MECH 2490 Capstone Project

MECH 2490 Process Management and Capstone Project

3rd Annual Mechatronics Open House- 2019 will be on Wednesday April 24th, 2019

Venue: Motlow Smyrna Center, rooms AWJ 110 and AWJ 111 


Important Deadlines:

Conceptual Design Presentation:  S01: 2/6/2019       S03: 2/7/2019

Detailed Design Presentation:   S01: 2/25/2019       S03: 2/26/2019

Final project demo & presentation:  April 24, 2019

Previouse Mechatronics Open Houses:

Class Materials:


Capstone Projects 2019:

Project 1: Team S-1: Development of a User-Friendly Interface for the Can Crushing system    Project Budget: $350

Project 2. Team S-2: System Upgrades: Replacement of the On-OFF Liquid-Level Control System with a Classical PID control & Replacement of the VoIP Phone by a Phone Charging Station  

            Project Budget: $350

Project 3. Team S-3: Research and Development of a Vision System for Surface Scuff/Scratch and Color Identification using the Keyence Camera Systems

            Project Budget: $1,000 (Project is funded by Kasai North America)

Project 4. Team S-4: Research and Development of a Vision System for Surface Scuffs/Scratch and Color Identification using the Cognex Vision System

            Project Budget: $9,000 (Project is funded by Kasai North America)

Note: Students working in teams S-3 and S-4 will have to sign a non-disclosure agreement for the company that funds the projects (Kasai North America)

Capstone Projects 2018:

Team 1  (Motlow McMinnville Center): Develop a can crusher for green lifestyle:

   Team 2  (Motlow McMinnville Center): Integration of ABB robot into the 870 mechatronics trainer:

   Team 3  (Motlow McMinnville Center): Development of a robot End Effector for the ABB Robot in the 870 mechatronics trainer:

Team 4 (Motlow Smyrna Center):  Cycle Time Improvement of the 870 mechatronics trainer in Smyrna Center

 Team 5 (Motlow Smyrna Center) : Can crusher for a green lifestyle.

Team 6 (Motlow Smyrna Center) : Incorporation of a Wireless Module for the Bearing Packaging Station

Team 7 (Motlow Smyrna Center) : Water level control with a filtration system for the Process Control Trainer

 In all programs, each step should be taken and documented:

Capstone Projects 2017: