Lewis Henry Morgan Lectures

2013 Peter van der Veer: "The Value of Comparison"

2012 Janet Carsten: The Social Life of Blood: "Transfers and Flows in Malaysia"

2011 Marisol de la Cadena: "Alternative Archives: Understanding Indigenous Politics the Andean Way"

2010 Sylvia Rofel and Lisa Yanagisako: "Managing the New Silk Road: Italian-Chinese Collaborations"

2009 James Ferguson: "Declarations of Dependence: Labor, Personhood, and Welfare in South Africa and Beyond"

2008 J. Lorand Matory: "The Other African Americans"

2007 Veena Das: "Everyday Life and the Claims of the Other"

2006 Tanya Luhrmann: "Learning to be an Evangelical Christian"

2005 Kay B. Warren: "Transnationalism: Global Solutions, Local Realities"

2004 Paul Farmer: "Swords of Sorrow: On Violence and Modernity"

2003 Elinor Ochs: "Becoming a Speaker of Culture"

2002 Frederick and Deborah Gewertz Errington: "Culture and Cargo: On Avoiding a History of the Self-Evident and the Self-Interested"

2001 Lila Abu-Lughod: "Media and the Ethnography of Nations"

2000 Ulf Hannerz: "Foreign News: Media and the World as a Single Place"

1999 Caroline H. Bledsoe: "The Contingent Lifecourse"

1998 Daniel Miller: "The Dialectics of Shopping"

1997 Jane I. Guyer: "Thresholds and Conversions: Explorations of Africa's Articulated Economies"

1996 Anne Stoler: "Ethnography in the Archives: Colonial Studies and the Historic Turn"

1995 Virginia Dominguez: "Sameness-es"

1994 Yoram Bilu: "Recentering the Sacred: The Revival of Saint Veneration in Contemporary Israel"

1993 Jean Lave: "On Changing Practice: Three Moments in the Study of Apprenticeship"

1992 Katherine Verdery: "The Transition from Socialism: Anthropology and Eastern Europe"

1991 Gilbert H. Herdt: "Secrecy and Society"

1990 Byron Good: "Medicine, Rationality & Experience: An Anthropological Perspective"

1989 Marilyn Strathern: "After Nature: English Kinship in the Late Twentieth Century"

1988 Jonathan Parry: "Death in Benares"

1987 Maurice Bloch: "Prey Into Hunter: The Politics of Religious Experience"

1986 Emily Martin: "The Meaning of Money in China and the United States"

1985 Lawrence Rosen: "The Anthropology of Justice: Law as Culture in Islamic Society"

1984 Stanley Tambiah: "Magic, Science, Religion and the Scope of Rationality"

1983 Margery Wolf: "China and the Anthropology of Women"

1982 Gananath Obeyesekere: "The Work of Culture: Symbolic Transformation in Psychoanalysis and Anthropology"

1981 Sally Falk Moore: "Social Facts and Fabrications: 'Customary' Law on Kilimanjaro 1880-1980"

1980 Robert Smith: "Japanese Society: Tradition, Self and the Social Order"

1979 Gilbert Lewis: "Pandora's Box"

1977 William Labov: "The Re-Organization of Reality"

1976 Nancy D. Munn: "The Fame of Gawa: A Symbolic Study of Value Transformation in a Massim (Papua, New Guinea) Society"

1975 F. G. Bailey: "Morality and Expediency: The Folklor of Academic Politics"

1975 Edmund Leach: "The Marxist Heritage of Lewis Morgan"

1974 Gregory Bateson: "Units of Evolution and Mind"

1973 Elizabeth Colson: "Tradition and Contract: The Problem of Order"

1972 Sidney Mintz: "The Past as a New Present: Caribbean Social History and the Modern World"

1971 Lloyd A. Fallers: "The Social Anthropology of the Nation-State"

1970 Floyd Lounsbury: "Historical Studies in the Language of Kinship"

1969 John Murra: "Reciprocity and Redistribution in Andean Civilizations"

1968 Ward A. Goodenough: "Description and Comparison in Cultural Anthropology"

1967 McKim Marriott in collaboration with Stanley A. Freed and Ralph W. Nicholas: "Hindu Caste Ranking"

1966 Victor W. Turner: "The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure."

1965 Robert McC. Adams: "The Evolution of Urban Society: Early Mesopotamia and Pre Hispanic Mexico"

1964 Fred Eggan: "The American Indian: Perspectives for the Study of Social Change"

1963 Meyer Fortes: "Kinship and the Social Order: The Legacy of Lewis Henry Morgan"

1963 Leslie A. White: "Lewis Henry Morgan: The Man, The Scientist"