshop, please book a place in advance as spaces are limited. All workshops will be in M323 and last 1 hour. When booking, please note down which workshops you have booked as we will not send any reminders!

If you have booked a place, but could no longer attend, please cancel your booking by emailing LDC_HLS@gcu.ac.uk as soon as possible to allow other students to book that place.

Academic writing conventions

Wednesday 14th February 1pm-2pm

Click here to watch workshop video if you can not attend.

Click here to view the video for the workshop

Cultural and academic transitions to a higher education setting

Wednesday 14th February 2pm-3pm

Critical writing

Wednesday 21st February 1pm-2pm

Understanding and dealing with procrastination

Wednesday 21st February 2pm-3pm


Wednesday 28th February 1pm-2pm

English for academic purposes (part 1 - writing strategies)

Wednesday 28th February 2pm - 3pm

Dealing with perfectionism and academic anxiety

Wednesday 6th March 1pm - 2pm

English for academic purposes (part 2 - reading strategies)

Wednesday 6th March 2pm - 3pm


Wednesday 13th March 1pm-2pm

Click here to watch workshop video if you can not attend.

Click on the image to go to the workshop video

Presentation skills

Wednesday 13th March 2pm - 3pm

Overcoming mental blocks to writing

Wednesday 20th March 1pm-2pm 

Exams preparation and technique

Wednesday 27th March 1pm-2pm

Click here to watch workshop video if you can not attend.

Click on the image to see the workshop video